I've Missed You

705 18 14

Y/n has been in the hospital for a while and is finally returning to the loop.

TW: Broken bones, fight scene

alma_is_hot  ;)

I am in so much pain it's not funny. I broke my leg and arm from a person at work who beat me up. Nothing much. The only thing I'm upset about is not being able to see Alma.

She's probably so worried to. I hope she doesn't think about it too much though. Who knows, she may even be too busy to notice.

So far I've been in here for about 2 months, most of it is filling out paper work if I wanted to sue the persons family. I had the urge to, but the family had no part in it so I told them no.

But for now I'm just hoping on getting out of the hospital soon.

I'm finally on my way to see Alma. After 2 months and 3 weeks, I am finally out of the hospital. Obviously I'm still wearing a boot and need crutches but my arm seemed to heal well.

I make my way up to the home of peculiars which took forever with these stupid crutches.

When I made it up there, I saw Emma and Bronwyn in the garden who soon saw me approaching.

"Miss y/n? Is that you?" I hear Bronwyn say and with a smile I nodded and she smiled.

"We've all missed you so much!" Emma says as she hugs me and Bronwyn hugs her back a little.

"What?" She says towards her but then sees my crutches. "Oops, sorry."

"No worries, hun." I say with a soft smile.

"The bird would be so happy to see you." Bronwyn blurts. "She looks out the window every day waiting for you and today you finally came!"

I felt awful. I kept her waiting for so long and she probably gave up on me not visiting.

Emma must have seen the falter in my expression when she smiled.

"Come on, we will go see her now." She says gently and we start making our way up to the door. "You know, I doubt she would be upset."

I smile and she knocks on the door.

"What did Millard do this time?" She says exasperated. Her tired expression soon turns to surprise when she sees me. "Y/n?"

Emma soon walks off to help Bronwyn again as Alma leads me inside and shuts the door.

She collided into a hug with me, knocking me over when I lost grip on the crutches. My foot hurt but it was definitely worth it. Anything for my Bluebird.

She notices and quickly grabs them for me and helps me up.

"I am so sorry, I didn't realize till now." She says worried and I smile.

"It's alright, hun." I say and she gives me another hug, this time she is a little more gentle.

"I've missed you so much." She says. "I thought you weren't coming back."

I was surprised at this statement.

"Not come back?" I question from disbelief. "Of course I would always come back. You and the children are my world." She hugs me a little tighter until she let's go.

"What happened?" She says looking me over and noticing the boot.

"Oh just some jerk messed with me at work, no big deal." I say and she goes to question more but I cut her off. "It's fine, really. You don't need to go murdering someone for me." I says and gently tap her nose. She can't help but smile.

"Okay, but no promises." She smirks and brushes a strand of hair away from my face. "I've missed you so much."

I was going to reply when she suddenly pressed her lips against mine. I smile against hers and she does the same.


You don't know how bad I wanted to make Millard walk in on them since he did do something but thought I would keep it romantic for now ;)

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