Five Days

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🌟 I wasn't going to post another chapter tonight, but I wanted to announce the new BakuDeku story that I have in the works! So please enjoy this chapter and enjoy the promo for my new story at the end.🌟

"You've survived five days." Bakugo said with a smile as he lay on his bed in the dark. He only had one window in his studio apartment and he usually kept the blinds shut.

"Barely, but I have." Midoriya responded with a nervous laugh. "It was horrible, not gonna lie. I was vomiting everything I tried to digest and I felt like I got hit by a truck."

"How are you feeling now?" The blond asked. He was excited that the green haired man chose to get clean for him, but he was also upset that it hurt him so much to do so.

"After I eventually let them put an IV in my arm and tried eating small things, I started to feel better. I moved up to my second room this morning, so the worst of my withdrawals are over." He informed.

"Second room?" Bakugo questioned in confusion. He looked into the rehab after dropping him off, but he couldn't find too much information about it without trying to admit somebody or himself. The only thing he knew for sure was it was entirely different than the state-funded one that Yaouorozu was in.

"I have three different rooms that I'm going to he in. The first one was next to the nurse's station since they suspected my symptoms would be extremely bad, and the second one is closer to my counselor's office since I'll be spending most of my time there and I'll still be closely monitored and the final one gives me a little more independence. It's a pretty cool concept actually." Midoriya explained.

"Sounds like it." Bakugo responded with a sad smile. He just wanted the next three weeks to fly by so he could come home and be in his own room.

"What have you been up to?" Midoriya questioned. Bakugo frowned into the phone.

"Truth?" He questioned with a nervous laugh. "Porn. Lots and lots of porn." Midoriya chuckled into the phone, enjoying the feeling of happiness filling his body for the first time since he arrived at rehab. "I've seen my therapist twice so far and he's been pretty helpful I guess."

"How many times have you fed your addiction since I've left?" The green haired man asked, scared to know the answer. He knew this was going to be a painstaking process and he was prepared for it, but it didn't mean it hurt any less.

"Two." Bakugo responded with a smirk. It may not seek like he was trying, but two people in five days was a win for him.

"I'm impressed." Midoriya responded with a light laugh.

"My therapist told me to try and go every other day the rest of this week before trying to cut it out altogether. He also advised I go see my dad, but I'm iffy on that."

"That's completely your call, but I think it will help. Especially since he said he was proud of you for the first time after you lost your virginity. I think a heart-to-heart will do you good. However, that is your addiction and your recovery. You do what you're comfortable doing." He explained. Just because something would work for him, doesn't mean it would work for everybody else.

"I think I'm going to, I just don't know when I'll be ready to do so." He responded with a heavy sigh. Not wanting to talk about his father anymore, he changed the direction of the conversation. "So after talking to my therapist, I figured something out about our living situation."

"What's that?" Midoriya questioned with a smile at his use of 'our living situation'.

"It's hard for me to be in my apartment and it's even worse being in yours." Bakugo began with a heavy sigh. "Everything I look at reminds me of the things I'm trying to forget."

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