TW: Flash backs relating to a robbery, panic attack
Also special announcement at the end :)
~~~~~~~~~~~I woke up next to Alma in bed from a small clatter down stairs. I look over in hopes Alma was awake too, but she was in a deep sleep.
I try to lay back down when I hear it again, this time a small clang as well. It wasn't super loud which also was suspicious.
No, it's not like at home...
I shrug off thoughts of what happened in my old house and decide to try to sleep it off. Well, that didn't work. Another soft tap downstairs sent me up and I was out of bed standing by the door.
My hands shook as I went to turn the handle but I stop when I get hit with a familiar memory.
I did the same thing and...
I visibly shake from the thought of what happened and I let my hands drop from the door handle and slowly sit down by the door. I look down to see my whole body trembling when I hear something drop.
Okay y/n, you need to calm down. Take a deep breath.... 1....2.....3-
My heart rate seemed to speed even more than I thought it could. I slowly stand by the door bracing myself to open it. I wipe my sweaty hands off my pants and gently open the door. I flinched for a second thinking someone will be on the other end but there was no one. I feel like that's worse.
I hear soft footsteps downstairs in the kitchen along and tense at the thought of them having a weapon.
But I have to see, don't I? I'd find it strange someone in the loop breaking in...
I seem to slowly calm down at the thought until another came.
Unless they are also peculiar and a robber and accidently broke into a house in the loop?
I shake my head and descend quietly down the stairs, praying not to step on a creaky floorboard.
This reminds me of a far too similar situation...
I visibly facepalm myself for thinking about it and cover my mouth to avoid screaming. I make my way down.
3 more steps... 1....2....
I freeze on the last step and try to look through the kitchen but I couldn't see that well, especially in the dark. I take in a shaky breath.
I need to catch my breath... I need to calm down... Now...
My breathing feels short and my chest started hurting and anytime I tried moving my legs feel like they may buckle. I finally gathered the strength to stand and just when I almost made it to the doorway, I heard the footsteps walking to the sink. The faucet running. Then stopping. Footsteps walking to the table. Sitting.
I take a deep breath.
I need to do something... Last time I didn't and look where you ended up...
I took a small step forward.
Now or never...
I lay a hand on my chest hoping to slow my breathing and to take a deep breath. I step forward to the kitchen.
"Who's there! " I wanted to say but instead shrieked.
I heard a small gasp and someone jumped and it was...

•Miss Peregrines Peculiar children Oneshots•
FantasyRequests are always open! Disclaimer: I do not own this amazing series, Ransom Riggs does! These are based off the books and movie. 3/24/22 #1 in Fiona 4/10/22 #2 in Peregrine 4/11/22 #1 in Peregrine 5/7/22 #1 in mphfpc 6/23/22 #1 in Peregrine