Late at Night

639 16 3

Trigger warning: Cutting, suicidal thoughts

"I promised her and this proves I couldn't keep it." I sob silently, my long hair falling down the sides of me as I bow my head as I looked at my arm. "I told her I would stop, that I would be okay. But I lied." I accidently let out a sharp gasp as I whisper. I don't want Alma to see me like this. It has been months since I last relapsed and I don't want her worrying about me.

I swipe it one last time, the blade cutting through my arm. It was bleeding a little but not badly. My arm was practically made up of scars or cuts layered and layered above each other. When I met Alma, she helped me with the problem and I seemed to be doing well. I guess not tonight.

Alma was down stairs and I completely forgot to put the blade away when I pretended to be asleep when I heard her walking upstairs.

((I swear that's like me reading wattpad and I hear my mom so I hide my phone but anyways-) )

She quietly opens the door, not wanting to wake me, and I can hear her changing into her night gown and letting her hair down. After that she shuts a lamp off right before laying down. At least that's how I thought it was going to go.

When she was about to turn the lamp off she spots the blade. It was just a  pocket knife, but it was still suspicious to find this randomly sitting on her night stand.

"Y/n?" She says and I hear the concern and try to look like I'm sleeping. "Y/n, wake up. I want to make sure you're alright." She gently shook my arm and I squeezed my eyes shut. "Please, love."

"I'm okay." I whisper and my sobbing starts again. "I'm fine."

Alma pulls me into a hug and rubs my back as I buried my face in her chest, trying to calm myself.

I smell the sweet vanilla from her pipe on her night gown and try to fixate my mind on that and eventually I calm down.

"I just want to keep my promise that I wouldn't do it again," I say, my throat sore from sobbing. I sit on Almas lap with my arms around her neck and lay my head on her shoulder and she does the same. "But I can't and I wish I was good enough to."

I lay my head back on her chest and she kisses the top of my head.

"We will figure this out." Alma says. "Together."

"I don't want to drag you into my problems-" I begin but I get cut off by her putting her finger on top of my lips.

"I love you. You are my wife and I took a vow that day to stick by you no matter what." She says gently and gives me a bittersweet smile.

I didn't know what to say so instead I bury into another hug and she hugs me back.

We both took a vow to stand by the person no matter what.

Till death do we part.

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