Chapter 55

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"Baby, can I get you a drink?" Louis asked as he and Harry settled down at the kitchen island to work on their individual work projects. Harry had to plan for his kids to take a field trip to a local arthouse and Louis had to set up a full portfolio of new songs for his next meeting with his manager.

"Umm, could I have a glass of white wine?" Harry asked, fluttering his eyelashes at the older man. Louis nodded and grabbed a fresh bottle from the fridge. Harry watched as Louis moved around the kitchen with ease, wanting to scream how in love he was with his domesticity. He could only dream of their future, with Louis serving breakfast to their babies in the mornings before they had to get to school.

"What are you staring at?" Louis broke Harry's train of thought and the younger man blushed.

"Cheeky." Louis waved the wine opener and Harry's face and winked. "Do you want a full glass or a half glass?"

"Who do you think I am? A full glass, of course." Harry pressed a hand against his chest, offended.

"Of course, I shouldn't have even asked. Here you go, baby." Louis handed Harry a full glass and sat down across from him at the island.

"Thank you. What are you working on?" Louis sighed as he dug through the papers he had laid out on the counter.

"Just putting some songs together to show my manager. I think I've finally got some stuff that he'll like. You're an amazing muse, you know." Harry blushed at Louis's words, looking down at his hands.

"You write songs about me?"

"Of course I write songs about you. How could I not? You're the most positive thing in my life right now."

"Aww, thank you." Harry blew a kiss to Louis, who caught it and tucked it into his pocket.

"What about you? What are you working on?"

"Field trip paperwork. I'm taking my kids on a trip to the art gallery, which is literally the only thing I could get approved for, but I still need, like, a million signatures from all of the parents. I just want to take them to see art and paint rocks. Is that too much to ask?" Louis chuckled and shook his head.

"School regulations make absolutely no sense. Don't know how you stand it." Harry shrugged.

"It's my calling. I've always known I wanted to be a preschool teacher."

"I could never do what you do. I wouldn't be able to handle all of those little kids, all day every day. Like, I love kids, but they're absolutely batshit crazy, and a whole fucking roomful of them? No thank you." Harry giggled and sipped his wine.

"I love kids, especially the little ones. I love Ernie and Doris. They're adorable."

"They're the best. They make me want to be a dad." Harry smiled at the thought of Louis being a dad to their future children.

"I think you would make an amazing dad. You're so...immersive. I don't know if that's the right word, but you know what I mean, right?"

"I think I do." Louis winked at Harry and then went back to the papers in front of him. Harry watched him for a minute before clearing his throat.

"Hey, Lou?" Louis hummed and looked up at Harry for a second before looking back down at the sheet in front of him. "C-can we talk about the other night?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, like, we never really talked about it and I don't want you to think that I want to hurt you, because I don't. I really didn't know."

"It's okay, Haz, I promise." Louis reached a hand out and squeezed Harry's hand.

"Are you sure?" Harry bit his lip and Louis wanted to kiss away the uncertainty on his face.

"Yeah, baby. I'm sure."

"I just want you to know, I wasn't trying to fuck you or anything. I don't like to top. I my experience, guys seem to like that while they're getting blown, so I just wanted to try it. I should have asked you beforehand, though."

"Shh, Harry, it's okay. I'm not mad at you. You just wanted to make it more pleasurable for me, and I respect that."

"I just don't want to hurt you."

"You didn't hurt me, love. Just gave me a bit of a scare. I promise, you would know if you had hurt me."

"You're sure you don't hate me?" Louis chuckled.

"Of course I don't hate you, baby. I could never hate you. You are the most lovable person I know, and I know a lot of lovable people. Okay?"

"Okay." Harry smiled at Louis and then went back to his work. Louis watched him for a moment and then looked down at the mess of papers in front of him. He let out a sigh and arranged them in order of when he wrote them, then shook his head and picked up the sheets that had his two favorites on them.

"Haz, which one sounds better: Blue on Green or Green on Blue?" Harry shrugged.

"I don't know. What's the context?"

"Song titles."

"I think I like the name Blue on Green better, especially since I like it when you're on top." Louis rolled his eyes and set the papers back down.

"How do you even know that it's about that?" Harry snorted.

"Do you think I'm daft? Come on, Lou. Blue and green? You're so fucking obvious."

"Shut up. It's not that obvious."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Louis cocked a brow at Harry, challenging him.

"Do your fans know about us?" Harry asked, throwing Louis off from the original topic.

"Not officially, no, but they have their suspicions. Some of them are still pretty clueless. I've read quite a bit of fanfiction about me and my tour manager. It's quite good if I do say so myself, but a lot of them seem to think I'm a bottom. Don't see where they get that idea from." Harry smirked.

"It's your size. You're so small, you look like someone could just pick you up and fuck you. Not that you would let them, though. You'd probably kick them in the balls." Louis laughed.

"You're right. I've also seen many of them talk about my arse. For some reason, they think it's amazing, though I think it's fairly average."

"You must be joking?" Louis shook his head. "Come on, Lou, you have to admit. Your arse is one of God's most beautiful creations. You turned me into an ass man. I was all about dicks before you, but now it's just ass ass ass, all the time. Your arse truly is remarkable."

"Shut up."

"I'm dead serious, Lou. I would die for your arse. It's beautiful. Brings tears to my eyes when I think about it." Harry pretended to sniffle and wiped a few nonexistent tears from his eyes. Louis groaned and rolled his eyes at him.

"You're the absolute worst."

"And I love you too, Louis."

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now