Chapter 51

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"So, Louis, how does it feel to be twenty-five?" Mark asked as they all sat around the table for lunch. Louis shrugged and took a sip of his orange juice, but Harry gasped and nearly dropped his food in his lap.

"Louis, you didn't tell me it was your birthday! What the heck is wrong with you?" He smacked the man across the shoulder. "Why wouldn't you tell your own boyfriend when your birthday is? I need to get you a present. God."

"My birthday was yesterday."

"Yesterday?" Harry shrieked. "Jesus Christ, Lou! You turned twenty-five yesterday and you didn't even bother mentioning it to me? When we get home you are in so much trouble!" Harry huffed and crossed his arms as Mark barked out a laugh.

"Didn't mean to get you in trouble, son," Mark said as he clapped a hand on Louis's shoulder. Louis shrugged him off and slipped his hand into Harry's under the table.

"Didn't think it was that big of a deal. It was just my birthday, not like it was some big thing." Harry gasped and pressed a hand over his heart.

"How dare you suggest that your birthday is not the biggest event of the year. I am going to shower you with presents, just you wait." Mark barked out a laugh.

"Don't even try, Harry. When Louis was younger, he would threaten his mum and I if we made too big of a fuss over his birthday. He never even let us tell our friends when his birthday was. He was one strange kid, he was."

"Why's that, Lou? What's so wrong with your birthday that you had to keep it hidden from me?" Harry asked, nudging Louis's shoulder.

"Nothing. It's just weird to have a birthday so close to the holidays so I just thought it would be easier if I just had everyone forget about it."

"Aww, Lou. That's so sad. I'm going to make up for all of your lost birthdays. I'll make you all of your favorite foods and we'll watch your favorite movies. The whole day will be about you." Louis smiled as Harry kissed his cheek.

"That sounds lovely." Louis stretched his arms above his head and then moved his arm around Harry. "Hey, dad, when are Lottie and Stevie calling?" Mark sighed.

"Change of plans. Lottie and Stevie are meeting with their wedding planner in Italy so they can't call us until next week?" Louis rolled his eyes.

"She's always ditching us to fly off somewhere with that wedding planner. It's like she's more important to Lotts than us." Mark grunted.

"I don't want to say too much, but I have a feeling that that girl is much more than a wedding planner to Stevie and Lottie." Louis's eyes widened and he coughed into his hand.

"Seriously? Wow. Never thought Lottie would be into that, but whatever works for her." Mark gave Louis a sharp look and went back to his plate of eggs.

"Don't joke about it."

"Wasn't a joke. Just saying that I always thought of her as monogamous. I wasn't trying to be rude. I respect all of her choices."

"Don't talk about that stuff in front of the kids. They're too young to hear that kind of talk."

"What? What did I say?"

"You can't say words like," Mark leaned in closer and whispered, "monogamous. It's inappropriate."

"God, dad. Shut up. You're the one that brought this whole thing up in the first place."

"Don't speak to me like that, Louis. You may not live here anymore but you can bet your ass that you have to follow my rules." Louis stood up, fuming, and he pulled Harry up with him.

"Dad, you're the one who started this shit. Don't get pissed just because you don't approve of your daughter's sexuality."

"Hey! I am more accepting of her sexuality than anyone! I never said that I disapproved of anything, I just said that this is not a good conversation for a family meal. Now you watch your mouth. I will not tolerate you cursing in front of the children."

"I'm sorry."

"I know. Please, sit back down, Louis."

"I don't know, dad. I think it might be better if Harry and I just leave. We still have to exchange our own gifts at home and we had a really late night last night." Louis grabbed his and Harry's coats from the hook on the far wall. He helped Harry into his coat, then put on his own. Mark went into the other room and grabbed Louis's bag of gifts.

"Don't forget these." He handed the bag to Louis. "It was nice having you over, son. And it was nice seeing you again, Harry." Harry shook Mark's hand, then smiled as the girls ran over and pulled the two of them into a hug.

"Bye, girls. I'm going to miss you." Louis ruffled Doris's hair as Harry brought Ernie up onto his hip.

"Bye, Ernie. I'll see you again soon, buddy. Okay?" Ernie giggled and brushed his nose against Harry's.

"Okay, Haz, I guess we should go. Yeah?" Harry nodded and reluctantly set Ernie back down on the ground. Louis took Harry's hand and walked with him out to the car while the family stood in the doorway and waved to him.

"Did you have fun, baby?" Louis asked as he strapped in and turned the car on. Harry nodded.

"Yeah, it was loads of fun. Your family's the best. I didn't like it when you and your dad started fighting, though." Louis rubbed Harry's knee.

"I know. My dad and I do that a lot. A side effect of my running off when I was seventeen. We rarely see eye-to-eye."

"You ran off when you were seventeen?" Harry asked with wide eyes. Louis nodded.

"Yeah. Right after me mum passed away. I went off with my boyfriend, Kyle, and I just stopped talking to everyone else in my life. He was abusive, though. It was really bad. I left him around the time you moved in with Liam."

"Oh. That's...horrible."

"Yeah, it sucked. But please don't feel bad for me. That part of my life is over and now I have you. I've got all I need." Harry smiled and kissed Louis's shoulder.

"You're all I need, too. No more food, no more water, just Louis, all the time." Louis chuckled.

"Shut up." Harry grinned and leaned his head back against the window.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me that yesterday was your birthday. I'm gonna kill you when we get home."

"Oh, yeah? What if I don't want you to kill me?" Harry smirked.

"Then I'm going to give you the most mind-blowing birthday sex you have ever had."

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now