I'm not hungry

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I haven't been feeling hungry. Everytime I pick up a dish (mainly because I am forced to eat sometimes) I feel sick to my stomach.

I don't even feel anything when I don't eat. It doesn't seem to affect me.

I must be used to it.

Miss Peregrine has been getting suspicious. Part of why I haven't told it yet is 1) I would NOT want to tell her and worry or upset her and 2) I don't even know how to explain it.

Those situations where you want to tell someone something but you just don't know how to explain it so you don't tell.

I hate those situations.

Today of course we are going to be having dinner outside. Miss P said that it would be good to get out of the house for a bit and get some fresh air. Like a picnic basically.

I'm not looking forward to it. Most day's  I can get away with not eating but in this case I'm going to almost have to.

Just the thought made me sick feeling.

Miss Peregrine was getting the others ready to head out as I sat in my room.

It seemed selfish, yes, but I really do not want to go.

Why can't they go without me?

I would ask but then she would be wondering why.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts.

"Miss y/l/n, may I come in?" She asks, her voice muffled through the door.

I nod but then curse inside my head for being so stupid for thinking she could see me.


The door opens and Miss P walks in, dressed in her usual outfit for the outing.

"Y/n dear, shouldn't you be getting ready?" She says and I accidently space out into the distance.

It is a bad habit of mine that I do a lot when I am feeling stressed or upset because I start thinking hard in my mind.

Miss Peregrine of course knew what it meant when I did this.

She sits down beside me on my bed and puts her hand on my shoulder.

I tense at the action but shortly regain myself.

"Y/n, something is going on and I want to know what." She says. I couldn't see her but I could feel her concern radiating off of her onto me.

I take a deep breath, let it out, and stand up and start getting ready.

"Y/n, please talk to me." She says. I couldn't help but feel a sting of shame for hurting her, but I regained my composure.

"I'm fine." I put on a fake smile and continue getting ready.

After all, some things are too hard to explain. So why bother her with my problems when she has her own?

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