Chapter 47

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"Louis, wake up, it's Christmas! Wake up, wake up!" Harry jumped on top of Louis and shouted in his ear, making the older man groan and push him off. Harry just popped back up and climbed back on top of Louis, squeezing him tight. "Come on, Lou. It's Christmas. You gotta wake up. Santa's filled our stockings." Louis huffed and got up, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

    "Alright, alright, I'm up. What do you want?" Harry hopped up and pulled Louis to his feet, then dragged him into the kitchen. Marley and Zayn were standing at the stove, Zayn frying eggs and Marley making pancakes. Harry sidled up next to Liam at the coffee pot and poured a cup of coffee for Louis and then sat at the table. Tobey came over and settled his head on Harry's knee.

    "How'd you guys sleep?" Liam asked as he sat down next to Harry. Louis and Harry shrugged but Zayn burst out laughing.

    "Ha, yeah, like you two slept at all," He said, shaking his head at the two men. Liam frowned and cocked his head at Zayn

    "What do you mean?" Zayn snorted.

    "I came into the living room at like, one, and I saw those two fucking on the couch. Naughty, naughty boys." He waggled his finger at Louis and Harry. Liam flushed down his neck and looked away from the other lads.

    "Oh." He cleared his throat. "Okay. Uh, Marley, are the eggs almost done?" The woman nodded and scooped up a fried egg from the pan, then slid it onto Liam's plate. "Thanks." Liam sent Marley a smile and sat back down at the table.

    "So, Lou, are you going to see your dad today?" Louis nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

    "Yeah. I'm going to see him and the girls around noon. I'm really excited. I got Ernie and Doris new bikes, matching green and orange, their favorite colors. Got them custom-made with their names on 'em. I hope they like them." Harry grinned and wrapped his arm around Louis's waist, leaning his head on his shoulder.

    "You're so domestic. I love it." Louis smiled and kissed the side of Harry's head.

    "If you want, you can come with me. The girls would love to see you again and I think Lottie will be video calling us later, so you'll get to meet her." Harry turned to look at Liam with pleading eyes.

    "Li, can I spend the day with Lou after we exchange gifts? Please?" Liam sighed and ruffled Harry's hair.

    "Of course, Haz. You're an adult, you can spend your Christmas however you like." Harry grinned and hugged Liam.

    "Thank you, big brother. I love you." Liam smiled.

    "Love you too, kiddo." Harry pulled away from Liam and cuddled back into Louis's side. Louis kissed the side of Harry's head and sighed in content.

    "This is the best Christmas ever," Louis whispered into Harry's ear. Harry smiled and kissed Louis's cheek.

    "I'm glad you're happy, baby. That means a lot to me." Harry patted Louis's thigh and then stood to get a plate from Marley. The woman handed it to him and pecked his cheek.

    "Merry Christmas, Haz. There's a stocking for you and Louis in the living room that I think you might want to open now." Harry's eyes widened and he dashed into the living room where an overstuffed stocking with an H on it was lying behind one of the armchairs. He brought the stocking back into the kitchen and plopped back down next to Louis.

    "You guys didn't have to do this. We would have just been fine with the gifts you got us." Marley smiled and wrapped her arm around Zayn's waist.

    "We know you've been struggling, Haz, and we wanted to give you something that we know you'll love to cheer you up. Go on, empty it." Harry flipped the stocking over and dumped it out on the counter.

    The first thing that fell out was a large load of sweets, of all kinds. Then, there were a few cat figurines, one with a small tag that read, "For Dusty". Harry picked the small toy up and laid it on the floor next to Dusty's water bowl. Dusty scurried over and sniffed at the toy.

    "Do you like your new toy, baby?" Harry asked, scratching behind the cat's ears. Dusty hissed and swatted at the figurine, knocking it into her water bowl. "I guess not. What else is in here?" Harry put his hand in the stocking and pulled out a small envelope. "What's this?" He looked to Marley and Zayn, who smiled at him.

    "Open it," Marley ushered. Harry looked back to the envelope and ripped it open, then pulled out the card inside. "Go on, open the card." Harry flipped open the card and gasped in surprise.

    "Guys, no, this is way too much. I can't take this. I'm sorry." Harry folded up the check and tried to give it to Zayn but he shook his head.

    "That's your money now, Haz, but on a few conditions."

    "Zayn, I don't need to be in any more debt than I already am."

    "Stop, Harry. Let me explain to you what this money is." Harry sighed but sed the check back on the table. "Thank you. This money is now yours, but you are eventually going to pay Marley and I back."

    "Zayn, I can't-"

    "Ahem." Harry shut his mouth. "As I was saying, you will pay Marley and I back once your first child turns five years old." Harry frowned.

    "How do you know I'm going to-"

    "That's the catch. I am expecting you to give me at least one godbaby, and if you don't have one, then I don't get my money back and I'll be pissed. So give me a godbaby so they can be best friends with my baby." Harry giggled and Louis wrapped an arm around his waist.

    "I think we can make that happen. Huh, Haz?" Harry smiled at Louis and pecked his cheek.

    "I think that sounds wonderful. Thank you, Zayn and Marley. It really means a lot to me. I don't know what I would do without you." Harry stood up and pulled the couple into a tight hug. "I love you guys," He said, his voice teary. Marley cooed and stroked Harry's hair.

    "Don't cry, Haz," Zayn said, swiping a tear from Harry's cheek. Harry sniffled and wiped his face with his sweater paws.

    "Sorry. This is just really special to me. Look, Louis." Harry handed the check to Louis and the man unfolded it. He gasped when he read the amount.

    "A thousand pounds? Where the hell did you get all this money?" Marley smiled coyly and Zayn kissed the side of her head.

    "Marley's been designing some celebrity homes recently. We aren't allowed to disclose who, but they are quite famous." Louis and Harry hummed.

    "Ah. Well, all of this means the world to me. Now I can finally pay my rent on time. I don't know if I've ever done that before." Harry folded the check and put it back in the card, then put the card back in the stocking.

    "Oh, shit, that reminds me. I've got to be somewhere." Louis checked the time and cursed. "I love you, baby." He kissed Harry and then put his hands on the man's shoulders. "I'll be back at noon to pick you up, okay, baby?" Harry nodded and kissed Louis again.

    "I love you, Louis."

    "I love you too, baby. See you later." Louis waved to the others and grabbed his bag from the living room, then dashed out to his car. He opened the car door and got in, then peeled out of the residential neighborhood.

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