Food Fight

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Y/n was busy at the table preparing breakfast. They were preparing pancakes for the children.
((just saying they so I don't get your gender wrong <3))

As y/n was setting out the supplies, Claire comes in.

You smile and kneel down to her level.

"Hey Claire, did you sleep well?" You ask.

"Yes...." she looks around quickly before saying "Someone here told me you were making pancakes...?"

Y/n laughs.

"Yes, I am." You say. "I'm starting with making the batter and then before you know it, they will be done!"

You say bopping her on the nose at the end making her giggle.

You stand up and take her over to the door.

"Could you do me a favor and tell Fiona and Hugh? They're in the Garden."

She nods and runs off to tell them.

You smile and head back to the kitchen only to be startled. Standing by the flour was Miss Peregrine.

You sigh and laugh a little as you walk over.

Just my wife. Silly me

"You just scared the daylights out of me." You say and she laughs.

"No surprise coming from you." She smirks.

You jokingly frown.

"What do you mean?" You say with fake anger.

"You know what I mean." She says and grabs a handful of flour and throws it at you.

The flour hits your side as you spin around.

"Ha! Missed me." You say, but turn around to only get hit in the face with flour.

You see her flinch as she goes toward you.

"Dear, are you alright? I must have misjudged my aim-"

As she was busy talking you grabbed a handful and threw it on her head, casting a snowfall over her.

"Ha!" You say and cross your arms with a smirk.

She smiles and you both begin laughing.

When you two finish up cleaning and finish the meal, you head up to change.

"I have to get my revenge now." She says.

"Oh no, I am so scared!" You say sarcastically.

She chuckles and leans into your side as you walk, her head on top of yours.

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