Chapter 4

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Harry arrived home late Friday evening with a crick in his neck and a serious need for a hot bath. The only problem was, though, he didn't have a bathtub to take a bath in. Not even a super deep sink that he could fit himself into. So, Harry grabbed his overnight bag, threw a few clothes in, and hopped back in his car to drive to his boyfriend's house.

His boyfriend lived one town over, about twenty minutes from Harry's apartment with no traffic. The man owned a large penthouse in an apartment building, right in the center of town. He ran a small chain of hotels that were placed all over the nation, each one with kind employees, top-notch amenities, and 24-hour service. Harry had no idea how he pulled someone so rich and smart, and rich, but he was happy with Thomas. The man made him feel all mushy inside, and that's really all he cared about. Nothing else mattered.

    The twenty-two-year-old pulled up outside of Thomas's building a half hour later, parking the car in the fancy parking garage. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder before unlocking the gate, Thomas having given him the gate code less than a month after they met. Thomas's apartment was on the fifteenth floor so Harry pressed the button for the elevator, which was never out of order, and rode all the way up to the top with no other passengers.

He slid his key into the button for the penthouse and the doors opened, revealing the man's lavish apartment. Usually, when Harry would get there, Thomas would be lounging on the chaise in the front room as he worked, or he would be in the kitchen making himself a drink. Non-alcoholic, of course, because he didn't drink. Harry was, of course, the opposite, drinking as much as he could on the weekend before he had to go back to work on Monday. Long weekends were his favorite simply because they gave him an extra day to get over his hangover.

    "Baby, I'm home! Where are you?" Harry called as he wandered through the apartment, peeking into the bedroom and bathroom as he walked around. Thomas wasn't anywhere to be found and Harry frowned, finally just flopping down on the couch and turning the tv on. He flipped through the channels and stopped on the Hallmark channel.

It was only early November, but Harry was ready for Christmas. He had already decorated his whole apartment for Christmas and his small, artificial tree was up in the corner of his kitchen/dining room/living room. Christmas was always a good time for him because it meant buying stuff for people and getting stuff from people, and also seeing Liam, but that didn't matter as much as the other things.

"Reggie! Baby, are you in here?" Harry's ears perked up when he heard the sound of his totally posh boyfriend's voice.

    The sound of claws clacking against the floor were heard from the other room and then a big Saint Bernard was bounding into the room, his paws sliding across the hardwood floors.

"Hi, baby! Hi, buddy! Oh how I missed you today!"

Harry followed the sound of his boyfriend's voice and found him kneeling on the floor, his arms wrapped around the big dog.

"I'm so sorry I was gone all night, buddy," Thomas cooed, chuckling when Reggie started slobbering all over his face. "I know, I know."

Harry smiled and stepped forward, running his fingers through Thomas's buzzed hair.

"What the fu- Oh my god, Harry. You scared the shit out of me." Thomas placed a hand over his heart and got up from the floor, pulling Harry into a warm hug. "Hi, baby. I missed you," He said, his voice muffled against Harry's shirt.

"What, do I not get an excited hug like Reggie?" Harry asked after they pulled away, his bottom lip jutted out in his trademark pout. Thomas chuckled and shook his head at the younger man.

    "Turn into a cute Saint Bernard and slobber all over my face and then I'll give you the same kind of love."

"But then you wouldn't fuck me anymore."

Thomas let out a laugh and took hold of Harry's hand, leading him into the kitchen. He grabbed the man around the waist and set him up on the counter before going over to one of the cabinets to pull down a box of pasta.

"What do you want for dinner, baby? I was gonna make some pasta for myself, but I can make something different for you."

Harry shrugged and reached his arms out for the man to hold him. Thomas smiled and shook his head at the younger man.

"You really are needy today, aren't you? I smell like my office, just warning you."

Harry smiled and let himself be wrapped up in his boyfriend's strong arms, holding his breath since he hated the smell of Thomas's office.

"I love you," Thomas mumbled, pressing a kiss to the side of Harry's head. Harry just hummed and nuzzled his face deeper into the man's neck.

"You smell like paste and jam," Thomas whispered into Harry's ear as he kissed his cheek.

"I know. I smell like the school. It's great, innit?"

The older man laughed and pecked the younger man's lips, his hands gripping his love handles. "You wanna go take a bath while I make you dinner? You look tired." Harry smiled and nodded before hopping off the counter.

"Be back in an hour. I need a good, long soak." He kissed the older man on the cheek and sauntered off to the bathroom, stripping off his sweater and jeans as he went. The bathroom was beautiful, with crown molding and gold trim, very Victorian, and the bathtub was a classic clawfoot with gold taps. Harry turned the water on and plugged the drain before messing around with the bubbles, trying to find a good scent.

The man finally chose lavender and vanilla, with a rose body wash. Thomas knew to keep a large selection for him since he came over at least once a week just to use his bathtub. Harry poured the bubbles into the flowing water and then capped the bottle, setting it back on the shelf where he got it from.

When the tub was full, he dipped his toe in to test the temperature and then climbed in, resting his head against the back of the tub. "Ah," He sighed as the warm water enveloped his body, steam rising off of it and floating into the air. The sound of the faucet dripping and the water swishing echoed around the bathroom and Harry just smiled, finally allowing himself to relax for the first time in over a week.

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now