Chapter 39

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Louis and Harry finished up with their shopping and headed over to Harry's place, after much protest from the younger man. Harry had gotten sick once again in the Tesco toilet and Louis had insisted that they go back to Harry's house so he could collect some more clothes that didn't smell of vomit. Harry whined the whole way to his apartment complex, saying that he was too embarrassed but Louis didn't listen. All he was thinking of was getting Harry in comfortable clothes and tucking him into his bed.

They pulled up outside of Harry's apartment complex and Louis kept his mouth shut as he opened Harry's door. The two of them walked up the stairs of Harry's building and Harry waved to the woman at the desk in the shabby lobby.

"Anyone come looking for me?" Harry asked her cheerfully, hoping to add some color to his cheeks as he took deep breaths. The woman shook her head.

"No, sorry Harry. Were you expecting anyone?" Harry shook his head.

"Nope, but sometimes visitors are nice." The woman smiled and nodded.

"That they are. Have a nice day, Harry." Harry smiled and led Louis to the staircase at the back of the lobby and opened the door for him. They huffed and puffed up three flights of stairs until Harry stopped and opened the door. He guided Louis into the narrow hallway and brought him to apartment 420, which made Louis giggle like a schoolboy.

"Shut up. It's not that funny."

"It's hilarious. Aren't you going to let us in?" Harry rolled his eyes and unlocked the many locks on the door, then pushed it open. He and Louis stepped into the apartment and Harry opened the blinds over the kitchen window, shedding the room in soft, winter sunlight.

Louis wandered around the cramped room, taking in all of the touches that Harry had given the place; the vibrant paintings on the walls, the children's coloring sheets pinned to the fridge, the sunflower curtains.

"Is it as bad as you thought it would be?" Harry asked, his cheeks red with embarrassment. Louis frowned and stroked his hand over Harry's cheek.

"No, of course not, love. I love it. It's very you." Harry blushed even darker and he looked down at the floor.

"You really think so?" Louis nodded. "Do you want me to show you the bedroom and bathroom?" The older man raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know. Is that supposed to be suggestive?" Harry looked at Louis from under his lashes.

"Only if you want it to be." Louis smirked and snaked his hand around Harry's waist to grip at his bum.

"I very much want it to be suggestive. Why don't you take me to that bedroom so I can show you how much I want it." Harry bit his lip and brought Louis to the small bedroom at the rear of the apartment.

Louis smiled brightly as his eyes roamed over the bedroom. It was neat and tidy, everything folded or stacked in its proper spot. His clothes overfilled a small metal rack in the corner of the room and his wooden dresser was covered in framed pictures.

He looked over the photos, frowning when he saw some of Thomas, but he tamped down the feeling of jealousy that tried to take over. Harry and Thomas were over. Harry was now his.

Harry came up behind Louis and wrapped his arms around his waist, tucking his face into the crook of Louis's shoulder and neck.

"You don't have to look at those. I know it hurts." Louis hummed and turned around, moving Harry's hands from his waist to his neck.

"I'm glad I got you. I would have died if you had chosen him over me."

"But I didn't choose him. You need to stop thinking about that. I never would have picked him."

"I know. But my brain doesn't want to believe it. I still feel like you're going to run back to him."

"Don't think that. I left him for a reason. Okay?" Harry kissed Louis's cheek and wrapped his arms tighter around the older man's neck. "I love you to the moon and to Saturn."

"I love you too, baby. Why don't you lay back on the bed for me?" Harry nodded and sat back on the well-made bed tucked into the corner of the room. "Good boy. You want me, baby?" Harry nodded as Louis stroked his hand over his cheek. "Show me how you want me, baby. Show me."

Harry whimpered and leaned forward, nosing over the bulge in Louis's skin-tight jeans. Louis groaned and pressed his hand into Harry's curls, pushing him closer. The younger man let out a small moan and then pulled back, his hands moving up to Louis's zipper. He stared up at Louis, eyes questioning, and Louis nodded, his fingers tightening in his curls.

"Want to suck me off, baby? Want to wrap those soft lips around my cock and devour me like your favorite treat?" Harry nodded and pulled Louis's zipper down, then tugged his cock out of his boxers. It bobbed in front of Harry's face and he licked his lips before tentatively reaching his tongue out and licking over the tip. Louis groaned and his fingers flexed and tightened in Harry's hair. "Fuck, baby. Don't tease me. You know what that does to me."

Harry closed his eyes and sucked Louis's cock in his mouth as far as he could get it before he felt tears form in his eyes and his gag reflex protested. He squeezed his eyes tight and tried to keep it in but he had to pull off, a trail of saliva connecting his mouth and Louis's cock.

"'m sorry," Harry mumbled, sniffling a little. Louis cooed and stroked his fingers through Harry's hair.

"Why are you apologizing, baby? You did nothing wrong."

"I can't take you all the way. It's been so long..." Louis shushed Harry and leaned down to pepper kisses all over his face.

"Shh, baby. It's okay. You don't have to take all of me for it to feel good. You were doing so amazing. Do you want me to finish myself off?" Harry shook his head.

"No. Wanna do it." Louis nodded and waited patiently as Harry took a few deep breaths, then circled his tongue around the tip of his cock.

"That's it, baby," Louis sighed and his eyes slipped shut as Harry sucked him down as much as he could. He couldn't help but feel a shudder of pleasure when Harry gagged, but he pulled back a second later, not wanting to hurt him. Harry's hands came up to rest on Louis's thighs, his fingernails digging into the tender skin.

Harry sucked Louis better than he had ever done for Thomas and Louis quickly felt his orgasm coming on.

"Want me to cum in your mouth, baby?" Harry moaned and sucked harder, his nails leaving red marks on Louis's tan skin. "I'm gonna cum, baby." Louis gave Harry's hair one last tug and then he shot into his mouth, his hips shaking as he tried not to pound Harry's face. He took a deep breath and finally pulled out of Harry's mouth, moaning when he saw the trail of cum down Harry's chin. "Fuck, baby. Is it still in your mouth?" Harry nodded and Louis bit his lip. "Swallow it."

Harry obeyed and swallowed Louis's cum, moaning in pleasure as he felt it go down his throat.

"Good job, baby. You want me to return the favor?" Harry blushed and shook his head as he looked down at the floor.

"I uh...I already took care of myself." Louis's eyebrow rose when he saw the large wet spot at the front of his trousers.

"Did you cum just from sucking me off?" Harry nodded, burying his face into his hands to hide his flaming cheeks. "That's so hot, baby. Come on, let's go get you cleaned up."

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