Give it up

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Sorry, I disappeared to see a movie, but here you go❤️ By the way, the password was Worcestershire Sauce😂😂😂

"You haven't been here in a few years, is there a specific reason why you're back?" Nero questioned as he looked down at Bakugo's old file. "I know you said it's to battle your ongoing sex addiction, but what about it? You had it under moderate control when you stopped seeing me previously. Has it gotten out of control again?"

"It's because I want to give it up entirely." Bakugo responded with a groan as he relaxed back into his leather chair. Nero was his favorite therapist he had seen previously. He only stopped seeing him because he wasn't ready to take any more steps further. This time, he was ready to quit it all.

"Want to give me some backstory for that?" Nero questioned as he ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair.

"I knocked somebody up." Bakugo started with a heavy sigh. "Before you ask, yes I was safe. Condoms just break sometimes."

"Okay, go on then." Nero said with a nod of approval.

"She told me I could sign away all parental rights, but I didn't want to. We came to an agreement that we would share custody of our daughter." He informed. "She's not the only reason I want to get this under control though." He paused as an image of his neighbor popped into his head. It had only been two days and he already missed his freckles and bright green eyes. "I fell in love." Nero cocked an eyebrow as he began writing in his file once more.

"With?" His therapist questioned.

"His name is Izuku." Bakugo started with a smile as he imagined running his hand over his mass of freckles like he had every time he saw him. "He's my neighbor."

"Tell me a little about him." Nero ordered gently, setting his pen down. When the blond stopped seeing him a few years ago, he always knew he was going to come back because of this. He knew that one day, he was going to fall in love and want to change. He wasn't expecting him back for a few more years, but he was happy Bakugo finally had the motivation to say goodbye to his addiction.

"He has one more semester of undergrad left before he starts his doctorate degree in Psychology." He started with a smile. It was weird to think that in a couple more years, Midoriya was going to be the one behind the clipboard and files. "His parents both died when he was young and he got shuffled around the foster system for a while before being adopted." Bakugo knew he didn't want to know what his favorite color was or how he liked his coffee, he wanted to know what he meant to him. He wanted to know why the blond fell in love with him.

"How did his parents die?" Nero questioned as he began writing in the file once more.

"His dad overdosed when he was a teenager and his mom killed herself when she found out he was abusing drugs too." Bakugo stated in a rushed tone. He couldn't imagine always carrying around the burden and feeling of being the reason your mom decided to end her life.

"He was abusing drugs?" Nero questioned with a cocked brow.

"He has been for at least ten years." Bakugo responded with a heavy sigh. "He checked into rehab two days ago."

"So he's getting clean?" Nero questioned.

"Yes. He said he loves me and my unborn daughter enough to get clean." The blond showed a soft smile. "Obviously I'm here because I love him just as much."

"Your love is either going to make or break you two." Nero said with a heavy sigh. You weren't supposed to be forming relationships through recovery because caring for somebody made you do stupid things. However, they were fighting different addictions and they still had great support. They could only hope they would motivate each other more than they would tempt each other.

"I'd like to think we'll help each other out." Bakugo responded with a shrug. "I know when I see him after he gets out in three weeks, I'm going to want to rip his clothes off, so I'm going to need a lot of self-control."

"Do you have a timeline that you want to have this under control by, or are you playing by ear?" Nero questioned as he dug through the file, trying to find the last notes he wrote years ago.

"He gets out in three weeks, so preferably by then."

"That means you have to follow every schedule I tell you exactly Bakugo. I can help you, but you have to want to help yourself too." Nero said with a heavy sigh as he pulled the only notepad out of the giant file.

"I'll do whatever it takes." He responded sadly. He knew it was going to be hard and he knew what Nero was about to tell him, but he was willing to do it. He wanted to love Midoriya freely, so he didn't have a choice.

"When is the last time you've had sex?" Nero questioned as he began writing down the schedule he wanted the blond to follow.

"Last night." Bakugo admitted with a nervous smile.

"That's what I figured." His therapist responded. "This first week, I want you to give up sex half of the week. Every other day should be fine, feel free to pleasure yourself on your off days." Nero said with a bored expression as he handed him a piece of paper. Bakugo's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. He would never understand how some people could talk about this so casually with people they didn't know. He got embarrassed every time he had to.

"You want me to have sex a total of three more times before giving it up entirely?" He questioned as he looked over the piece of paper. Nothing but masturbation and porn after that. He said to himself with a heavy sigh.

"Yes." Nero responded simply. "I also want you to come and see me three times a week for the next few months."

"Anything else before I leave for today?" Bakugo questioned.

"Go see your dad." Nero responded with a shrug. Bakugo was different than most other patients he had. You could never make anything feel like a big deal, or he would blow it off. You always had to sound as uninterested as you physically could.

"I knew you were going to say that." The blond replied with a heavy sigh as he folded the paper, shoving it in his pocket. "Is that actually going to help me with my addiction, or is that to battle a deeper trauma that I don't care about?" He scoffed.

"Bakugo, go see your dad." Nero responded with a heavy sigh as he began shuffling through his filing cabinets, placing the fiery blonds in the front.

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