It's a Small World

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❤️PART 5 of the update splurge❤️

"So Todoroki is leaving? For good?" Midoriya questioned with a wide smile as he stared deeply into the blond's red eyes.

"Yes. His father signed the contract and the jackass signed his too, so he's leaving the City. His father will have somebody notify us if he comes back to town for visits or something." Bakugo informed.

"Why didn't you guys take me with you to meet his father?"

"We just figured we would get it done quickly and quietly without you having to explain what he's done to you." Bakugo shrugged.

"I appreciate you guys doing that for me." Midoriya whispered as he broke eye contact, looking down at the blond's lips.

"I know a few ways you can make it up to me." Bakugo smirked as he reached his hands out, firmly gripping his crush's waist. He pulled him close to his body, smirking as he crashed their hips together.

"Yeah?" Midoriya questioned with a cocked brow as his hands rested on the blond's chest. "Care to explain what this is, in detail?" Bakugo smirked in reply as he bent his head down, placing slow kisses against his neck.

"Well first, you would unbutton my shirt and jeans." He murmured against his skin. "Then I would take your shirt and shorts off." He continued as the green haired man leaned his head back, letting out small moans as his neighbor's lips danced across his skin. "Then, we would make our way to the bedroom before we took our boxers off. I would throw you on the bed, admiring your sexy body as I began stretching you open, one finger at a time."

"S-sounds like a good time." Midoriya stuttered as his neighbor began gently sucking on his skin. Before the blond could respond, his phone rang loudly from his pocket. He pulled it out and hit the lock button, ignoring the call without looking at the Caller ID.

"Do you want me to keep telling you all the things I could do to you, or do you want me to throw you on the bed and show you?" The blond asked as he pulled away from his neck, trailing his right hand down to his hard member. His phone started ringing loudly from his pocket once more, causing him to let out a loud groan.

"I want you to see who's calling you." Midoriya responded with a frown. "If they're continuing to call, it might be important."

"Do you think I can just stop now? There's no way I'll be able to do anything until you're done moaning my name." Bakugo whispered in a deep voice as he continued rubbing his neighbor's hard member through his athletic shorts.

"Let's just do something to hold you over until later." Midoriya suggested as his hands fell from his chest to his jeans, slowly unbuttoning them. He dropped to his knees with a smirk as he slowly pulled the blond's zipper down. "Will that be okay?" He asked with an innocent smile, knowing he was anything but.

"I think that'll hold me over." The blond said with a smirk as he watched his member spring from his boxers. He hissed when the cold air hit his member, almost immediately growing warm as the green-haired man took as much of his member in his mouth as he could. "W-wasting no time, huh?" The blond said in a low voice as his breathing got heavier. Midoriya shook his head back and forth as he grabbed the sides of the blond's legs, helping him balance. He took a deep breath in through his nose and took as much of Bakugo's member down his throat as he could.

"F-fuck.." The blond moaned as he leaned back against the counter, gripping the edge for support. He gripped his hands until his knuckles turned white as the green haired man continued deep throating him. "S-shit Izuku-" He groaned as his right hand shot forward, roughly gripping his neighbor's green curls. Midoriya moaned around his member, causing the blond to moan louder from the vibrations. "I-I'm close-" Midoriya began teasing his tip and slit as he brought his right hand up, quickly stroking him. "S-Shit!" The blond hissed as he twisted his hand, harshly pulling on the green haired man's curly hair. Midoriya hummed in response, causing the blond to moan quietly at the feeling of the vibrations around his member. Bakugo let out a few more small moans and short breaths before he began chasing his orgasm, spilling his fluids down the back of the green haired man's throat.

"F-fuck-" Bakugo moaned as Midoriya swallowed every drop he was given. "You're so fucking good at everything." The blond added as the green haired man slowly pulled off his member, sucking extra hard on the tip for more stimulation.

"Now, see who keeps calling you." The freckled man ordered as he brought his right hand to his mouth, using his thumb to wipe the drool off the corner of his mouth. Bakugo rolled his eyes as his phone rang loudly for the fourth time. With a heavy sigh, he slipped it out of his pocket as he watched his neighbor pull his boxers and pants back up before zipping and buttoning his jeans with a smirk.

"Hello?" Bakugo spat into the phone, not thrilled about being interrupted.

"Bakugo?" A panicked voice questioned on the other end of the call. The blond pulled away from his phone to see who was calling, not quiet recognizing the voice over the phone.

"Yaoyorozu?" He questioned in reply. Midoriya stood up slowly, looking confused and shocked at the same time.

"I'm at the hospital and I was wondering if you'd be willing to stop by? It's not urgent, but it's important." She said nervously.

"Right now?" He questioned with a heavy sigh since this was not what he planning to do with his day.

"Yes, right now." She responded.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, text me your room number."

"I will, thank you." She whispered in response as the line went dead, signaling she had hung up. The blond groaned loudly as he pulled the phone away from his ear and shoved it back in his pocket.

"Yaoyorozu? Momo Yaoyorozu?" Midoriya questioned with a cocked brow.

"Yeah, didn't know you knew her." The blond responded as he looked down at his neighbor's still hard member, wishing he could help with that.

"How do you know her?" The green haired man asked, hoping she wasn't another victim of the blond's addiction.

"She's my last ditch effort." Bakugo informed. "How do you know her?"

"She used to be one of my closest friends." Midoriya informed as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "She's Iida's ex-wife." Bakugo's eyes widened in shock, unsure if he was telling the truth. "She was the pregnant woman that Todoroki pushed down the stairs."


"Thanks for stopping by." Yaoyorozu said with a soft smile as she lay against the back of her bed, propped up.

"Are you okay?" Bakugo questioned, struggling to look at her the same way he did before. He never bothered thinking about what caused her alcohol problem, but he knew what it was now.

"I'm fine." She responded as the blond took a seat on the small couch against the wall to the left side of her bed. He wasn't sure if she had anybody else to call, but he assumed not since she called him. They weren't even close after all.

"I had been having really bad cramping and stomach pain the last week or so, so I finally decided to make an appointment." She started nervously. He stared at her in confusion, not liking how serious she sounded. "Before I tell you what's going on, I need you to know that you're the only person I've been within the last two years."

Bakugo's eyes widened in shock as his heart started beating rapidly. The color drained from his face and he felt sick to his stomach, he felt like he was going to throw up right there in her room. He knew what she was going to say, how could he not? She called him, nobody else. She had to have other people she could call especially since he knew Iida was trying to get back with his ex-wife, he just didn't know who it was until today. He looked at her nervous expression before she flashed him a sad smile.

"I'm pregnant."


😈Would y'all hate me if I left you here😈

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