What the Hell Have You Done to Me?

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I will not be taking a lung this time. Your continued support, comments, and favorites on every story (even the ones you don't ship) is enough. Thank you for always running to the new chapter as soon as I post them and for always reminding me why I love writing as much as I do❤️ This is chapter is one of two that I am posting, in dedication to you.

"Thanks for letting me drop by." Iida said with a sad smile as he looked at the fiery blond, who was sitting next to him on the couch.

"Figured we should talk too." Bakugo responded with a simple shrug. "Considering we're going to be communicating a lot more and you're gonna help raise our child."

"I mainly wanted to make sure that was okay actually. I know you and Momo are not together, but that is your child and I don't want to step on anybody's toes." Yaoyorozu told her boyfriend that the blond wouldn't have a problem with it, but he felt he had to talk to him himself.

"You think I'm going to tell you that you can't be with her? She deserves happiness and that's what you provide. Plus, I think you'll make a great dad too." Bakugo responded, void of emotion. Iida couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, liking the idea of being a dad. When his ex-wife was told she most likely wouldn't be able to have any more kids, it destroyed them both, since they wanted nothing more than to be parents.

"I think you will be too." Iida said as he pushed himself from the couch. "We can talk more later. She's allowed visitors today, so I'm going to go see her. She also gets phone privilege tonight, so I'd expect a call from her in the next couple of minutes or later tonight." He informed as he began walking towards the door. He could tell the fiery blond wasn't in the mood to talk, so he didn't want to overstay his welcome. As he was about to walk out the door, Bakugo's phone began ringing loudly on the small table in front of the couch.

"I guess now." Bakugo said as he looked at the caller ID. "Thanks for stopping by. We'll get together sometime soon when I'm feeling better." He said simply, knowing he could pick up on his sour mood.

"Have a good day." Iida replied, walking out the door. Bakugo picked up his phone, sliding the green button, and answered the call.

"Hey." He said gently into the phone, excited to hear from her.

"Hey, long time no chat. I don't think we've ever gone this long without talking." She said with a small laugh.

"We have not." The blond agreed. Not since she agreed to be his last-ditch effort a few years ago. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. The first three days were the hardest, but I'm doing better now. Our daughter is already starting to improve and become more active." She said with a smile.

"That's great to hear." He said with a smile, the first real smile he's had since his long night with his neighbor. "Any clue how long you're going to be there?"

"It's a 30 day program, but I won't leave until I feel ready to leave. I don't want to fall back down a self-destructive path." She informed. "I'm thinking 90 days at least, but there's a problem with that."

"What's the problem with that?" He asked as he pushed himself from the couch, grabbing his stuff for a shower.

"Our daughter will be born around that time, if not sooner. They suspect she is going to be a premie because of all the alcohol consumed. They're guessing she's going to make an appearance in two months or so. If I'm still here, I'm going to need you and Tenya to look after here until I do return." She informed with a heavy sigh. Debating whether or not she would return home after their child was born was a huge decision, but she didn't want to risk anything. She would rather not see her daughter for a few weeks than relapse.

"I know what I signed up for." Bakugo said in a playful tone. "I'm fully prepared to take whatever responsibility I need to take." He began digging through his closet, hoping to find something clean to wear to Kirishima's house.

"I've been thinking of names." She said with a hopeful tone. "I was thinking really hard on it and I think I figured out the one I like the most."

"What's that?" He questioned as he threw his clothes on the bed, and walked to the bathroom.

"Sora." She responded. "It's a unisex name and the main meaning is the sky or from the sky. I like to think she's a gift from her sister."

"I think it's perfect." Bakugo said happily. Talking about his future daughter definitely brightened his mood.

"Since we aren't married, I thought about using both of our last names for her, but it's a mouthful."

"So what did you want to do?" He questioned, sadness lingering in his voice about the possibility of not using his name.

"Well, if Tenya and I work out, my last name would change again." She started. "However, your last name will not. Sora Bakugo."

"If you and Iida do remarry, we could always hyphen his name in at any time."

"Sounds perfect to me." She responded happily. "I hope he's coming to visit me."

"He is." Bakugo informed. "He was leaving here when you called. It's a thirty-minute drive, so he should be there soon."

"I should probably go and freshen up some then."

"I have one more question before you do." Bakugo started nervously. "When you do go into labor-"

"You will be called immediately and you will be the only other person allowed in the delivery room." She cut him off, already knowing what he was going to say. If she gave birth while still in her program, they had strict rules, one of them being only one other person was allowed in the delivery room and she refused to take that away from the fiery blond. A wide smile spread across his face, feeling relief.

"Thank you Yaoyorozu." He whispered as he smiled to himself. "What's your visitor policy?" He asked as he began taking his dirty clothes off, getting ready to take a shower.

"The first two weeks I wasn't allowed any visitors. Weeks two through four, I'm allowed one and after that, I'm allowed whoever my counselor will approve of. I'm trying to get you approved so you can visit me." She responded. Bakugo was okay with Iida being the first visitor allowed, but he wanted to be added to that list at some point, especially if she was staying that long.

"Okay, keep me updated and call me again when you can."

"I will, thank you Bakugo; for everything." She whispered, glad everything had gone so smoothly.

"Call me next week, okay?" Bakugo questioned as he stood next to his shower, ready to turn it on.

"I will, have a good night Bakugo." She said happily.

"You too." He responded before the line went dead, ending the call. He let out a heavy sigh as he set the phone down on the sink and turned on his shower. He let the water get boiling before stepping inside. He put his head under the shower head, letting the hot water fall down his back and face. He lazily went through the same motions he did every time he showered. He washed his hair before washing his body, letting the water consume him. When he was done, he didn't make any move to get out of the shower though.

It had been two weeks since he had last talked to the green haired man and it was hitting him hard. He missed him, he missed everything about him. His green eyes, his freckles, his smile, and even his annoying mumbling habit, which he found surprisingly cute. Tears began pooling in his eyes, something he had gotten used to. Living next door to somebody you wanted to spend every waking second with was hard, especially when you didn't see each other anymore. He ran a hand through his hair, enjoying the lack of grease that had been there previously. I don't think you understand what you've done to me... He said to himself as he stepped back under the stream of water, letting it roll down his face with the tears.

The sound of another shower turning on got his attention, pulling him from his thoughts. He turned to the shower wall, knowing his neighbor had just gotten into his own shower. His bathroom was right next to his, only two shower walls and plumbing separating them. He raised his hand, setting it on the wall. What the hell have you done to me Izuku Midoriya?

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