Is it Worth it?

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"He's interesting to say the least." Midoriya said with a nervous chuckle. "He's a little broken, but I think we all are in today's time."

"Just remember, you can't fix everybody." Sero reminded with a heavy sigh. "You tried to fix Todoroki, but that didn't work. He abused you for months with the promise of giving you drugs if you didn't tell anybody."

"That was different." Midoriya responded as he looked down to the ground, avoiding his friend's stare.

"Uraraka had a shopping problem. She stole money from you and would even steal your belongings and pawn them for more money so she could go shopping." He informed as he rolled his eyes.

"She has a shopping addiction." The freckled man responded in defense. "People with addictions do crazy and stupid stuff all the time."

"I know they do, we have both done some crazy stuff for our addictions." Sero reminded as his dark eyes connected with his friend's bright green eyes.

"You went to rehab and got help though." Midoriya reminded.

"But before I did that, I slept with my dealer to get my supply, then slept with you as payment." He let out a heavy sigh as he thought back to when he first started dealing. "I may not be addicted to heroin anymore, but that doesn't mean I ever got better you know. I still deal and help people feed their own addictions."

"Why do you still deal?" Midoriya asked bluntly. He and Sero hardly ever had the heart-to-heart conversations when they hung out, so it was nice when they did.

"Money honestly." He responded as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "I'm paying for Eijiro's schooling and I'm hoping to have enough saved to buy a nice house when he's done."

"If you get caught, you lose all of that money and you'll spend years in jail." Midoriya warned. "Is that worth it? Possibly never seeing Eijiro again and losing everything you have?"

"Is your life worth these drugs?" Sero countered. "You gave me back an empty bottle in two weeks, which means you're double dosing."

"I'm aware of what I'm doing." Midoriya snapped in reply. "I'm aware of my own addictions."

"You can't keep helping people with their addictions as a way to avoid yours. You can't fix everybody that walks into your life." He reminded as he stood from the couch. Kirishima was picking him up after his last class and it was about time for him to go.

"I'm not trying to fix anybody!" Midoriya said defensively.

"You're going to be a therapist and psychiatrist." Sero responded, rolling his eyes. "Trying to fix people is what you do." He informed as he grabbed his bag. "I think you won't truly be able to help anybody until you help yourself." He said with a heavy sigh. He always promised to be truthful to the green haired man and he planned to. "You better make those two bottles last two and a half months because I wasn't kidding when I said I wouldn't sell them to you any sooner than that."

"Fine." Midoriya said coldly. If Sero wouldn't sell to him, he would just find somebody else. He isn't the only person in the city. "I'll see you later." He said with a defeated sigh. He wanted to be mad at him for the things he said, but he couldn't be; not when it was all true.

"Bye!" He yelled to him as he walked out the door, leaving the empty pill bottle on the table. He slung his bag over his shoulder and shut the door behind him as he made his way down the stairs. When he opened the front door, he saw his boyfriend parked in his black Mazda on the street. He smiled softly as he walked to the car, opening the door.

"Get in, quickly." Kirishima spat coldly.

"What's going on?" Sero questioned in confusion as he got in the car, setting his bag between his legs.

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