Chapter 44

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Once Louis and Harry got back from breakfast, they went back upstairs to clean up their mess from the night before. Louis took the sheets off of the bed and put them in the washing machine while Harry made up the bed with new sheets and blankets. When they were all done, they collapsed onto the freshly-made bed.

"What do you want to do today, baby?" Louis asked, flipping over to stare at Harry and brush his hair out of his eyes.

"I don't know. We need to be at Zayn's at six, but I don't have anything to do before that. What do you want to do?" Louis shrugged.

"I kind of want to just spend the day in bed with you." Harry giggled and waggled his eyebrows.

"Is that supposed to be suggestive or sweet?" Louis chuckled and nipped at the tip of Harry's nose.

"Maybe both. You wanna put a movie on?" Harry nodded and hopped off of the bed to grab Louis's laptop from the desk, but paused when he saw a small jewelry box sitting next to it.

"What's this?" He asked, picking up the ring box. Louis blushed and looked down at his hands. "What is it?" He asked again, his brows furrowed.

"It's's supposed to be a Christmas present for you but I 'aven't wrapped it yet," Louis mumbled.

"Oh. Can I have it now or do I have to wait until later?"

"Umm, I guess you already kind of spoiled it so yeah, you can open it. It's not that great." Harry popped open the top of the jewelry box and gasped.

"Lou..." Harry trailed off, not having the right words. "Where did you get this?" He looked up at Louis with teary eyes.

"I found it at a local pawn shop. I guess someone found it and brought it in. Is it the same one?" Harry nodded and clapped a hand over his mouth.

"H-How did you find out about it? I've never told you."

"You told me about it when we first started dating, five years ago. I'd been looking for it for years and I finally found it a couple of months ago, before we started talking again. I bought it to keep it from getting into the wrong hands. Do you like it?"

"Mum always told me that I was going to get this when I graduated from high school and that I would give it to my kid when they graduate high school. I never thought I was going to get it back." Harry pressed the ring close to his chest and closed his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked. Harry nodded and tilted his head toward the ceiling.

"I got it back, Momma. I never forgot, and now I have it back. I'm going to give it to your grandbaby, Momma, just like I promised. Just you wait. I'm gonna make you so proud, Momma." Harry looked back down and slid the class ring onto his finger.

"Do you want to talk about her, baby? You can tell me all about her." Harry smiled and nodded.

"That would be nice." Harry came back to the bed and cuddled in next to Louis. Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulders and guided him to lay his head down in his lap. "She was the most beautiful woman in the world. I know I sound like I'm just saying that because she was my mum, but she was so pretty. And she had the biggest heart, too. She was always giving away to charities. I never understood how one person could be so selfless, but she was." Louis smiled and kissed the side of Harry's head.

"My mum was like that too. Always putting other people before herself. I admired it like crazy, and I try to let her legacy live on through me. That's why I'm always donating to charities and sponsoring organizations. I want people to see what doing good will do for yourself and others and maybe inspire them to do the same."

"When did your mum pass away?" Harry asked, turning around to look at Louis.

"About seven years ago. She was very sick. I wasn't ready to lose her, though. Still have days when I just can't stop thinking about what it would be like if she were still here. She would have loved you. You two would have been best friends." Harry smiled.

"Mums always love me." Louis grinned and kissed Harry's cheek.

"Everyone loves you. You're soft, and pretty, and you smell amazing. And you're very charming, so people have to like you." Harry closed his eyes and laid his back against Louis's chest.

"Why does it feel like I was meant to be with you?" Louis's heart fluttered at Harry's words.

"What do you mean, baby?"

"I mean, like, even though I don't remember our past, I still feel like we belong together. Like it's fate or something like that."

"I think it's the familiarity of us. Even though your brain doesn't remember me, your body does. You know my touch, my taste, my smell. It's familiar." Harry hummed.

"I had a memory. A couple of weeks ago." Louis sat up straighter and looked down at the man in his lap with an awestruck look.

"You had a what?"

"A memory. At least, I think it was a memory."

"Tell me about it, baby." Louis rubbed his hands over Harry's belly.

"I was sitting on the couch, watching Over the Hedge, and there was someone next to me. I looked over and it was you, or I think it was you. Your hair was longer and you had a bit of fringe. And you leaned over and whispered that I was beautiful."

"I remember that day, baby. You did look beautiful. And you're still beautiful, maybe even more. I can't believe you remembered that. Have you remembered anything else, any other memories?" Harry shook his head and tucked his face into Louis's neck, upset. Louis shushed him. "That's okay, love. That's alright."

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now