Protect you

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Writing this while waiting for next movie in drive in to come on so sorry if it's sloppy!
This will be a different version of the last chapter since I don't have any ideas at the moment!

Y/n has the ability to shape shift. Because of this, she will be forever grateful since this is how she met her Alma. Alma stumbled upon her when she shifted into a crow and left to search around the town since she was bored. Without knowing, she flew into Miss Peregrines loop and didn't find out till she met her later. Ever since then, they have been together and life couldn't be better.

That is, until today.

Mr Barron returned to the loop and barged into their home without them knowing. Y/n knew from just how Alma brought him up that he could never be trusted and seeing him walk through that door, I knew exactly why. That man is evil. I will never let him do anything to my wife or my children. They are mine, not his.

"Mr Barron." I say through clenched teeth.

"Oh, so you know me? Well then, we can skip presentations since we clearly don't need them." He says while looking down at the children that stood behind me and Alma. "I heard about you already." He says as he looks at me and I tense as if he's going to run towards me.

"Oh, that's nice." I say sarcastically. "Glad we don't have to introduce each other because I certainly don't want to hear anything from you."

I looked over at him as if he were a piece of dirt. He simply rolls his eyes as he looks over at my wife.

"Look, I'll cut to the chase." He says emphasising with his hands. "If you give me your ymbrym, then I will allow both you and your children go with no harm." He says simply.

"Sounds as if your trying to find another way to help Caul if you ask me." I sneer and he looks at me offended.

"I'm only trying to give him what he wants." Barron says defensively. "Besides its either one person" he point to Alma then to the children. "Or all of them. Make your decision."

"I'm not doing either." I say as I step in front of both Alma who stood in front of the children. "Handing one of us over to you is practically a death sentence which I would never allow."

"Now listen." He starts but I cut him off.

"No, why should I listen to someone who's obviously here to kill at least one of us?" I say and he starts talking over me.

"Don't interrupt me." He says but I cut him off again at the end.

"Don't interrupt me either." I say simply and he looks at me with a sharp glare.

"No need to be a smart one, now." He says and walks over to pick up a bird cage he carried with him. "Hand the bird over or else there will be consequences."

"No." I say as Alma rests a hand on Claire's shoulder as she wraps her arms around her mistresses waist. "None of us are leaving with you."

"Alma?" He seems to ask.

"Don't." I say fiercely when he called her that. "Don't ever talk about her ever. I don't want to hear any of our names roll off your tounge."

He looks at me curiously as I move myself back, further against Alma to reassure myself she was still there. Safe behind me.

"Fine." He says with a small shrug. "We'll do it the hard way."

He reaches out to the children as he runs towards them to attack, but I stop him as I lean my leg out and trip him half way before I lunge on top of him.

"You will never lay hands on any of my wards here. Do I make myself clear?" I growl into his ear as I keep myself on top of him.

Instead he shoves me off and pushes me into the wall where I smack my head. My vision blurs for a second but I stand back up and go towards him again.

"Y/n! " I hear Alma say as she tells the children to go to the parlor.

I shape shift into a wolf as I run over to him knocking him down from behind. I dug my claws into his back as he struggles to get back up.

"Get off of me, freak!" He yells as he shoves me off again and I turn into a crow. I let out a small caw when I see Alma return from locking the parlor so Barron can't get in and she moves beside me as she turns into a falcon. I fly towards Barron as he moves to get to Alma. Alma fly's fast throwing him off and I quickly fly near him, clawing around his eyes.

As I do, he fumbles trying to grab a hold of me to throw me off. He eventually grabs my wing and throws me down to the ground as Alma returns to attacking him. Eventually she was able to knock him down with her crossbow and transform back into a bird to knock him down where he finally did not get up.

She flaps over to me when she sees my wing outstretched and lying on the floor by the wall. Alma quick turns back into herself and lifts me up immediately before she unlocks the parlor. She disposed of Mr Barron before letting the children out, and when she did everyone was swing with questions on what happened.

"Children, please. Go to your rooms while I get y/n under control." She says sencing me getting overwhelmed as I ruffled my feathers and tucked into her sleeve more. After a few why's and buts, they eventually did.

Alma lys me on a table as she reaches around cabinets to find whatever she was looking for. When she got it, she took out a small syringe and filled it with what seemed to be medicine. After that, she walks over to me and sits down in a chair in front of me.

"Dear, could you drink this please? " she says gently, letting the worry creep into her voice some. I let some of my feathers go down as if to say yes and open my beak. She gently gives me the medicine then after wards sits the syringe down and picks me up, avoiding hurting my wing.

"Y/n I knew this will sound hard, but could you please transform back for me?" She asks as she gently smooths out my feathers. "It will be the only way I can help you feel better and not be stuck as a bird. " she adds with a small laugh to ease her nerves. "Please love?" The hope in her eyes makes me want to transform as fast as I could and wrap her into a huge hug and see if she was okay. I wrestle out of her hands and start trotting around on the table hoping to transform. I did a few takes and none worked. I cared in frustration and Alma went to comfort me but I moved away from her hand, my eyes brimming with tears. I want to transform and be able to make her happy and make her feel okay and safe. But I can't. I can't.

I try one last time with all the hope building inside me, hoping I could do it. I took a flip and

I did it. I did it!

I found myself falling off the edge of the table and the pains shoot through my arm, but I did it.

"Y/n?" Alma says as she kneels above me to help me up and I quickly embrace her in a tight hug. I ignore the pain in my arm, this was much more important. When I go to move my other hand around her, I hiss out in pain when I do.

"Oh love, don't move your arm." She says gently and when I pulled away I noticed a scratch on her cheek.

"Are you alright?" I say, concerned and hatred for Barron rising. She smiles and let's out a small chuckle before running her finger along my cheek.

"Oh love, it's just a scratch. Don't worry." She says as she gives me a kiss on the forehead. "I was so worried you were going to be stuck." She whispers against my head.

"Hun." I say as I gently bring her hands into mine and her nose touches mine. "I would never leave you like that. I promise you that I will always find a way back to you." I say gently as she leans in for a kiss. A smile erupts from the both of us during it before it's cuts off from my stupid arm. I accidently flinch when I move my arm and Alma moves back prepared to take care of it.

She stands to leave and get things after helping me to the table, but before she does she leans in front of me for a bit, staring into my eyes with concern yet relief. She eventually rubs the side of my face and leans in for one more kiss before standing to retrieve things from the cabinets.

Jurassic Park movie is amazing so far🙌

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