Chapter 24

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Once Louis finished in the shower, he wrapped himself up in a bathrobe and walked back out to his bedroom. He looked through his dresser drawers and picked up a pair of mostly-clean joggers and a white t-shirt, donning both items after he slid on a pair of boxers. His alarm clock read nine thirty, an hour until he was supposed to leave for a meeting, so he grabbed a pair of socks and his computer bag, then left the room to go downstairs.

    When Louis reached the bottom of the stairs, he was met with the heavenly smell of pancakes and something fruity that Louis couldn't place his finger on. He walked into the kitchen and grinned when he saw the island loaded with pancakes, waffles, cubed fruit, and syrups of all kinds. Harry was at the stove, humming along with the radio as he stirred a bowl of batter before pouring some onto the griddle. His hips swayed to the music and he sang along to some parts. Louis stayed quiet, just wanting to see Harry like this, so domestic, for a little bit longer.-

    "You so crazy, I think I want to have your baby," Harry sang, spinning around and using the spatula as a microphone. Louis snorted and Harry's eyes snapped open, His cheeks flushed dark red when he saw Louis standing in front of him, an amused look on his face.

    "L-Lou! You're all done showering!" Harry managed to stutter out, his cheeks flaming red. Louis chuckled and turned the radio down.

    "Yes, I am. Don't mind me, you can go on as much as you want, but I am going to have to leave you here in about an hour." Harry pouted and set down the spatula.

    "What am I supposed to do here without you? This house is so boring. No games, no books, nothing. What do you even do here?"

    "I just watch movies and write and stuff. I don't read, so of course I don't have any books. Books are stupid. And my Xbox got stolen by some sleazy one-night stand, so that's why I don't have any games."

    "Books are not stupid, Louis. Books are amazing. You just need to figure out what you like to read, and then maybe you'll realize how great they are." Louis smirked and leaned back against the counter.

    "Well, what do you like to read, Haz?"

    "I'm a sucker for cheesy het romances. The smuttier and crappier the better."

    "Ooh, do those kinds of romances get you hot, Haz?" Louis asked with a teasing smile on his lips.

    "No, but they just suck me in so easily that I can't put them down. They're addictive. You should try reading them sometime." Louis laughed and shook his head.

    "Umm, as great as het romance books sound, I don't know if they would be my thing."

    "Oh, well maybe something else. Crime books, maybe? Mysteries, thrillers, courtroom dramas?"

    "Actually, those don't sound half-bad. I do love a good crime show. Could you recommend something for me?"

    "Well, I don't have titles but I have names. John Grisham, Kathy Reichs, Agatha Christie, and Dan Brown are the main ones that come to mind. I think you would like Dan Brown. He's really cool."

    "Thanks, Haz. I'll have to check those out. Now, why don't you show me all of this good stuff that you made." Louis rubbed his hands together and smacked his lips as he looked over all the food laid out on the table.

    "Oh, yes, of course! So these," He gestured to a plate of pancakes. "Are vanilla pancakes with a strawberry glaze made with maple syrup and fresh strawberries." Harry held up a small pitcher of the fruit glaze. "There are also vanilla waffles, chocolate chip pancakes, a butter honey glaze, and an apple cinnamon glaze. Take your pick." Louis smiled and picked up a vanilla waffle and drizzled some strawberry glaze on it, then piled a chocolate chip pancake on top, loading that with butter honey glaze.

    "What are you gonna pick, Haz?" Louis asked, turning to look at the younger man. Harry shrugged.

    "I was thinking of just having a fruit smoothie. I don't know if all of these carbs and sugar are good for me." Louis set his plate down and grabbed another plate, loading it up with two waffles and lots of butter honey glaze before offering it to Harry. The younger man frowned. "What are you doing?"

    "I'm giving you a plate of good food. How often do you get to eat this kind of food, Haz? This is amazing, Haz, and you need to eat what you made." Harry inhaled sharply as he looked over the full plate of food.

    "Lou, I don't know. It's much. I don't want to..."

    "Haz, you need to eat. I get that what Thomas said made you upset, but you can't let that get to you."

    "But what if he was right?" Harry was tearing up. Louis reached his arms out and Harry fell into them, crying into his neck.

    "Haz, he's not right. Everything that he said to you was so so wrong. You are beautiful and you don't need to change anything about yourself. Anyone who tries to tell you differently clearly doesn't love you the way you deserve." Louis kissed Harry's curls and pulled back, looking right into Harry's glassy eyes.

    "Lou, I know he loves me. He does." Louis shook his head at the younger man.

    "No, he doesn't, Haz. Not in the way that he should."

    "Lou, listen to me. Please. I don't want to fight about this anymore." Harry tried to hold Louis's hands but he pulled away, staring at the floor.

    "What about earlier this morning?" Louis asked with a shaky voice. Harry frowned, his brows furrowed.

    "What do you mean, earlier this morning?"

    "Wh-When you came into my room and you w-were all over me. Begging me t-to fuck you." Harry's eyes widened.

    "I never did that, Lou. I would never do that. I have a boyfriend."

    "Haz, I remember it. I remember the way your skin felt on my skin, the way you were breathing on my neck. I can't make that shit up."

    "Lou, I don't know what you're talking about, but it never happened. Maybe it was all just a dream." Louis took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair.

    "I'm gonna go. I need to just drive for a little bit, think about this." Louis grabbed his coat from the bench at the kitchen table, then walked to the foyer to get his keys and shoes. Harry stayed put in the kitchen, just crying. He flinched when the door slammed shut and crumpled to the ground.

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now