Second Chances

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❤️I wouldn't leave y'all on THAT cliffhanger❤️

"I'm not expecting you to stick around and I'm not asking you to either. I just needed to tell you since I've already decided to keep the baby." Bakugo didn't say anything as he continued staring at her with wide eyes. He had so much he wanted to say, but he couldn't form any words. He gripped the arm of the couch extremely tight to keep the room from spinning, but it didn't help.

"I'm not asking you to be a part of the baby's life, I just wanted you to know the truth. I won't ask for child support and I'll let you sign all parental rights as soon as they're born." She informed, hoping he would say something. He let out a shaky breath as he squeezed his eyes tightly. He knew this was always a possibility, he had been having sex almost every day for years and it was with several different people. He knew a condom was eventually going to break, he was surprised it took this long.

"H-how far along are you?" He asked quietly as he opened his eyes, thankful the room had finally stopped spinning.

"Apparently around six months. I definitely don't look it, but the baby is incredibly small." She whispered sadly. "Mainly due to my drinking."

"You didn't know." He responded immediately. "You said it was one in a million chance you could ever get pregnant, so you didn't expect it." He pushed himself from the couch, slowly making his way across the room to her bed. "Don't beat yourself up over it." He whispered as he connected his eyes with hers. Her onyx eyes stared back at him in confusion and surprise.

"Have you told anybody else?" He questioned as he took a seat on the edge of her bed by her waist.

"No." She shook her head. "I'm going to call my ex-husband as soon as you leave. We were trying to make things work and this will affect that, so I want to let him know as soon as possible."

"He's going to kill me." Bakugo said with a heavy sigh. He was determined to start seeing Midoriya again since he found out the truth about Todoroki and he also likes hanging out with Sero and Kirishima, so he wasn't excited for their next encounter.

"When he mentioned you to me the other day, I wasn't sure how I felt about you two hanging out honestly. He's always been the jealous type." She informed with a nervous laugh.

"Well, he's going to have to get used to it." The blond started as he turned to look at her once more. "Granted, being a father wasn't in my plans anywhere in my future, but it is now." Her eyes widened in shock.

"Y-you want the baby too?" She asked.

"Obviously you and I aren't going to be together or anything, but yeah." He whispered as he glanced down at her stomach. She may not have noticed it or thought she just put on weight, but she did have a small bump. It only looked like she was maybe two or three months pregnant though, definitely not six. "We can rotate custody weekly until they start school, then we'll figure it out from there. Share the holidays since we're both in town." Tears started forming in her eyes as she listened to his words. "We'll have some stuff to figure out before then, but I'm sure we'll be okay. The baby okay?" He asked. He knew how much alcohol she drank since he was her main supplier, he wouldn't be surprised if something was wrong with the baby.

"They've run a bunch of test and everything has come back normal so far. Their only concern is how small they are, but that's it for now. They've already got me on all sorts of medication. I'm supposed to be discharged later this evening as long as everything else looks okay."

"That great." He whispered with a soft smile.

"I won't hate you if you want to run the other way you know, it's my responsibility." She whispered, surprised he hadn't done so already.

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