Learning to fly

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Y/n was a ymbryne. A Hummingbird to be exact.

Now, it wasn't the best bird to transform into you thought, but at least it was something.

In fact, it was the thing that caught Miss Peregrines attention.

She has never seen a hummingbird before and absolutely adores them now.

The problem is you grew up for 25 years in a home where you never learned how to fly.

Without your flight it was very difficult to do things in the peculiar home, but Miss Peregrine took some time out of her schedule and was going to teach you.

You were now out in the Garden with Alma and found a safe ground with free space to fly.

Your nerves were buzzing with excitement as she turned to face you.

"Now, dear, don't expect to be a pro at this right away." She says. "It does take a lot of practice, especially in your case."

You nod in understanding and she gives you a warm smile.

"Now first step."

She swings back and transforms into a Peregrine Falcon and perches on your arm.

You laugh and she cocks your head for you to try transforming.

She flys off your arm and lands on the ground in front of you.

You take a deep breath, close your eyes, and flip.

You smoothly transform into a hummingbird halfway, but lose focus ans tumble into a bush.

Miss Peregrine turns back into herself and runs over to you.

"Dear, are you alright? Are you hurt?" She asks worried.

"I'm fine." You say as you get out of the bush, your face deep red.

"Hey, it's alright. Nobody's perfect." She says with a warm smile. "Now try again."

You step away from the bush, take a deep breath, and focus really hard as you do. This time you turned into a hummingbird and landed on the grass below you.

Miss Peregrine kneeled down and scooped you up into her hands.

"That was amazing, y/n!" She says and gently puts you back down. "Now for the next step."

She turns back into a falcon and then walks around for a bit getting prepared to fly and takes off, shortly coming back.

Then she nods at you to try.

You position yourself and face to the open, grassy space ahead of you.

Focus y/n

You take a deep breath and spread your little wings, preparing to fly.

You start to walk forward and speed up as you prepare to fly.

You start moving your wings and made it a little off the ground when you accidently stopped mid air and fell.

You land on your belly and you wing, but in spite of the pain you quickly got back up.

By now the falcon was right beside you, nudging itself to you, helping you up.

You try again and this time stay in the air a bit longer even though your wing was hurting.

After a few more minutes of this, you finally got into the groove of flying.

It was amazing. The sights, the air breezing through your wings.

You couldn't fly high like Miss P could and you couldn't fly on and on either, but it was amazing just to be able to fly, no matter what.

When you both went back onto land, she showed you the tricky part.

Turning back.

She demonstrated and waited for you, clearly worried about you not being able to turn back.

When you tried, you struggled though and started panicking.

Miss Peregrine noticed.

"Hey, hey, shhh, don't panic because then it will be harder to focus on turning back." She says softly. "Focus on something and try it."

You do as she says and focus on her as you try again.

You focus on her blue, ocean blue eyes and her blue jacket. You focus on her words that come out with so much love and care.

As you do this, you didn't realize that you turned back until Miss Peregrine hugged you.

"You did it." She says. "I am so proud of you."

Your heart warmed at these words and returned the hug, only for you to stop when your arm hurted.

It was nothing bad, you just landed on it wrong. No big deal.

Miss Peregrine seen and looked into your eyes.

"You must have been desperate to learn if you kept trying after that fall." She says.

You smile and felt a blush creeping in.

"You did wonderful." She continues. "I hope you know that, little bird."

You blush even more at the nickname and smile into her neck as she gives you another hug.

She pulls back though and jokingly does a mad face.

"I cannot believe you flew though with your arm hurting, you could've made it worse!" She jokingly yells.

You tried to give a fake glare only to have her glare back and you break out into laughter.

When you were done, you looked up to see the most sincere smile on her face.

"Come along then, we mustn't be late for dinner." She says gently.

You nod and transform back into the hummingbird and fly. You hear Miss P laugh as she does the same and follows you to the home of peculiars.

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