Chapter 26

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"Haz, are you almost done in there?" Louis called from his bedroom as he straightened his shirt. He sighed when no response came from the closet and opened the door, peeking his head in to check on the younger man, who was pulling his pants on. "Haz, are you almost done?" Harry squealed in surprise and picked up one of the shoes on the floor beside him, chucking it at Louis's head.

    "Louis, what the hell are you doing? Get out!" Louis laughed and ducked out of the way of the projectile, which wasn't that difficult since Harry had terrible aim.

    "Alright, alright, I'm leaving. Be done soon, though." Louis left the room and shut the door behind him. A moment later, the door opened again and Harry stepped out, looking like a dream in his sheer green floral top buttoned to the third button. His skinny jeans clung to his legs, his legs that seemed to never end, going on for miles. His hair was perfectly arranged, a few curls falling in front of his eyes while the rest laid casually over his shoulders. His eyelashes looked fuller, more flirtatious, and his lips were cherry-red and plump. Louis felt like a total doofus in front of this angel of a man.

    "How do I look?" Harry asked, doing a little twirl before curtsying. Louis' tongue felt swollen and it took him a few seconds before he was able to even open his mouth.

    "Y-You Hot." Louis's cheeks flushed bright red and Harry giggled.

    "Thank you, Louis. You don't look too bad yourself." Harry looked Louis over and licked his lips, winking at him.

    "Thanks, Haz. Well, we need to get going if we want to get to the club before it gets too crowded, yeah?" Harry nodded and followed Louis out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out the door. Louis had called an Uber and a black SUV was sitting in the driveway. Louis helped Harry into the tall car then got in himself. He thanked the driver and then they were on their way.

    They arrived outside of the club just as it was getting crowded, a small line at the door and leading down the sidewalk. Louis and Harry got out of the car and got in line behind a group of girls.

    "Are you excited, Haz?" Louis asked, reaching his hand down to link his fingers with Harry's.

    "Yes, of course. I haven't gone anywhere in so long."

    "Me neither. But now we're here." Harry nodded and the two walked up to the bouncer, handing her their IDs. She seemed skeptical when she looked at Harry but waved them both in, and they stepped into the bass-thumping room.

    All around them were people grinding, dancing, and laughing. They all looked happy, except for the guy throwing up in the trash can in the far corner, but he was probably having fun up until then. The bar seemed to be less crowded than the dance floor, so Louis and Harry made their way over there, each of them taking a seat on a stool.

    "What can I get you, boys?" The bartender asked, his gaze lingering a bit too long on Harry's sheer shirt. Louis put a possessive arm around Harry's waist.

    "I'll take a gin and tonic and my boyfriend here will have the same," Louis said in a clipped voice, clearly trying to assert dominance. The bartender sneered at Louis and turned to Harry.

    "Just tell me if he's ever bothering you, dollface. I'll make you feel good." Harry grimaced and cuddled into Louis's side, placing a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

    "I think I'm fine, thank you," Harry purred, shifting his hand down to squeeze Louis's thigh. Louis felt a rush of blood go right to his dick and he blushed, looking down at the sight of Harry's giant-ass gorilla-grip hand on his leg. God, why were his hands so big? What did he need with such ginormous hands?

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