Chapter 12

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The next week, Louis tried once more to see Harry, this time approaching the situation with more confidence and less anxiety. He got into his car, tossing his backpack in the backseat before getting in the front seat and turning the car on.

First stop was the bakery where he planned on getting the same stuff as last time, with a few more muffins in case Harry invited him to stay for a little bit. Louis doubted he would have him stay, but he was allowed to dream. He picked up a box of pastries and two coffees, one for him and one for Harry, then got back in the car to drive to the school. Harry's school, which was actually called Garden Hill Pre-School, was on the outskirts of town at the edge of a small residential area. It was at the top of a hill and was surrounded by gardens on all sides, hence the name.

Louis pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car with his pastries and coffees in hand, shutting the door behind him before walking into the building. He came a little later than last time so he wouldn't have to wait as long and he waved to the woman when he came into the office.

"Good afternoon, Louis. Back again, are you?" The woman sent him a wink and Louis blushed.

"Yeah, yeah. Just wanted to see Haz again." Louis looked around the office awkwardly, not knowing if he should make eye contact or not.

"Well, classes are all over so you can go in now." Louis smiled and waved before walking out of the office, going straight to Harry's classroom. He knocked on the door and Harry opened it a second later, the younger man's smile dropping when he saw who it was.

"L-Louis. Hi. You're back." Louis bit his lip and motioned with his hands, asking if he could come in. Harry nodded and opened the door a little further, allowing Louis to come in.

"I wanted to apologize for just...springing all of that on you last week. I realize now that I probably overwhelmed you and I feel really bad." Louis offered him the small vanilla latte and Harry took it, making Louis smile.

"I, uh, I don't really like coffee with milk in it. Makes my stomach hurt." He set the coffee down on one of the desks and sighed, rubbing his thumbnail over a chip in the wood.

"Oh, I got it with soy milk." Louis pointed at the cup and gave Harry a hopeful look.

"Thank you. That's really...sweet." Harry looked at Louis with a tight-lipped smile and Louis felt his heart soar as he placed the box down next to the coffee.

"I also got some more pastries, as an apology. I just feel so bad for scaring you." Harry took one of the muffins from the box and ate a bite, humming at the taste.

"I buy these muffins before school sometimes and I just love them. My brother gets them for me for my birthday too."

Louis just wanted to say so badly I know! I know who Liam is! but he knew he couldn't if he didn't want to scare the boy all over again.

"I love them too. All of the baristas have my order memorized and I just come in and they give it to me. I never even have to order." Harry laughed and nodded, slowly sitting down at one of the tables. Louis followed and sat across from him.

"So, tell me about yourself, Harry. What's going on in your life right now?" Louis leaned forward on his elbows and looked right at Harry, all of his attention on him.

"Well, I work here during the school year and during the summer I work at a local ice cream shop. I love my job, and my students are the best. They're really sweet. I live in a little shoebox apartment not far from here but I spend most of my time either at my brother's house, my friend Adam's apartment, or at my boyfriend's penthouse." Louis flinched at the word boyfriend, but he knew Harry didn't mean to just rub it in his face like that.

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now