Pent up

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Y/n has been penting up her emotions and eventually they get released in the worst way. Btw, your together with Miss P in this ;)

"Y/n, do you need help with anything? " Emma asks as I make my way to my room. I feel bed for saying this, but the children lately have been fighting over me ever since I moved in with Alma. I guess I'm not used to dealing with these many kids.

"No, I got things handled." I say and shut my door behind me. I let out a sigh as I lean down to the floor. "I can handle things myself. " I whisper.

A knock on the door sends a twinge to my anger and I have no idea why. The person continues knocking until I finally open the door.

"What?!" I say, frustrated for a second but it quickly fades when I saw it was Claire. "Oh, hi Claire. What do you need?"

"Hugh and Millard won't let me play with them and Fiona is busy." She says.

"What about Bronwyn?" I ask with a small smile.

"Shes helping Fiona right now."

I let out a sigh.

"I'll go talk to Millard and Hugh." I say as I take her hand and walk out.

When we get outside, I saw Hugh kicking the ball to Millard who blocked it from rolling into the bushes.

"Hey Hugh?" I say with a small smile so he doesn't think he is in trouble.

"Yes Miss y/l/n?" He says, trying to be polite as he can be.

"Can Claire please play with you two? I would highly appreciate it." I say, hoping they would say yes.

"Well, we already got the game figured out between me and Millard." He says and I frown.

It must have shown more than I thought because Hugh looked at me in surprise. I put a smile back on my face and look over at Claire.

"If you let Claire play with you two, what if I made cookies later after dinner? How does that sound?" I say and his eyes go wide from excitement.

"Okay, but we can figure out something new to do instead. " He says and take Claire with them to figure out a new game.

I sigh and start heading back into the house.

After supper was cooked, I headed out into the hallway to grab the cookie mix I bought earlier that was sitting on the dresser.

I bumped into Bronwyn on the way.

"Whoops, sorry Bronwyn." I say and she smiles.

"It's okay, are you making cookies?" She asks and I nod. "Can I help?"

"I was hoping maybe you could help get the children ready to eat?" Alma was normally here to help with that, but she was going to be gone till supper because of a meeting.

Bronwyn nodded and went out to get them.

Don't get mad, they aren't doing anything wrong. Why are you like this??

I picked up the cookie mix and finished mixing to where I finally put them into the oven.

After that Bronwyn helped me get the children situated and we began to eat.

Millard of course showed up nude and Emma and Hugh were fighting.

"Millard could you please put something on?" I ask, my voice sounding more desperate than I wanted it to.

"Hugh, knock it off! " Emma yelled as he threw part of his meal at Olive.

"Hugh, sit down and eat and no food fights." He sits down but then makes a face at Olive which earns another name from Emma.

Millard never left to change and I thought for sure I was going to lose it.

When Hugh started up again though, I did.

"Okay, that's it! " I yell, getting shocked looks across the table. "Everyone go to your rooms!" Emma does a quick glance at Hugh. "Now." I say and they listened and went upstairs.

I started cleaning up the table and put the dishes in the sink. As I was washing one of the dishes I smelled something burning. Burning?

Oh shit.

I dropped the dish and ran over to the oven, pulling out the tray and airing out the room by opening the window.

When that was under control I checked the cookies which were, sure enough, burnt.

Oh well, nobody ate anyway.

I continued with the dishes and was working on the last two when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I wasn't in the mood to deal with anything else, as selfish as it seems.

"What?!!" I yell as I whipped around to only find Alma there, a bit shocked to see my reaction.

"That's one way to greet someone." She jokes, but I didn't laugh. I didn't want to. "Where are the children? Normally they are up later than this."

"I sent them upstairs. They weren't listening." I say and continue with the dishes. I see her glance over at the burnt tray of cookies and she looks back over at me.

"Attempted baking?" She says and I was trying not to yell at her. Not anymore. "At least I didn't come home to this place being burnt to the ground."

Shes trying to cheer me up, she doesn't know I'm this mad.

When she sees no reaction from me though, her smirk goes to confused and concerned. "Y/n? Are you alright?"

I throw the dish down and start pacing. Childish, I know, but I couldn't help it.

"Am I alright? Of course I am! I obviously don't have people constantly wanting to practically suck up to me, trying to get my attention 24/7 ever since I moved in! I definitely don't have to deal with the children not listening to me when I ask them to do things since they know that since I'm not Miss Peregrine they don't have to listen!" Alma looks at me shocked and concerned at the outburst as I paste around the kitchen, gripping the top of my hair here and there. "And I'm sorry if I really can't be like you, if I can't handle them the best. It's just so difficult sometimes and I'm trying not to get angry so much but it just seems so hard not to and I don't even know how you can handle it. I want to be a better person to handle this but, " I pause as I catch my breath. "But I'm not."

I fall to me knees and grip the top of my head as I sob into arms. Alma softly walks over to me and moves me into a hug.

"Dear, you are doing amazing with the children. Yes there will be some days where it will be difficult, but when you finally are over those small bumps along the way it turns to be the most amazing thing you could ever be. I for one think you are doing a magnificent job and the children may be harder to talk to since you are new here, but they will catch on and eventually you will too." She stops to tilt my head up and kiss me before she leans her forehead against mine and looks into my eyes. "You play an amazing role into the childrens and my life and I don't want you living here doubting that about yourself. Okay?" I nod and she kisses me again. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say and tighten the hug.

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