Chapter 62

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"Come on, Haz, baby, we're gonna miss all the good seats in the waiting area," Louis whined, tugging at the back of Harry's jacket like a toddler.

"Hush, Lou, I'll be done in a minute. Let me get my latte and then we can go." Harry smirked at the look on the barista's face. "It's our first trip together and he's a little anxious," Harry whispered, leaning toward the girl behind the counter. The girl gave a knowing nod and sent Harry a wink.

"Here's your coffee. Have fun on your trip." Harry thanked the barista and took Louis's hand, allowing the older man to practically drag him to the waiting area. They sat down on a bench near the charging station and Harry took his laptop out of his bag, wanting to get a headstart on his plans for when school was back in session.

"Whatcha doin'?" Louis asked, peering over Harry's shoulder.

"Just some lesson plans for next week." Louis hummed and wrapped his arm around Harry's waist.

"When do you go back?"

"Next Monday. Do you want to help me set up on that Wednesday? We're having a little party to celebrate a birthday." Louis nodded into Harry's shoulder.

"Of course. What will you need help with?"
"Oh, just some little things. Picking up cupcakes, hanging streamers, buying party hats. Nothing too crazy."
"Sounds great." Louis gave Harry a small peck on the cheek and then laid his head back on his shoulder, shutting his eyes. He hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, what with Harry being so excited about their trip. He had been nervous about getting to the airport on time for their nine o'clock flight, so he had stayed up all night and then forced Louis to drive them to the airport at five in the morning. It ended up being a good thing, though, because halfway to the airport, Louis realized that he had left their bag of sex toys at home and they needed to turn back around.

Louis's small rest was interrupted only a few minutes later when a group of three girls wandered their way over to the couple, staying off to the side near a trash can so as not to come off too abrasive.

"Can I help you girls?" Harry asked, barely looking away from his laptop as he tried to nudge Louis off of his shoulder. The tallest girl, a brunette with chocolate-brown eyes, was pushed forward by her friends.

"Would we- sorry, um could we be able to take a-a picture with you, Louis- I mean Mr. Tomlinson?" Louis smiled up at the girl and moved to stand up.

"Of course, love. And no need to call me Mr. Tomlinson. Louis works just fine." Louis gestured for the other two to come over and one of them, a redhead with incredibly long eyelashes, took her phone out of her pocket and tapped Harry on the shoulder.

"Umm, could you take our picture for us?" Harry gave her his most charming smile and nodded, taking her phone from her and standing up. Louis pulled the three girls close, rising on his tiptoes to get closer to their heights, and Harry tried to tamp down the jealousy in his stomach when the shortest girl pressed her cheek to Louis's. He counted to three and snapped a few photos, then handed the phone back to the redhead.

"Thank you so much, Louis. We'll leave you alone now." Louis waved to the three girls and they raced back to their seats, surely trying to get away so they could ogle the pictures out of Louis's sight.

"I'm glad that's over," Harry mumbled as he flopped back onto his seat. Louis frowned and grabbed his arm, forcing him to look at him.

"What's wrong? Why are you in a mood?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"That girl was all over you. I thought she was gonna try and kiss you, that's how close her face was to yours." Louis sighed.

"Haz, you're gonna have to learn to live with stuff like this. Fans will see me in public, they'll want to take pictures with me, and they'll want to hug me and hold my hand and get close to me. It's not the end of the world. She was just excited, okay?"

"She didn't even ask if it was okay to get that close to you, though. What happened to treating strangers with respect?"
"Hey," Louis said, taking on a sharper tone. "Stop acting like those girls did something wrong. I've been in the same position they've been in and I'm sure you have too. Your brain goes into overdrive during moments like that. I'm not mad at her, so you shouldn't be either." Harry bit his lip.

"I'm not mad. I'm just a little jealous." Louis cupped Harry's cheek and then moved it to the back of his neck, pressing their foreheads together.

"You shouldn't be jealous either. You know I would never look at anyone but you. You have nothing to worry about. I'm all yours."

"All mine?" Louis smiled.

"Yes, all yours."

"Good. Cause if you belonged to anyone else I'd probably die." Louis chuckled and kissed the younger man.

"Then I'm glad I don't belong to anyone else." Harry kissed Louis, making sure that the fans could see them. No matter what Louis said, Harry would always get jealous when someone touched him, and he reveled in the feeling of showing everyone Louis was his. They pulled apart after a moment, Louis pushing Harry away with a hand on his chest. "Not in public Haz. There's always a pap somewhere, and I don't want you to be plastered all over the front page of some silly gossip magazine."

"But don't you want them to know that you're taken?" Louis gave Harry a sympathetic smile.

"Of course I want people to know. I want the whole world to know that you're mine. But I need to talk to my manager about how we reveal our relationship to the public."

"Why can't we just let them see us and then have them put all the pieces together themselves?"

"Because last time I let the paps see me with someone, they put his face all over the internet and called him a gold digger and a slut. I don't want them to do that to you, even if it means I have to disguise myself whenever we go out in public."

"Oh. Okay." Harry looked down at his hands, fiddling with his thumbs. Louis tugged a hand through his hair and made him look up.

"Hey. What's on your mind?" Harry shrugged.

"You've been with other people." Louis frowned.

"Yeah," He replied in a questioning tone. "So have you. You broke up with someone just to be with me." Harry pursed his lips.

"But it's not the same."

"What do you mean, it's not the same? We've both been in other relationships with people in the last five years. Sounds like it's the same to me."

"No, Lou, I mean..." Harry trailed off, trying to find the right words. "You're a pop star. You have fans. You're a household name for some people." Louis nodded, a quizzical look on his face. "So, that means that people talk about your relationships, and compare all of your past...lovers." Harry grimaced at the word.

"What do you mean, Haz?" Louis was pretty sure he knew what Harry was leading up to saying, but the thought of Harry feeling that way made him ill.

"I mean...people are going to look at me and compare me to the people you've been with before." Louis opened his mouth to interject, but Harry stopped him. "Louis, you know I'm right. You see it happen all of the time, with all celebrities. People want to have an opinion on things that shouldn't matter to them so they can feel special. They're going to have a favorite boyfriend of yours, they're going to say things like, 'Oh, he's cute, but so-and-so looked way better with him' and, 'I think Louis should get back together with this guy because he always looked so happy with him'."

"Haz, you don't know that they're going to do that." Harry sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you do, Louis, and I know too because I used to do the same thing with you. I would look at pap pictures of you and I would say that you looked better with someone else, or that you were always glowing when you were with this or that guy. And then I would get jealous because I knew I ever had a shot with you."

"What?" Harry blinked back tears.

"I always knew, Louis. It was you since the day I first saw you on Liam's couch, and even when I didn't really know, I knew that you were it for me."

"You pictured yourself with me? Even when you were with...him?" Harry nodded, making Louis grin. "Wow. Fate really is something, innit?" Harry giggled and smacked Louis's arm.

"Shut up."

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now