Chapter 64

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The plane landed smoothly on the tarmac and Louis and Harry were the first to leave, a little perk that Louis got for taking a photo with the captain. They stepped off the plane and made their way through the airport to the car park, where a big black SUV was waiting for them. Louis opened the door for Harry and helped him get in, then got in behind him. They waited as the driver loaded their bags into the trunk, Harry's hands nervously playing with the hem of his sweater.

"The drive is probably going to be about an hour, okay? The hotel is in the middle of the city, close to everything."

"Where is Lottie and Stevie's place?"

"It's a few miles outside of the city. I'll call them this evening and see if they want us to go see them tomorrow, maybe spend the day with them." Harry nodded and laid his head on Louis's shoulder. "You feeling okay?" Louis asked, rubbing his hand over Harry's shoulder. Harry hummed and shook his head.

"My ears still haven't popped and they really hurt." Louis cooed and kissed the side of Harry's head.

"Want me to do anything for you?"

"No, it's okay. I'll just have to wait until they pop. It'll happen eventually." Louis nodded and pulled Harry closer, laying his head against Harry's.

"Okay, just wait it out, we'll be at the hotel soon."

Louis chatted quietly with the driver as they rode into the city, partly because he needed to refresh his French, and partly because he was a really cool guy. He played guitar and also wrote his own music, so Louis made sure to get his name and number to give to his manager in London.

They got to the hotel by noon and the driver helped Harry unload the car while Louis checked them in.

"So, uh, is this your first time in the city?" The driver, whose name was Antoine, asked.

"Uh, yeah. Well, it's my first time in the country. Louis wanted to take me on a short holiday."

"Ah, I see. The city is beautiful at night. That's when I would do most of my sightseeing if I were you." Harry nodded and pulled his backpack onto his shoulder.

"Thanks for the advice, mate. We're only here for a few days, so we'll only be able to do a limited number of things, and we're spending the day with family tomorrow."

"Well, I gave Mr. Tomlinson my number, and I would be honored to drive you anywhere you would like to go."

"Sick, mate." Harry took the last suitcase out of the car and Antoine shut the trunk, leaving the two of them to stand on the sidewalk while they waited for Louis to come to collect them. He winced when he saw Antoine's gaze fall to his bum, cursing himself for not wearing looser pants.

"So, are you and Mr. Tomlinson brothers, or..." Antoine met Harry's eyes and then looked away, making Harry sigh in annoyance before he responded.

"Uh, we're together, actually."

"Oh. Of course. Someone as beautiful as you could never be single. Should've known that." Antoine rocked back and forth on his heels, looking down at the pavement.

"Yeah, you should have," Harry grunted before lowering his voice. "It's not like we haven't been all over each other ever since we got here. How dim can you get?"

"You're right, I'm sorry, Mr..." Antoine trailed off with uncertainty.

"Tomlinson." Antoine's eyebrows rose.

"Oh, are you and Mr. Tomlinson-"

"Married? Yes. It was a beautiful ceremony, small, but intimate. We still aren't exactly public about it, so keep this between me and you, if you know what I'm saying." Harry winked at Antoine before looking back to the front steps of the hotel. Louis came through the double doors and walked down the steps, holding up a keycard with a bright grin.

"Best room in the house, baby," Louis stated once he hopped off the last step. "Come on, in we go." Louis took Harry's hand and grabbed a suitcase with his other hand, pulling him up the steps while Antoine trailed behind with the rest of their bags.

Harry kept his hand tight in Louis's the whole lift ride to the top floor, turning around every few seconds to make sure Antoine's eyes weren't roaming anywhere they weren't supposed to. When the lift dinged, signaling that they had reached their floor, Louis pulled Harry along, down the hallway to their suite at the end.

"Come on, Lou, I want to see the room," Harry whined. Louis shushed him and took the key card out of his pocket, swiping it in the slot to unlock the door.

"Well, go on. What are you waiting for?" Louis ushered Harry to open the door and the younger man obeyed.

Harry gasped when he stepped into the suite, his eyes roaming over the intricate details and fine architecture of the room.

"Is it everything you were hoping for, baby?" Louis asked, coming up behind Harry and wrapping his arms around his waist. Harry nodded gleefully and leaned into Louis's touch while Antoine watched in discomfort from the door.

"Umm, should I just leave these here?" Louis turned at the sound of Antoine's voice and nodded at the man.

"Yes, yes, we'll deal with them later. And here's your tip." Louis handed Antoine a handful of notes which the man took graciously.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Tomlinson. Call if you need anything." Antoine turned to leave. "Oh," He turned back around. "Congratulations." He waved and then left the room as a confused Louis stared at his retreating back.

"What did he mean, congratulations?" Louis asked, pinching Harry's side. Harry shrugged.

"I don't know, probably some weird French tradition, congratulating couples for going on holiday."

"Yeah," Louis said, sounding skeptical. "Well, whatever. I'm gonna go call Lotts to see when she wants to meet up. Are you good to start unpacking?" Harry nodded and took his suitcase from where Antoine had left it in the corner while Louis left the room to call Lottie. He unzipped the front pocket and pulled out their bag of toys, giggling when he remembered what they had done with them the day before.

Harry unpacked both of their suitcases and left their packs by the dresser, then flopped onto the downy bed to relax. The flight hadn't been too horrible, but he had a crick in his neck from the horrible angle his head had been at when he rested on Louis's shoulder. He stripped his pants and shirt off and stretched his arms above his head, gripping at the carved wooden beams of the headboard.

"Well, isn't this a lovely sight," Louis hummed when he walked back into the room, his eyes skirting all over Harry's exposed body, the expanse of pale skin blending beautifully with the cream-colored bedding. Louis traced a finger over Harry's left knee, trailing it up to the edge of his briefs before going back down and circling his ankle.

"So, what did Lottie say?"

"Don't try to distract me," Louis whined, leaning over Harry's lanky body to lick at one of his collarbones. "I'm just getting in the mood."

"You can be in the mood after you tell me what Lottie said about us coming over." Louis groaned but sat up, kneeling in between Harry's legs.

"Fine. She said that we can come over anytime we want and stay for as long as we want, but they're not usually up until ten."

"Do you want to head over around eleven then, maybe bring some lunch with us?" Louis nodded and then ducked his head to kiss Harry, letting his tongue roam all over Harry's sweet mouth.

"Taste so good. You got me so worked up on the plane, could have ripped all of my clothes off and fucked you right there if it wouldn't have gotten us arrested."

"Stop talking about it and just do it." Harry pulled Louis's shirt up and pulled it over his head. Louis grinned and dove down, attacking Harry's neck with his teeth and lips. "Fuck, Louis, right there." Louis sucked a bruise into Harry's jugular, making the younger man moan and grip Louis's biceps. "Fuck me, please."

"Of course, baby."

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