Wake up

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Y/n was lying in bed awake. They awoke around 5 am or so and couldn't go back to sleep.

Alma was tossing and turning beside her and she was starting to grow worried.

Should I wake her? No, I shouldn't, I should let her sleep. But then again she is probably not sleeping well...

Y/n peeks over her shoulder and looks over at Alma. She seemed worried and she was gripping onto her pillow.

Y/n turns onto her other side and lays her hand gently on Almas shoulder.

"Hun, wake up." She whispers and she stirred a little at your touch. "Please hun..."

You shook her a little, hoping for her to wake but she wouldn't.

I don't know what to do. I would wake her up but I would have to shake her and what if I startle her? I can't have that happen. But I cannot just leave her like this either.

Y/n gets up and wakes over to Almas side of the bed, thinking that she could wake her more easily.

Alma was laying on her back now still fighting whatever dream she was having.

"Honey, can you wake up please?" You say, a little scared yourself on why she was not waking up.

She stirred again and moved her hand alongside where you were originally laying.

She must have noticed you weren't in bed because that woke her up. She shot up and look over on your side of the bed starting to panic.

"It's okay! I'm over here, love." You say, loud enough for her to hear you but gentle so it wouldn't startle her.

She looks over and puts her hands on the sides of your face, clearly concerned. She sighs, closes her eyes, and leans her forehead into yours.

"I was so worried." She says in a hushed tone.

"Don't worry, love. I am right here and I always will be." You say with a small smile and she returns it with another.

"Now try and get some sleep." You say and go on the other side of the bed.

As you lay down, Alma returns to lying down and soon after scoops you into a hug.

"I love you so much, little bird." She says.

"I love you too, bluebird."

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