Requested by NumberOneMilfSimp
"Miss y/l/n, may we go to the beach?" Bronwyn asks and I cast a glance to Alma who smiles.
"I'm okay with it, Miss Peregrine?" I ask with a smile knowing she doesn't like the formal name.
"Yes we can, and don't call me that." She says with a confused smile at the name. I laugh a little as Bronwyn says thank you and runs outside to the others to tell them to get ready.
"You don't like it? I'll keep that in mind, Miss Peregrine." I smirk and she rolls her eyes.
"You're pushing it, dear." She warns and I laugh a little. She dries the last plate and after drying her hands she sneaks up behind me in a hug. She places her mouth near my ear and her breath feels hot against it. "We should go get ready." She says and I feel my cheeks heat up when she nips at my ear before turning to go upstairs. She chuckles when she sees me flustered and I follow her up. "You're adorable when you're flustered." She remarks and I roll my eyes with a small smile.
We reach her room and grab out the swim wear along with towels.
"I'll go change in the bathroom." I say and I see her smirk. "You're welcome to come in as well." I flirt which causes her usual demeanor to turn flustered and I laugh before shutting the door behind me and change. I frown when I realized the only thing I had was a two piece. I had nothing else though. I change into it and take a quick glance in the mirror. I took my towel and wrapped it around me when suddenly I heard the door open. Alma was there and she out on a fake frown when she saw I already got dressed.
"And here I thought you wouldn't be." She flirts and I roll my eyes as she plants a kiss on my forehead. My eyes skim over her as I see the two piece she was wearing. It fit her perfectly and I knew she pulled it off better than I could. "It's rude to stare, dear." She says and I just noticed how long I was.
"Sorry." I mumble as my cheeks burn up and she laughs as she plants another kiss on me, this time on my lips.
"No need to apologize." She says and when she hears the children downstairs she beckons me to follow her. "The children are waiting, come on."
I follow her downstairs the towel still wrapped around me and the children were waiting by the doorway.
"What took you so long?" Emma asks and Alma shrugs the question off smoothly.
"We couldn't find y/n swimsuit." She says simply and Emma seems to believe it. They all know we're together but so it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't actually believe her. Hugh opens the door as the others follow him out, Alma and I walking behind them. Alma kept glancing at the towel and gave me a questioning look as we walked.
"Dear, are you alright?" She asks and I nod.
"Of course, why?" I ask and she seems to look towards the towel. "Oh, I'm just...cold?" I say and she seems to believe it for a moment but she already seemed to know. She just wasn't telling.
"No one here judges." She says randomly and I cast her a confused look.
"Why are you saying that?" I ask and she shrugs.
"Just thought I would let you know." She simply says with a small smile and I give her one back. We approach the shoreline when I noticed someone down there. A normal it appeared to be. Alma walked ahead and warned the others to stay away from him since he might be a wight. All of them ere defeated of course when Jacob got rid of them but that doesn't mean we should be careful.
The children go into the water, Olive and Fiona staying on the shore since Olive couldn't go in because of her boots. Alma got a few glances at him and relieved to see he wasn't a wight, just a normal. When we were about to get in, the man walked over to her and I waited a few feet back keeping an eye on the others.
"Now what's a lovely lady like yourself doing out here?" He asks. "Are you from around here."
"No, I'm not." She answers simply.
"It's a beautiful day out." He mentions and she nods.
"It is."
Jealously seems to boil through me and I can't help but want to walk up and force him away. I decided to take my mind off of it though and watch the others.
"It's not only today that's beautiful." He flirts and it makes anger bolt through me. Having someone flirt with her made my blood boil. He seems to look her up and down and that's when I had enough. I got up and left towards the home again, no one seeming to notice thankfully. Jealously raged through me and it took everything in me to not scream at him.
~~~~~Miss Peregrine POV~~
"Sir, I think that's enough thank you." I say and he gives me a seductive look.
"If you would just-"
"No, I've had enough." I seen y/n leave and I had a feeling I knew why. I look out towards the others out in the water and back towards the man. "I have got to go." I turn towards the children and ask Fiona if she could tell Emma and Jacob to keep an eye on the younger ones. She nods and I go towards the home, knowing that's where she was.
"Miss, if you would just-"
I turn and look him sternly in his eyes.
"Sir, I said no now leave." I say and he finally does, leaving the beach entirely. I take one last look towards the children before quickly heading towards the home.
~~~~~y/n POV~~
A knock on the door scares me for a moment. The door opens and I see Alma walk into the room. I was sitting on the side of the bed, still wrapped in the towel.
"Y/n, dear." She says gently as she kneels in front of me and my anger seems to dissolve but I can't help but feel a tad bit hurt by it. "That was nothing, I took no part in it."
"I know." I say frustration still seeping through me as I tighten the towel around me.
"Hun, look here." She says gently and I feel her hands on mine that were keeping the towel in place. "It's alright." She takes my hands down as she then pulls the towel down, it falling down to my waist as she leans in, her lips meeting mine. Her hands travel to my hips as I lean a bit back words from her pushing her lips on mine. She stops when we were both out of breath and looks me firmly in the eye.
"I love you, you're the only one I will ever love." She says her tone firm and she leans in again.

•Miss Peregrines Peculiar children Oneshots•
FantasyRequests are always open! Disclaimer: I do not own this amazing series, Ransom Riggs does! These are based off the books and movie. 3/24/22 #1 in Fiona 4/10/22 #2 in Peregrine 4/11/22 #1 in Peregrine 5/7/22 #1 in mphfpc 6/23/22 #1 in Peregrine