I am fine.

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Y/n was up early today and when she went to get out of bed she felt odd. She wobbled a bit as she stood and she pressed her fingers on the bridge of her nose.

"I forgot about last night..." She murmurs and walks over to her dresser.

Last night was a bit much. She left that night to visit family and it didn't go well when she got there. Her family started accusing her of things and shortly led to them fighting at each other. She remembers the fights they had when she was little and after being on the verge of having a breakdown, she left.

She didn't though want Alma to think why she left early, so she stopped at a local bar to get a drink. More like 5 drinks. Before she knew it, she was a drunken mess.

Y/n decided to bead back home and when she opened the door, she was greeted by Alma.

"How did it go?" She asks, hope gleaming in her eyes.

You were still a bit hungover, so the answer came out different.

"I am going...to bed." That pause there was what made Alma curious as to what really happened.

"Alright. Sleep well, love." She kisses your forehead and you go slowly up the steps eventually making it to the room where you then flop on it and go to sleep.

Now it was morning and she felt so hungover that it was awful. She felt like passing out the moment she got out of bed, but she cannot let Alma know what happened. She would be furious.

She slowly got dressed and made her way down the kitchen. The shoes made her head hurt with each step she took.

Alma of course was in the kitchen preparing food.

"You're up early." Alma says and you nod. Alma sits down the pan she was using and walks over to you. "What's wrong?"

She seems curious and surprised on why you are acting strange.

"Nothing." I say and she looks at me, disbelieving. "I came down to help you."

"Hmm." She sighs. "Alright."

You start walking in to the kitchen when a wave of dizziness hits you and you quickly lean against the door frame. Alma noticed and quickly ran over just in time to catch you, dropping a pan in the process.

The world seems fuzzy yet bright as your eyes half close and you fall into Almas arms which are now placed under yours. Alma lowers swiftly to the ground and lays your head in her lap.

She doesn't say anything but you could sense the shock and concern.

"I'm sorry." You say and you feel her brush her finger acrossed your cheek.

"I knew I should have talked to you." Alma says and you knew that she knew exactly what happened. "But there is no need to apologize. Big things make people do unexplainable stuff."

You accidently wince as a burst of pain started up in your forehead again and Alma rubbed your hand.

"It's normally bad if you overdo it, especially when it's your first time." She says, a bit more quiet now. "Just get some rest, okay?"

You are too tired to nod or do anything. You let her pick you up and carry you back up to the bedroom and layed you down before covering you up. "Get some sleep, love. I love you." She kisses your forehead and before you knew it, the world blinked out and you were asleep.
Sorry for such a long update, writers block got me this week!

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