Regulating Emotions

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Reader seems to struggle with emotions

Request from sliceanddice64
Thank you for the request!

"Y/n, could you help us outside real quick?" Bronwyn asks after she opened my door. I was already in an upset mood from earlier and this made me a bit more peeved than before. Eventually I cave in and go outside with them where I suddenly felt excited to know what we were going to be doing.

"So, what are we doing?" I ask and Emma answers.

"We are setting up room for a picnic for lunch. We just need your help getting things set up." She says and I can't help but feel a pang of frustration and little bit of the anger from earlier. Instead I let out a laugh by mistake by how stupid I'm acting.

"I'm a tad bit busy." I say and Bronwyn looks at me a little sad. "I just wanted to come out to see what we were doing. I'm sorry." I say and suddenly on top of all that, I felt a little upset at myself for letting Bronwyn and the others down. Emma must notice.

"That's alright, we have everyone we need to get things done. We just thought you would like a little company." Emma says and I feel a little offended.

"Why would you think I need company? I'm completely fine." I say and Emma returns the same look from earlier. The "see what I mean" face. I start feeling flustered and just walk off, hoping to get rid of how overwhelming things feel.

Why am I like this?

I walk up to my room, ignoring Miss P, which probably isn't a good idea. I felt a wave of everything hit me: I felt angry and upset about how I acted, but yet even still I felt a little numb at the same time. I shut my door and just flop onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. I rub my head hoping to feel normal again but it didn't work.

I take a deep breath but cut it short when my door opens. I thought it was Emma, but didn't realize it was Miss P since my eyes were shut as I rubbed my forhead since a headache was starting.

"Look, I said I am fine and that I don't need any company." I say and when I hear a reply back I panic.

"I thought you would like some anyway." Miss Peregrine says.

I let out a small sigh and sit up on the edge of the bed, my hands gripping onto the edge.

"Is there something bothering you?" She finally asks and I don't reply. "I can leave if you want me to."

"No." I finally say and I look over at her. "No, I'd rather you stay if that's alright."

A small pause that seems to spread into eternity but she finally says something after a few moments.

"I know some thing is bothering you, even if you don't tell me." She says, my gaze still towards the window in front of me. She let's out a small sigh before turning a bit with her arms open. "Come here."

I wanted to refuse but I couldn't. I scoot over towards her and she wraps me in her arms.

"You need to tell me when you feel like this." She says gently. "That way I know when to help." I nod in her arms.

"I promise." I say.

Hope this came out similar to what you thought! <3

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