Chapter 53

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Harry woke up a few hours later to an empty space beside him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, seeing that it was now dark outside, and his ears perked up when he heard the sound of water running. Louis was in the shower and he was singing something Harry had never heard before. Harry got up from the bed and shuffled over to the master bathroom where Louis's voice was emanating from. He opened the door and stepped inside, hit with a cloud of steam and the scent of Louis's cucumber melon body wash.

    "Louis?" Harry said, stepping closer to the shower so that he could make out Louis's distorted form through the glass door.

    "Did I wake you up, baby?" Harry smiled and slid his fingers into the hem of his panties, sliding them down his legs.

    "No, don't worry. I was already awake when I heard you." That was a lie, Louis had definitely woken Harry up, but he didn't need to know that. "You need some company in there?" Harry asked, his hand already on the shower door.

    "I don't know, baby. What kind of company are you offering?"

    "What kind of company do you want?" Louis smiled when he heard the door open and he turned around so that his back was facing Harry. "Nice view," Harry said softly, barely heard over the sound of the rain shower. Louis chuckled and rubbed his hands over his ass, pretending to wash it. Harry groaned. "Don't do that."

    "Do what? I'm just washing myself. Do you want to help?" Harry bit his lip and wrapped his fingers around Louis's wrist.

"I want you to wash me." Louis turned around and squinted at Harry through the water.

"Yeah? Want me to wash you? Where?"

"Where do you think, dumbass?" Louis chuckled and put a soapy hand to Harry's cheek.

"Hmm, I think...your feet." Before Harry could realize what was happening, Louis had pulled him to the floor of the shower and brought his feet into his lap, tickling him. Harry screeched and tried to pull away but Louis had a tight hold on his ankle.

"Lou, stop!" Harry squealed. "That's not what I meant!"

"It's not? Oh, that's too bad." Louis sighed and took Harry's leg out of his lap. "What did you mean, then?"

"Want you to touch my arse," Harry whined.

"Ohh, that's what you meant. Why didn't you just say so?"

"Shut up." Harry smacked Louis's shoulder and turned around, bending over to show off his ass to Louis.

"You're acting awful greedy, aren't you, baby? Should I give you what you want when you haven't been acting like a good boy?"

"'m a good boy, always a good boy for you, daddy. Touch me, I'll be good, promise." Harry shook his ass in Louis's face. Louis hummed and reached forward, running a hand down Harry's spine.

"I don't know. Maybe I should just wait until we get out of the shower. Shouldn't waste any water, what with the current climate crisis, and while I'm thinking of that, what's your opinion on solar panels? I've been wanting to get them for a while but I'm not really sure on who has the best ones, or even just where to find them, and maybe I should just-" Louis was stopped by Harry turning off the shower and then tackling him with a dripping wet kiss, his long, slippery body covering Louis's.

"God, Louis, shut the fuck up." Louis smirked and grabbed Harry's bum, pulling him closer.

"Why? I'm just trying to be environmentally conscious."

"Now is not the time."

"It's always a great time to discuss the environment. After all, this earth is all we have."

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now