Love you

620 17 6

Can't remember if I used that title before but if so sorry :/

The children were outside in the garden having a picnic while Alma and I remained inside to have a little, well, date night.

I was feeling half hot and nauseated throughout the day, but decided to ignore it so I could spend some time with her. I would hate to have missed our chance on having a night with each other.

"This is a lovely evening, dear." She says with a smile that could light up even the stars that blink out. It made me feel so much better.

"It really is." I say and give her a genuine smile, but before I spoke I swallowed down a gag so she didn't notice.

"Are you sure the children will be alright?" She says and half of me wonders if she knows I'm not feeling well and I panic.

"I'm sure they will be okay, it's only the garden. If they don't go any further, I don't see anything bad about it." I say and realize she might be thinking about Victor. I gently lay my hand on top of hers ignoring the bile that almost rises from the movement.

"Hey," I say gentle and quietly and she looks up at me. "They'll be okay, trust me." She smiles and uses her other hand to rub mine that was on top of hers. I really hope she doesn't notice how hot they are.

We spoke for a little while we made the meal and I helped her set the table before we sat down. The smell of the meal tainted the room and I wanted to gag right there and then. But I wouldn't. I don't want to ruin her night and that would just be rude. I also sort of want to eat the food.

I sat in a small table in a chair across from her and she began to eat while I picked my fork up and tried to take a bite. Under pressure from Alma watching, I lifted the fork to my mouth and took a bite even though I felt so sick. I smile gently and Alma smiles back.

"So," I say trying to distract both her and me. "Sorry if I overcooked it, I'm never good in the kitchen." I say with a sheepish smile and she chuckles.

"I say you have outdone yourself." She says and just when she said I felt a faint feeling of dizzyness.

Wait, can you get dizzy from a fever? Well of course you can y/n, don't be stupid.

She must have noticed my falter since her smile went down some and her eyes didn't match it either.

"Are you alright?" She asks. Damn it. I wanted to avoid that question.

"I am amazing, hun. As long as I'm with you." I add the last part in and she seems satisfied and goes back to eating, but wouldn't stop stealing glances at me.

I pick my cup of water up hoping it will kill down the nausea but that didn't go well. When I picked it up it slipped from my grasp and I accidently spilt some. I startle and go to quick clean it up, but not before Alma yanked me back. Her grip was firm yet fragile.

"You're not acting like yourself y/n and I'm not taking any of your excuses anymore. What's going on?" She says and her tone is almost like a mother's.

"I'm sorry I-" I'm interrupted by Almas hand on my forehead and she quickly pulls her hand back.

"Y/n, you're burning up! I need to get you up to bed this instant before it gets worse." She says and she insists on helping me but I refuse.

"This is your night and I want it to go well so just don't mind it and we can continue tonight." I say, wondering why I was getting so upset over something little. Oh right. Fevers can cause that.

Alma walks up and gives me a gentle hug as I bury my face into her neck.

"You're burning up badly." She says after a moment and my head starts to feel fuzzy. I feel almost lighter.

"I... I'm okay." I say and my voice starts drifting off near the end and my knees give in for a moment. Alma gently licks me up bridal style and I reopen my eyes to find us in the room.

"I'm going to lay you down and then get the children to come back in and get ready for reset." She says and I was about to say something but she puts a finger up to my mouth and lays me back down. "You will stay here during reset. No exceptions." She says firmly and I just nod. No point in arguing.

She leaves to go get the children ready as I lay staring at the walls. I just ruined the perfect night with the love of my light.



I dozed off a little before I heard shoes tapping, heading towards the bedroom. I knew it was Alma. I can't believe I ruined tonight for her all because of some silly fever.

I heard the door opened and didn't realize I had a tear going down till Alma wiped it away.

"Love, I know what you're thinking and it's okay. I understand, and having you feel better is the only important thing to me right now." She says gently and gives me a kiss on the forehead to where she looks a bit surprised for a moment. "I'll be right back." She says and leaves to the part of our room that leads to the bathroom. She shortly comes back with a cold rag and lays it across my head. She then gets up and gets a thinner blanket for me before soon shutting the lights off and heading to bed. I shivered a little from the cold and Alma spoons me to keep me semi warm.

"I'm sorry." I whisper since my voice apparently has no strength. "I just wanted tonight to be perfect."

I could just imagine Alma smiling a little as she hugs me tighter from behind. "Come here." I roll over and avoid her eyes till she makes me look up at her. Her emerald greens eyes seen to almost shine from the moonlight glow. "You have nothing to be sorry for." She pretends to stop and think deeply. "Well, except for making me panic right now from your fever grade." Alma let's out a breathless laugh but I can tell its worrying her.

"Love, I will be alright. I promise you." I say and she smiles when  I do.

"And I promise you that this was not your fault." She says with a kiss.


Okay I don't know if this is a good or bad thing but almost all my one shots are close to 2,000 words and that makes me wonder if it should even count as one-

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