Chapter 67

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Louis and Harry arrived home at six the next morning, tired and irritated and jet-lagged. They hadn't spoken more than a few words to each other since their fight the day before and Harry felt like he was about to burst at the seams. He just wanted Louis to look at him and see how sorry he was, but he still refused eye contact.

When they walked through the door, Louis tossed his bag on the hallway floor and then went up to the bedroom. Harry followed him up the stairs but went to the guest room at the other end of the hall. He knew Louis didn't want to look at him, maybe never again.

Harry laid down on the bed when he entered the room and took his phone out of his pocket. He pressed Niall's contact and waited for the man to answer.

"Harry!" Niall said through a mouthful of food. "How's your vacation with the boy going? Lots of sex, yeah? I bet you two can't stop doing it, huh?"

"Niall," Harry practically whispered, tears threatening to spill.

"What, Haz? What's up? You sound like you're about to cry. Louis didn't try to pull anything, did he?" Niall fumed and Harry shook his head.

"No, no, I fucked up, Niall. I fucked up so bad and now Louis hates me and he's never going to talk to me again," Harry cried, praying that Louis couldn't hear him through the wall.

"What did you do, Haz?"

"I can't even tell you, Niall, I was just so awful."

"Tell me, Haz. You're not solving anything by not telling me. You know I would never judge you." Harry took a deep breath.

"I...I told a guy that was flirting with me that Louis and I were married and then he told the press about it, and now it's all over Twitter and in magazines. His manager wants him to fix it but I don't think he can and now he hates me and he's gonna break up with me." Harry's words came out in a jumble and Niall barely heard what he said. "I'm a horrible boyfriend!" Harry let out a pathetic wail.

"Hey, hey, hey, shh, calm down, Haz. It's okay. Louis's just upset. Honestly, I would be too if I were him." Harry sobbed again. "Harry, calm down. I think he just needs some time. Put yourself in his shoes. He doesn't have a normal life. Everything is calculated and planned. When you do something publicly, especially against what he's been told to do, that puts his career in danger. He's always going to get the blame, no matter whose fault it is. Yeah?" Harry sniffled and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Good. Now just give him a little bit of time, maybe a few days. If he really wants to break up with you after some time apart, then maybe that's what's best. Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I think I will."

"Are you really going to be okay or do you need me to come get you? I don't have any problem doing that."

"No, I'm fine, Ni. Plus, don't you need to go get your man?" Niall laughed dryly.

"Ha ha, very funny, Harry. Bye."

"Bye, Ni. I love you."

"Love you too." Niall hung up and Harry flopped back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He rolled over and faced the wall, clasping his hands under his head. His eyes watered as he thought about how if Louis still loved him, he would come in and wrap his arms around him from behind. He would tuck his face into his neck and press sweet little kisses to his cheek and jawline, and then he would slide one hand up his shirt to play with the baby hairs on his stomach. Harry wrapped his own arm around his stomach and curled up into the fetal position, tucking his face into the pillow that smelled nothing like Louis.

Harry fell asleep after an hour of crying, his tears drying on his face and pillow as his breathing evened out.

Louis came into the guest room half an hour after Harry fell asleep. He had heard all of Harry's phone call with Niall and he felt bad that he had made Harry cry. His mind was trying to work through everything that was going on, what with his manager being pissed at him, and being pissed at Harry, and not wanting to hurt the man's feelings. He didn't want to hurt Harry, but his career could have ended the second Antoine told the press. Thankfully it hadn't, but only because he had spent nearly three hours on the phone with his manager, trying to figure out how to do damage control.

Louis perched on the edge of Harry's bed and stroked a hand through his hair. He always looked so peaceful when he slept, even with the tear tracks on his cheeks and his runny nose. Louis regretted yelling at him. He had let his anger take over, just like he always did, and he had made the sweetest boy cry.

"Lou?" Harry turned over and looked up at Louis in confusion. He had to be dreaming. Why else would Louis be in his room? Louis nodded and pulled Harry into his arms, tucking his face into the younger man's neck.

"I'm here, baby, I'm here."

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now