Chapter 22

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Later that night, Louis and Harry were curled up on both sides of Louis's couch in his basement den, watching shit reality tv. Harry was burrowed under a mountain of blankets, only his eyes peeking out from the middle. He looked adorable. Absolutely adorable. Louis had wanted to cuddle him so bad but he knew that was crossing a line, even though they hadn't established many lines yet.

    "Lou," Harry said from under his fort of blankets. Louis hummed and looked over at him.

What, Haz?"

"Can I spend the night here? Please?" Louis couldn't refuse those puppy-dog eyes no matter how hard he tried.

    "Of course, love. Of course. May I ask why?" Louis didn't want to push him, but he at least wanted to know why Harry didn't want to stay at his own place.

    "I don't really wanna talk about it."

    "You know you can tell me anything, Haz, right?" Harry nodded and took a deep breath.

    "My heat and water got turned off because I was short on my rent. The apartment's all cold and I can't shower"

"Oh, Haz." Louis frowned and scooched closer to the younger man, not caring about what lines he was crossing anymore. "Why didn't you tell me?"

    "I didn't want you to think I was trying to ask you for money. You have so much and I'm struggling just to get enough food on my table for the week. I'm pathetic."

"Haz, I don't care how much money you have. Do you really think I'm that shallow that I would judge you for your income?" Louis replied, insulted that Harry would ever think he would judge him.

"Lou, you don't get it." Louis's brows furrowed.

"What exactly don't I get, Haz? I wasn't exactly rich before my album started selling, you know." Harry sighed.

"Look, Lou. When was the last time you couldn't have dinner because you simply couldn't afford it? When was the last time you couldn't bathe because you couldn't afford to use the water? When was the last time you didn't make your rent and you were physically threatened by your landlord? Huh?" Louis paled and leaned closer to the younger man.

"Your landlord tried to hurt you? When did this happen? Haz, you have to report him." Harry shook his head, his lower lip trembling and his hands fidgeting in his lap.

"He told me if I told anyone what he did, I would lose the apartment and all of my stuff. I would be homeless, Lou. I can't tell anyone. I can't risk that."

"What did he say? What did he say to you?" Louis took Harry's wrists and held them tight. Harry took a deep, shaky breath.

"He told me to make my rent or he would find me and force my rent out of me. And then h-he-" Harry was stopped by a loud sob that erupted from his throat. Louis jumped forward and pulled Harry into his lap, holding him close and petting his hair.

"Shh, love, calm down. You're alright, I'm right here, darling. I'll make sure no one ever hurts you. Now, can you tell me what he did?" Louis pulled back from Harry and looked right into his eyes. Harry nodded.

"H-He pinned me against the wall and h-he touched me. Over my trousers. Lou, I felt so dirty. I felt like I did something wrong and now he's going to hurt me, Lou. I shouldn't have told you." Louis's jaw clenched and his hands formed fists as they wrapped tighter around Harry's shaking frame.

"I'm gonna figure this out for you, okay? It's all gonna be okay, Haz. You'll be alright. We'll be alright. Everything's going to be okay, love. Hush, my darling. You have no need to worry. I'll look after you."

"I'm sorry, Louis. I'm so sorry. I feel like such a bother."

"No, Haz. You could never be a bother. I love you so much." Louis inhaled sharply as soon as the words left his mouth and he felt Harry stiffen in his arms. "Haz, I didn't-"

"Shh, Lou. Please."

"I didn't mean i-"

Louis was silenced by a pair of lips smashing into his own. He let out a small grunt and pulled back from Harry, not wanting to go too far.

"Haz, what are you doing?" Louis looked right into Harry's eyes, wanting to see whatever he was saying with his eyes.

"Lou, I can't be with Thomas anymore. He...He's not right for me. He doesn't treat me right. But can take care of me. You love me, Louis. Thomas doesn't love me like you do." Harry leaned forward and grabbed Louis's shoulders, trying to kiss him again.

"Haz, stop. Are you going to break up with him? I need to know that you're going to break up with him before we do anything." Harry whined and shook his head, leaning in to kiss him again. Louis pushed him back, though. "Tell me, Harry. Are you going to break up with Thomas or not?"

"I don't know, Lou. Maybe, maybe not. Just kiss me, please. I know you want to. Show me how much you love me, Louis. Show me you care."

"Haz, we can't. You're going to regret this in the morning. Let me just take you up to bed and then we'll figure all of this out tomorrow. Come on, love."

Louis stood up and pulled Harry to his feet, holding his hand tight and leading him to the staircase. Harry leaned heavily on Louis's arm, small puffs of breath coming from his lips and tickling Louis's ear. Louis took him up both sets of stairs to the second floor of the house and they stopped in front of one of the guest rooms. He opened the door and pulled Harry, helping him to the bed and laying him down. Harry's eyes fluttered closed and Louis placed a light kiss on his forehead.

"Good night, Haz. Sleep tight." Louis switched the light off beside the bed and turned to leave the room. The sheets rustled for a second and then Harry's sleepy voice broke the silence.

"I love you, Lou." Louis smiled to himself and turned around, locking eyes with Harry, even in the dark room.

"I love you too, Haz." Louis blew a kiss to Harry and then left the guest room. He closed the door and leaned back against it, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath.

"What the fuck did I just do?"

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now