Chapter 25

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tw: blood, self-harm

Louis didn't know where to go once he got into his car. He felt terrible, of course. Saying all of those disgusting things to Harry and then just walking out on him. How could he not have realized it was all just a dream? Harry would have never done something like that, not that early in the morning, at least. God, he was such an idiot.

Louis sighed and turned the car on, pulling out of the driveway and heading for town. He knew that he still had a good hour before he had to be at his meeting, so he didn't want to go to his management's building, but he didn't know where else he could go.

Louis drove around for a few minutes, looking at stores, window shopping, and spotting cute boys who he could try to get over Harry with, and then he saw it. The perfect place. Louis parked the car and got out, dashing across the street and opening the door to the store. The little bell over the door jingled when he opened it and a cheery-faced woman at the front of the store greeted Louis with a bright smile.

"Good morning, love. How may I help you?" The woman asked.

"I'm looking for something for a special someone. Could you help me find the perfect apology gift?" The woman smiled and nodded, slowly standing up and leaning on a cane.

"What would you like your apology gift to say, darling?" She asked as she led Louis to a back section of the store where a large wall of clipped flowers stood, creating a whole rainbow of bright colors and scents.

"I'm sorry for taking your love and appreciation for granted," Louis said as he looked down at his shoes, willing himself not to start crying in the middle of a flower shop.

"Well, I would use tulips," She plucked a few pink tulips. "For forgiveness and new beginnings. Then, roses," She picked three white roses. "For love and affection. Then, lilies, for humility and devotion." She picked up a handful of multicolored lilies. "And finally, orchids, to show power and strength, for letting your partner know that you really mean what you are saying."

The woman bundled all of the flowers together and took a piece of tissue paper from a small box next to the flowers, then brought them all over to the counter. Louis followed her and watched in amazement as she arranged the flowers perfectly, somehow making all of the colors meld but also complement each other. It was beautiful.

"Wow," Louis said, an awed look on his face. "How did you do that? You just took a bunch of flowers and made something so..." He trailed off, not having the words to describe how lovely the bouquet looked. The woman smiled.

"It's just the result of working in the flower business since I was fifteen. Now, would you like to add a card or just the flowers?"

"I don't know. What do you think?" The woman patted Louis's hand.

"I think that sometimes flowers can say a lot more than some card. Don't you think?" Louis nodded and took the wrapped bouquet.

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you so much. Really. These are perfect for my friend."

"No need to thank me, darling. It's just what I do. You make music, I make flower arrangements."
"How did you know I make music?"

"My grandson is obsessed with you. He's always prancing around the house, singing along to your songs. Actually, I would like to thank you." Louis's brows furrowed.

"Why do you want to thank me?" The woman patted his hand again.

"You are the reason that my grandson came out to his family. You helped him realize that being open is good." Louis pressed a hand to his heart.

"You can't even understand how happy that makes me. Here, can I have one of those cards? I'll pay for it, I promise." The woman smiled and waved him off.

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now