Is he Worth Waiting for?

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❤️PART 4 of the update splurge❤️

"How's classes going? You're almost done with this semester, right?" Toshinori questioned as he sat across from the green haired man at his dining room table, clutching a cup of tea in his hand.

"I have two more weeks and then finals for a week and a half. After that, I only have one more semester before I'm free." He said with a small laugh.

"Are you doing the summer semester?" The elder man questioned.

"No, I'm going to take it off to work and resume in the fall. The summer semester is much shorter and causes me to only sleep five hours a week, so it isn't worth it most of the time." He explained simply.

"Did you need help paying for anything kid? Food money, rent money, school money, or anything else?" The blond asked.

"No, I have a good job. It's a fancy restaurant that is crazy expensive, so my tips are always great." The green haired man replied with a soft smile. "Thank you though, I really appreciate it."

"I've got you through whatever kid.. I told you that when I adopted you." Toshinori said with a sad smile. "You sure you're okay? You don't seem as energetic as you usually do." Normally the reason for that would be that Midoriya hadn't taken any pills today, but that wasn't the case. He had taken them, he just had a lot on his mind.

"I'm okay, just thinking a lot lately." The freckled man responded honestly.

"About what?" Toshinori asked his adopted son as he took a sip of his tea.

"I think I have feelings for someone, and I never thought I would after what Todoroki did to me when I lost my mom years ago. It's terrifying and I don't know how to handle it." Midoriya admitted with a frown.

"Kid, it's been six and a half years since then, it was bound to happen eventually. Maybe it is time for you to get back into the dating game." Toshinori suggested with a simple shrug.

"He's a good guy at least." Midoriya stated as he nervously scratched the back of his neck, annoyed by the thick hood surrounding his neck. He was still covered in hickeys from Bakugo and he didn't want to show them off to his parent. "He's funny, smart, good looking and he has a good heart, even if he doesn't always act like it. He has this 'I don't care' attitude, but he's a softie under it all. He cares about the people in his life and would do anything for them. He also has the most beautiful ruby eyes that I could get lost in forever."

"So what's wrong with him?" His father questioned with a cocked brow. "If he's as great as you say, there has to be something stopping you."

"He's a sex addict." Midoriya responded simply. The nice thing about Toshinori was that he could talk openly to him about anything. He didn't meet him until he was seventeen, so it didn't affect him like it would have if he were talking to his actual father.

"Izuku.." The blond whispered in a warning tone.

"I know." The green haired man responded with a heavy sigh. "That's the reason I haven't made a move yet. He can't stay faithful in a relationship and I don't want to be hurt like that again. However, he said he's been thinking about getting more help for his addiction, he just isn't ready to take the first step just yet."

"Is he worth waiting for?" Toshinori questioned as he took a small sip from his drink.

"I think so." Midoriya responded with a soft smile. "He's made me want to believe in people again. I've only had one friend since Todoroki and Uraraka and it feels nice to want to trust in someone again." He mumbled. "It's also terrifying."

"Trust can be terrifying." The blond agreed. "If you think he's worth waiting for, then wait for him." He let out a heavy sigh. "Just promise me you won't get involved romantically until he gets his shit together... I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I don't want to hurt because of that either, so I won't." Midoriya let out a small sigh.

"Tell me more about him." His adoptive father ordered with a gentle smile.

"What do you want to know?" The green haired man asked with a soft smile, thankful the elder man didn't shut it down completely.

"Is he going to school? Does he live with his parents? Where does he work?" Toshinori asked.

"He's going to the same school as me, hoping to be a social worker and possibly even a foster parent one day." Midoriya informed, causing the blond to smile. "His mom died when he was really young and his dad turned into an abusive alcoholic. He ended up in foster care for a bit before his dad got him back, but he never made any effort to get better. I'm positive his sex addiction stems from something his father used to tell him actually. He told me his dad has been sober for a year or two, but he doesn't want to reconnect with his dad yet." He whispered sadly. "He also doesn't work right now. He got some money from his mom when she passed away. He didn't have access to it until he turned 18, so he's been using that to pay for school and focus on his studies."

"Sounds like he has his own childhood trauma." Toshinori whispered sadly. Over the years of being a foster parent, he had seen and heard about some horrible things that these kids had been through. He wished he was able to help every kid more, but he was only one person. He never wanted any kid to go through something traumatic like his son had.

"He does, but he's working on overcoming it." Midoriya informed. "I have a thing for broken people."

"With what you're majoring in, I would assume so." Toshinori replied with a small laugh. "Just promise me you'll come to me if you need help with anything, and I mean anything Izuku."

"I promise I will."

"I hope this guy you're interested in gets his shit together." He said with a soft smile. He had watched his adopted son do nothing but hurt and smile through the pain since the moment he met him. He deserved happiness, he just hoped he would find it soon.

"Yeah, me too." Midoriya said. "I think you'll like him you know. Next time we plan for dinner, maybe I'll bring him along."

"That'd be nice." The blond said before the topic was changed. The two spent a few more hours catching up before Toshinori decided it was time to head home, leaving the green haired man alone once more.

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