Dinner time

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This is also a y/n story (this is my first time doing one so any constructive criticism is welcome!)

(TW: scars, cutting)

Miss Peregrine called everyone down for dinner just as you were sitting outside helping Fiona with the garden.

"Fiona, y/n, come in this instant!" She yells.

Fiona and y/n start towards the building and quickly head to our rooms to freshen up.
Miss Peregrine though stops y/n and nudges you into the hallway, away from the children.

"Y/n, what in the world are you wearing? Its a million degrees out!" She says, her voice firm but her face sketched with concern.

"I couldn't find anything else." Y/n lies.

Her lips move into a thin line, but she nods and lets you go.

Y/n heads to their bedroom and begins to change in the bathroom.
Before they put their shirt on they look down at their arms. Specifically their wrists.

Scars cover the majority of the skin with freshly new ones on top. Dried blood etched across them as she remembered what happened the night before.

She heard Fiona calling her name from outside the door.

"Y/n, are you alright? We have to head down." She said, her voice a bit muffled through the door.

"I will be out in a minute!" You say and Fiona walks downstairs.

You finish putting your shirt on, but before you go you catch a glimpse of something. Something sharp.

You look over it and seen it was a shard of glass.

Where did this come from?

Y/n moved it around their hands, getting a feel of the sharp glass in which they held.

Maybe Enoch broke one of his jars in here....

You were about to sit it back down, when you got the urge to cut.

You pick the glass back up, pointing the end to your vulnerable wrist.

You swipe it down.

It was too much to bear.

You normally did this with something sharp to cut, but not enough to cause it to bleed this bad.

Your vision was getting black and you felt like you were floating when you suddenly fell down.

The last thing you heard was someone opening the bathroom door and letting out a faint shriek.


You later awake on your bed, where it was still night outside. Y/n felt a sharp pain in their wrist when they tried to move their hand, when they realized it was bandaged. Because of the movement it was bleeding again though.

Wait, that means someone found you.

You started to panic, wondering if they were mad or worse, disappointed in you.

While you were thinking you squeezed your eyes shut and started to silently cry.

Y/n knew how to do this without anyone knowing since she was used to it, but tonight was different.

You heard a voice say your name. You kept your eyes closed though when you knew who it was.
Miss Peregrine.

"Y/n, are you alright?" She whispered, gently.

I pretended to be sleeping, but nothing ever gets passed this woman.

"I know your not sleeping." She says as she sits on the side of the bed and gently cups the side of your face.

You still refused to open your eyes.

"Please look at me," Miss Peregrine says, sounding concerned.

You eventually give in and open your eyes.

The first thing you see are her green, hazel eyes looking at you with concern and love.

She gently rubbed her thumb acrossed your cheek and gave you a slight frown.

"Why?" She says.

Y/n knew why, but you didn't know how to put it into words. You wanted to say why but at the same time you didn't. You wanted this conversation to end so badly.

Silence was the answer.

Miss Peregrine sighed and continued to rub your cheek. Before long though she broke the silence.

"We love you, I love you." She says. "I hope you know that."
That's when she realized Miss Peregrine had tears in her eyes as well.

"I'm sorry," you say, your voice cracking at the end. This cause another round of tears that were, again, silent.

"Y/n, please listen to me." She says and you obey.

"We love you, I love you. You are strong and kind, clever and resourceful, you are beautiful and talented..." it went on like this for a few minutes.

Y/n was still holding back tears. Miss Peregrine noticed and leaned down to your ear. Her breath tickled your ear as she spoke.

"It's not good to hold it in, trust me. Just let it out." Miss P then wrapped y/n up into a hug where you then let it out. All those times of cutting, thinking it was the best way out. All the times of covering it up with a "I'm fine". All the times where you lied about how you were feeling because you thought it didn't matter.

After a few minutes later you stopped and noticed your bandage was a bit soaked. Miss P noticed as well and gently got out of your embrace. She smiled a sad smile and left. She then came back with some new bandages.

As she was fixing it up, you looked at her.

"I'm sorry, Miss Peregrine." You say.

She stops and looks at you.

"It is completely alright, I will help you y/n."

They embraced again and y/n knew that it was time to stop. People do love you and that it was hurting them as much as it hurt you.

This is based off of some challenges I am still dealing with. I have told my mom (which wasn't how I thought it would be) so I decided to write this.

Love you guys, and please stay safe and reach out to someone you know or trust. It isn't easy but it will help <3

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