What do you think?

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Y/n was busy working in the garden, helping Fiona with the new flowers they were planting.

Obviously y/n doesn't have the amazing ability Fiona has, so she got her permission to go buy some and plant them in the garden as Fiona grew some.

As they were digging and planting, y/n had something on their mind they didn't know how to explain to Miss Peregrine.

What does she think of me.

Am I nice in her eyes? Does she think I am a good ward? Would she want better?

As I was thinking, Fiona tapped me on the shoulder.

I was about to ask her what but then realized that would be rude after her unfortunate incident from Caul.

Stupid jerk. Caul made these kids grow up faster than they should have. Hope he's rotting in hell.

She looks over at Fiona and she points at something. She follows Fionas finger to the spot where an empty hole was.

"Oh, I must have missed one. Thanks Fiona." I say.

Y/n quickly finishes that one before heading inside to clean up.

She kicks her shoes off outside and heads upstairs to shower. When she is finished she gets out, changes, and heads downstairs to the kitchen.

Huh, nobody was in there.

She hums a little tune as she works around the kitchen, setting plates up for lunch.

She was so deep in thought about what she was going to say to Miss P that she didn't even know the bird herself was in the room.

She leaned over to put a dish back into a cupboard when she felt a little tap on her shoulder.


She let out a small yelp and jumped away with surprise. She quickly regained her composure, her face red from embarrassment.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." You say.

Miss Peregrine looked surprised at your reaction and looked at you suspiciously.

"What?" You ask, sort of uncomfortable.

She looked at you for a second longer and then looked away.

"Thank you for making lunch, dear." She says and simply walks away, her pipe smoke trailing with her.

The vanilla scent brought you back to your question.

"Miss-Miss Peregrine?" You say, still nervous from what happened.

"Yes, dear?" She says, almost like she knew something was on your mind.

"I, um, I have a question."

"I can tell dear." She lets out a small chuckle and you both sit at the table. "What is it?"

"Umm, not to be rude or weird or anything but I guess I was wondering, umm." You trail off.

"How about you think before you speak, it may help." She says in a gentle tone.

Ok ok ok ok, I need to figure out how to say this. "Hey Miss P I was wondering how you view me?" OH BIRDS NO that sounds awful. What about "Miss Peregrine, I want to talk to you about something." NO STUPID I already said that.

You facepalm yourself mentally.

How about you bring it up on how you were thinking out in the gardens. How did I say it? I don't want to sound weird. Don't act weird, y/n focus. GET AN ANSWER ALREADY SHE IS WAITING.

Y/n looked up to find Miss P watching you patiently for an answer.

"Umm, sorry I-"

"No need to apologize, take your time."

"I was just wondering, umm, do you think I am a good ward?"


She seemed surprised at your question.

Is that good? Bad? WHY IS IT SO HARD TO DECIPHER THINGS LIKE THIS. It makes everything feel worse.

"Sorry." You say and you stand and leave.

Y/n couldn't handle the awkwardness. She heads to her room, shuts the door, and flops on the bed facedown.

"I'm such an idiot!" You scream, but fortunately it was muffled by the pillows. Eventually you fall asleep to the sound of the birds outside.

It was dark out when you awoke to the sound of the door opening slowly. The creaking gave you anxiety and you quickly grabbed a pen beside you on the nightstand. It wasn't much but it was all you had.

Whatever entered was walking over to the bed and you quickly shot up with the pen.

"Y/n! It's me!"

It was Miss Peregrine.

"Oh my BIRDS!" You were so relieved it wasn't something else. "You can't just be doing that to people! I was scared half to death!"

"Maybe I have to do it more because clearly someone doesn't have defense skills." She says as she looks at the pen in your hand.

Your face turns red again.

"I was just trying to be quiet in case you were sleeping." She says with a smile. "I came up here to talk about what you asked me earlier."

"Oh-oh right, I forgot about that." You say.

She laughs a little.

"You are really forgetful, aren't you?"

"Now that's something I can agree with."

She smiles again and gives you a unexpected hug.

"This is what I think of you." She says, tightening the hug. "When I see you I think of your kindness and all the little conversations we had ever since I rescued you from home. I always remember how happy you seemed when I brought you here. I can't imagine what would have happened to you if I didn't and I try not to even imagine it. You have made the children and I so very happy and I do not want you to doubt that. I want you to look deeply into yourself and find that viewpoint for yourself. You need to do yourself a favor and not worry what others think of you. You should know - and even I know - that everyone here loves you and does not think anything bad about you. We love you."

She let go of the hug and seemed to check hoe you were feeling.

You were not expecting this. At all. You thought she would shrug it off and not speak about it. You thought she woul-

"There you go overthinking about it again." She says as she gently taps your forehead. "Stop that."

You smiled and she hugged you again.

I was wrong and not in a bad way.

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