The Start of Everything

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"Bakubro, you good?" Kirishima asked as he took a seat next to his best friend. "You look exhausted."

"That's because I am." The fiery blond let out a loud groan as he set his head on the table. "I don't know why I agreed to take an eight o'clock class, especially in Psychology."

"Are you ever going to tell me what your majoring in?" The redhead questioned as the coffee that he previously ordered arrived at the table. He quickly thanked the worker before turning back to his best friend.

"If I told you, you would never believe me anyway." Bakugo replied simply. He had an image he was trying to protect and he didn't want the world to know who he really was yet. "I'll tell you when pigs fly."

"Kaminari is in accounting and he's passing. If he can do that, pigs must be flying." He said with a laugh. He absolutely loved his other best friend, but he couldn't help but playfully bully him. Bakugo scoffed in reply as he picked his head up from the table, taking a drink from his black coffee.

"You said you were getting assigned your partner for your end of term project today, who'd you get?" Kirishima questioned, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Midoriya." The blond replied as he rolled his eyes. Truthfully, he didn't know too much about the green haired man. He was quiet and reserved. He didn't have close friends and from a previous group project, he knew he didn't have any family left either.

"At least it will be easier to get together with him since he lives across the hall, plus he's the top of our class."

"True, but I hardly ever see him. He's taking as many classes as he can and I know he works at that fancy restaurant right off campus." Bakugo replied as he thought back to the few times he had actually seen his neighbor. It was usually passing in the hallway of their building or class, but that was it.

"What's he wanting to do after he graduates?" Kirishima asked as he took a drink of his coffee.

"I think a psychiatrist, but I'm not positive." He responded as he looked at the redhead sitting next to him. "Hey Shitty Hair, I have a question." He stated suddenly as he recalled who had visited the green haired man just two days before.

"What's up?" Kirishima questioned as he set his drink down on the table.

"Your boyfriend, what does he do for a living?" The blond questioned calmly. The color on the redhead's face drained. Nobody had ever questioned what his boyfriend did for a living, so he never knew what to say. "And you can tell me the truth."

"From the way you're asking, it kind of sounds like you already have an idea." Kirishima replied nervously as his best friend looked at him. He let out a heavy sigh as he leaned closer to his ear. "He's a drug dealer." Bakugo scoffed in reply.

"I was hoping that was it and he wasn't cheating on you. He's in and out of a lot of houses near me and it's always in the middle of the night. He was actually at Midoriya's the other night." He informed as he picked up his coffee once more. "Do you know anything about that?"

"Sorry bro, he doesn't tell me anything about any potential clients." He responded as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Thankfully, the sound of the front door hitting the small bell stopped their conversation. They turned around to see the green haired man walking in. He scanned around the cafe before spotting the duo a few tables back. He awkwardly smiled as he made his way over to them.

"I'm going to grab a coffee, then we can start." He informed the blond as he set his bag on an empty chair across from the duo. He sent a soft smile to the redhead before disappearing to the counter to order his coffee. Bakugo couldn't help but watch him curiously as he walked away. Something about Midoriya made his red eyes stay glued to his back. He was a quiet young adult and nobody really knew too much about him, but he wanted to. He wasn't sure why, but something was pulling his interest.

"What's that look about?" Kirishima questioned as he nudged his best friend, grabbing his attention once more.

"He intrigues me." The blond replied with a simple shrug. "Do you happen to know if he's into guys?" He questioned bluntly as he turned his head towards the green haired man once more.

"He is, but I wish you luck with that. I don't know him too well, but I do know a few things that Sero's told me since he's pretty much the closest thing he has to a best friend." He started explaining as grabbed his bag from the floor. "He's gay, so you're in luck there." He stated, causing his best friend to smirk. "The night his mom died, he went to his ex's house for comfort. Unfortunately, he walked in on his ex sleeping with his best friend. Sero said he's had these giant walls up since then."

"His boyfriend and best friend?" Bakugo questioned with a cocked brow. It was cliché, but it happened more often than people realized. Who else is your boyfriend close to other than his friends and family? The only person you hang out with just as much as you hang out with him.

"So you have fun, I'm going to get going so you can work on your project." He said as he stood up, grabbing his now empty coffee cup. "I'll see you in class later." Bakugo nodded in response as the green haired man started making his way towards the table.

"Since this was a last minute thing, I didn't have time to run home and grab my laptop." Bakugo informed as Midoriya went to sit on the opposite side of him.

"That's fine, I'll just turn mine sideways." The green haired man replied with a shrug as he set his ice coffee down on the table. "Did you pick someone from the list?" He asked as he grabbed everything from his bag, setting it all up on the table.

"Yeah, I picked Genie Wiley." He responded with a groan. This was one project they weren't looking forward to doing. They had to study a case about feral children and how they were treated medically once they rejoined civilization and write a report on it. They then had to write how that would be handled in today's time with newer technology and better doctors. They also had to write a full essay on how they would handle the case, going into their given professions.

"Can't we just take a zero on this project?" Midoriya questioned as he set his head on the table.

"If it wasn't worth almost 60% of our grade, I would say yes." Bakugo groaned in reply. It broke his heart to read about these stories and know there was nothing that could be done. He wanted to help kids like this, but he wanted to help them before they ever got to this point.

"Did you want to split this up into sections to work on solo?" Midoriya asked as he began looking over everything they had to do. The estimated completion time was 90-96 hours. Thankfully they had a month to do it, but that still meant they had to work on it for at least three hours every day.

"If we work on it solo, that means we would both only have to work an hour or two every day. If we worked together, would end up working at least three, but we would probably have a higher grade." Bakugo responded as he glanced at the computer screen, reading all the details.

"I don't think this is going to take us as long as the estimated completion time says." Midoriya said with a hint of hope in his voice as he lifted his head from the table. "If we can do the research separately and come together to write the actual essay, I think we'll be just fine."

"Well, where do you want to start?" Bakugo asked as he watched the man across from him take a small sip of coffee. Something else he failed to notice earlier was how good he looked. The way his green curls shaped his face, the way his freckles were sprawled across his cheeks and nose, and his bright emerald eyes and he couldn't help but find the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose to be extra cute.

"Fuck." He mumbled to himself as he dropped his head on the table, causing the thud to echo through the cafe.

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