Chapter 9

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The first time Louis went to check out what he now knew as Harry's workplace, he decided to stop by the bakery first to grab some pastries to bribe people with to get information. He only knew the address, nothing about what his specific job title was or what part of the building he worked in, so he needed to learn those things somehow. Hence, the pastries and lattes. Louis took the small box of treats and the tray of coffees with him to the front of the building and managed to open the door, walking into what he presumed was the front office. A cheery woman with a horrendous cat Christmas sweater was sitting at the desk and he tried to give her his best warm smile, going up to her with a small burst of confidence.

"Good afternoon, ma'am," He said, setting down the box of pastries.

" Afternoon, love. How may I help you?" The woman smiled at him, pushing her glasses further up her face so she could see him clearly.

"Yes, I was wondering where Harry Styles's classroom is?" He asked politely, trying to seem like he belonged there.

    "Oh, you must be the boyfriend. I am so happy to meet you. Thomas, right?" She clapped her hands together and came around the desk, giving Louis a once-over with gleeful eyes.

"Oh, no, I'm not Harry's boyfriend. I'm a friend of his brother's. My name is Louis Tomlinson." The woman frowned and pouted her lower lip out.

"Oooh, that's too bad. Harry has been keeping that boy from us and we all want to meet him really bad. I was hoping I could brag about being the first one to meet him."

Louis tried to give her an apologetic look but he failed pretty badly. He really didn't want to be compared to Harry's new beau.

"Well, anyway, Harry's got a class right now, but school ends in about fifteen minutes if you want to wait until then. I just can't let you in there when he has students because it would be breaking safety protocol." Louis nodded and sat down in one of the cushioned chairs lined along the wall.

"No, that's fine. I can wait."

    The secretary gave him a twinkling smile and went back behind the desk, opening up a wedding magazine to flip through.

"My daughter's getting married."

Louis looked up and saw the woman's eyes peeking at him from over the magazine.

"I honestly don't think the man she's marrying is the right one, but it's her decision. You might be good for her, though. You're just her type." Louis coughed uncomfortably and looked down at his Vans-clad feet.

"Uh, I'm not..." The woman giggled from behind the magazine.

"Oh, my bad. Just thought there might be a chance you were. I'll just keep my big mouth shut."

The man smiled and went back to scrolling through his Instagram feed, but he couldn't help going back to Harry's page. He hadn't followed him or anything drastic like that, but he sure spent a lot of time looking through it. Louis just couldn't get over how much the boy, man, had changed.

About twenty minutes later, the first teacher came into the office to check out and Louis sighed in relief, glad that the school day was finally over so he could see Harry.

"Mr. Tomlinson, you can go see Harry now," The secretary called from behind the desk and Louis stood up.

"What room is he in?"

"Go out that door and turn left, and then turn right into that small hallway, he's in room twenty-eight."

Louis nodded and left the room, following her instructions until he found a bright pink door with rainbows pasted all over it, a large twenty-eight right in the middle.

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now