Happy Holidays

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In case future generations come to see my work this was made on Dec. 13 2021 lmao
Happy holidays everyone!

Y/n was busy decorating the tree with tinsel and lights while everyone was bustling around preparing things.

Miss Peregrine was busy making a meal with Bronwyn at the moment while Emma and you decorate the tree.

"I cannot believe that Christmas is here," Emma says. "Well, not necessarily but thank you for setting this up."

At first y/n was confused until you remembered about the loop. Emma laughs when she sees you remembered.

"I'm guessing you forgot?" She says with a giggle.

"Yes, I seem to always forget that sometimes." You say.

You continue decorating when Claire comes in and says that dinner is finished.

Emma and you follow her out into the kitchen and place your seats. You were sitting right beside Miss P and Emma.

Everyone seemed silent for a bit, when your bottom lip trembled.

You couldn't help but think of your family you left that would probably be celebrating at this moment.

((Based on true events))

Miss Peregrine seemed to notice but returned to eating and trying to spark conversation.

"So, Millard, I see you finally decided to actually dress appropriately for once." She says, causing everyone to abrupt in laughter.

Y/n laughed which eventually led to a small, strangled sob and everyone turned their heads towards you.

Emma seemed the most concerned.

"Y/n, are you alright?" She asks gently.

You take a deep breath, nod and excuse yourself with a smile.

You head to your room and look out the window at the soft sunset outside.

You let out a shaky sigh and open the window, which was a bit louder than you thought it would be.

You lean against it and take a deep breath of the cold wind outside.

It felt nice.

As you closed your eyes letting the wind wrap around you, you didn't hear the door open.

You only noticed someone was there when you felt a hug from behind.

Y/n jumped for a second, frightened, till they realized it was Alma.

You let out a small sigh from being frightened and laugh a little.

Miss Peregrine did not laugh back, but instead gave you a worried look.

"Dear, do you mind telling me what happened?" She says gently, still enveloping you in a hug.

You sigh and look out at the now dark garden and can't help but think that you didn't want to go back home.

Sure you miss your family sometimes but this was where you belong, you.

Your lip trembles but not from sadness, from being so thankful that you have a home here. Home with people that you love.

You start to cry a bit silently, again, not because your upset.

Alma turns you around and wraps you up, this time from the front.

"Thank you," you say quietly.

She looks a bit confused but does not release the hug.

"Pardon?" She says.

"Thank you, for being my home." You say and tighten the hug.

Hows this for your holiday? Kind of bad but I like it so why not. Happy holidays you guys!

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