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Everyone was panicking. Miss Avocet was visiting the loop and we were supposed to be getting food set up for lunch, but someone had to hold us back.

I glared at Millard. Or in other words, I glared at a pair of floating clothes.

"I can't believe you did that, but we will be fine. We will get the food prepared and get things set up before she is here." I say, staying calm even though internally I was panicking as well.

"How are you even this calm?!" Enoch yelled from the room followed by Hugh yelling at him to help him with something. I was busy at the sink getting the dishes done for the meal.

Millard held everyone back because he went out to town to pick up a book he wanted. Well, that lead to him ending up burning up the place from Emma and don't even ask how that happened.

Now here we are, bustling about getting food, dishes, and meals done.

Miss Peregrine wasn't a huge help. She was a bit panicky herself which is surprising coming from her usual demeanor.

"Can everyone calm down!" Emma shouts.

"Oh your not so bloody calm yourself!" Enoch yells back, causing Emma to glare at him before returning to the task at hand.

"Enoch, watch your language." Miss P says and helps Bronwyn with getting the meal supplies.

Everyone kept yelling and it certainly isn't helping. Haven't they learned from the way Enoch acts?

Everyone needs to calm down. I need to calm down.

My heart rate was going a million miles per hour and my breath was hitching. I rushed through the dishes, trying to get them done. Just when I was about to Emma called me over.

I rushed over, Enoch almost tripping me in the process.

"Watch it!" He says and returns to his business.

"What do you need?" I say and look around for any possibility of what it could be.

"I need help with getting this into the stove because HUGH WON'T GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

"Hey, I told you that I am busy!" He replys.


"Calm down the oven was acting up and Millard told me to check it, but it doesn't seem like anything is wrong."

Emma looks at Millard.

"Will you stop wasting our time!" She shouts, her cheeks going crimson from yelling.

"I'm not doing anything!" He yells.

"Children, enough fighting!" Miss P yells in the distance.

I can't take this anymore. The room is too loud. There's too much going on. I need out. I need to find a way out. This is too much.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I hear Millard say but I didn't reply. Emma placed her hand on my back and tried snapping me out of my trnace, but I was too busy finding an exit.

"Oh look, now you broke her!" Enoch yells.

"Says the one who literally acts like a idiot the majority of the time!" Emma says earning a glare from Miss P.

There's an exit. I started walking towards it, but Emma caught my hand.

"We need your help quick."

I ignored her. I wanted out. All the chaos was making me dizzy. I needed out. I needed to go.

"Emma, let her go." Millard says.

"Millard, go back and actually be helpful for once."

Hey! I am helpful!" He goes over to finish the dishes. "See? HELPFUL!"

"Shut the bloody hell up!" Enoch yells.

I can't take it anymore.

"Can everyone just STOP!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

The room went silence, but I still felt dizzy. The commotion seemed like it didn't end even though it did. I turned and went out the door.

I went over to the tree in the garden and leaned my forehead into it. The cold bark cooled me down and soon relaxed me. My breathing became normal and the sound of the outdoors lowered my anxiety.

I felt a tap on my shoulder but I didn't move.

The person moved down beside me against the tree and tried to steal a glance from me. She did and I saw it was Miss Peregrine.

"I'm sorry." I say thinking she was here to lecture me for yelling. "I didn't mean to yell."

She smiles and rubs my arm.

"Oh trust me, I want to thank you for that. The chaos was making my head spin as well." She says and you smile. "If anything the person that should be apologizing should be Enoch, but he never listens anyway."

I laugh a little at that last statement.

"Just don't randomly scream around the house though, you'd give everyone a big scare." She rethinks what she said. "Or a massive headache."

I laughed and she smiled.

"Let's go back inside and start preparing things." She says, but when she stands and reaches to take your hand you stay down there.

"I don't want to walk back in to that again." I say but quickly add more on when I looked up at her. "I'm sorry but that was too much."

"Well, the children don't seem to be chaotic no more after the way you handled that situation. They seem more worried about you though." She says and smiles at you hopefully.

I smile and take her hand as she leads me back into the house.

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