Chapter 60

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Louis and Harry went to Marie's apartment the next day with a basket of baked goods and a bag of her favorite coffee. Harry knocked on the door and a few minutes later, Marie answered, dressed in a bathrobe, mascara tracks on her cheeks. Her face fell when she saw who it was and leaned against the door frame to hold herself up.

    "Can we come in?" Harry asked, reaching out to hold her hand. Marie answered by squeezing Harry's fingers and led him and Louis into the apartment. The lights were off and the air was cold, the heater having been off all morning. Harry shivered at the shift in temperature and made sure to adjust the thermostat as he walked past it. The two of them followed Marie back into the bedroom where blankets were piled on the floor and the tv was playing some reality show. A box of tissues sat on the floor next to the nest, along with a few prescription bottles. Marie plopped down on the floor and covered herself in blankets, and Harry sat down next to her. Louis stood and watched the two from the doorway.

    "You don't have to talk about it. You can just cry. I can be here as long as you need me to be," Harry whispered and wrapped an arm around Marie. She immediately burst into tears and curled herself into Harry's chest, her tears soaking through his sweatshirt.

    "I wanted a baby so bad," She cried, gripping at Harry's shirt. "I loved her so much. I can't believe she's gone."

    "I know, I know," Harry said, rubbing her back to soothe her.

    "I did everything right! Everything! I was so careful about what I ate and getting enough sleep and all of that. What did I do wrong?"

    "Nothing, darling, nothing. Sometimes these things just happen, and it's tragic, but you can't blame yourself for it."

    "The doctor says that I probably won't be able to get pregnant again."

    "Really?" Marie nodded and sniffled again.

    "Mmhmm. He said that the miscarriage damaged my uterine lining."

"That's awful." Marie nodded and tucked her face back into Harry's chest.

    "And Liam's disappeared. I don't know where he went. He won't answer his phone, he won't text me back. I'm so lost without him. He's my rock."

    "Do you want me to try and talk to him? He might answer my calls."

    "Yeah. Do you think I'm awful for still wanting him after what happened?"

    "No, of course not. You're under a lot of stress, it's understandable that you would want comfort, and Liam's always been that person for you."

    "I still love him. I don't even know if I'm mad at him. After he left, I had Evelyn over and things almost happened, but I passed out before we really started anything. I'm just so exhausted."

    "Have you ever thought that you and Liam might be better off separate?"

    "No. I've been with him for so long that I don't know if I can live without him. He's my love, my life."

    "Think about it. The first person you went to was your ex, who you're still friends with. Haven't you wondered if maybe you and Evelyn might still have feelings for each other?"

    "I don't know. I know I love her. I really do. She kept me sane all the way through college. But Liam and I have just been together forever. Maybe I just need to settle with him and that way I won't have to worry about all of this complicated shit." Harry pulled away from Marie and set his hands on her shoulders, looking right into her eyes.

    "You don't need to do that, Marie. You take as much time as you need to find yourself. Don't feel like you need to settle for less than what you want. You're young, you have a whole life of love and happiness in front of you." Marie gave Harry a watery-eyed smile and hugged him.

    "You're my best friend, Harry. I know I'm not yours, but I have the closest friendship with you than I have ever had with anyone. You always know what to say that will make me feel better." Harry blushed and hugged Marie tighter.

    "I'm just telling you the truth."

    "Well, no one else tells me the truth like you do. I feel much better now." Marie pulled back from the hug and wiped at the tears on her cheeks. "Thank you so much, Harry."

    "Of course. I'll always be here for you. And so will Louis." Harry nodded his head toward Louis and the older man shot them a smile.

    "Thank you, both of you. This means so much to me. And thank you for the sweets." She took the basket from where Harry had set it on the ground and put it in her lap.

    "Of course. Now, would you like us to leave you alone, or do you want us to stay?" Marie sighed.

    "Would you be offended if I said I would like some alone time?" Harry chuckled and shook his head.

    "Of course not, love. Call me if you need anything, okay?" Harry kissed Marie's cheek and stood up. Louis grabbed his hand and they both waved to Marie before leaving the room, shutting the door behind them.

    "Is she gonna be okay?" Louis asked in a hushed voice as they walked to the front door. Harry gave him a soft smile.

    "You know what? I think she will. She just needs some time."

All Over Again- Sequel to I'm Not Fine At AllWhere stories live. Discover now