Better Life

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Y/n met Miss Peregrine a little after her mother passed and she needed to find a place since her father left when she was young. She stumbled upon the home and since then has been living with Miss Peregrine and the others.

Lately though she can't help but feel like she isn't the best of a "daughter" she can be.

One night, y/n was laying in bed and just couldn't sleep knowing everything was at her fault.

~~~y/n POV~~~

"This is all my fault." I gently sob. I am so tired but just can't sleep. "I'm sorry."

My breathing hitches and I slap my mouth shut hoping no one heard me. The last thing I want is  getting caught.

This is why mom was gone. She always out me first and never herself. Maybe if I just wasn't around she would still be here.

This brought on another round of body wracking sobs and I did everything I could to keep them locked up.

"I'm only bringing this on to Miss Peregrine." I whisper out loud at the thought of ruining her as well. "I can't just be a burden and use her. I'm sorry."

I accidently gasped and quickly covered my mouth. I heard shoes tapping gently and slowly towards the door of my room.

No, please no.

This was shortly followed by a short, gentle knock on the door.

"Y/n?" I heard her gently whisper almost like she is worried I may still be sleeping and guessed wrong about that coming from me. "I'm going to check on you anyway." I can almost hear her smile through the door and it pains me more.

I quickly wipe my eyes and bury into he covers just when the door opened. I hear the soft slow tapping move to the side of the bed where she gently sits. The thought of me ruining her sleep from this makes my body shake a little and I pray that she didn't see it.

I feel her hand gently rub down my back as I can tell she is checking me over, which is no surprise after what happened to Victor.

"I love you." She says gently and goes to give me a kiss when suddenly my breath hitched again. God damnit.

"Y/n?" Now she's concerned. Way to go. "Hun, are you okay?" She gently strokes my back, expecting me to wake up. I feel her slide her thumb across my cheek, wiping away a tear. "Please answer me."

I can't ignore her.

I open my eyes slowly but don't dare to look at her. I can't.

She wants me to though as she tilts my head over to where she can see me.

"Hun, what's wrong?" She clearly is concerned and I feel a stab of guilt for having this happen.

"Nothing, I'm okay." I say and quickly wipe my tears and go to lay down on my other side when she suddenly stops me.

"Oh no, you aren't getting out of this." She says with a small smile and lays down on the other side of the bed so again she's facing me. "Now tell me what's really going on, okay?" Her blue eyes look into mine and I couldn't say no. They reminded me of my mother's.

"I.. " I pause and think. I'm going to sound so stupid. I look down and she makes me look back up at her.

"It's alright." She says.

I take a deep breath.

"I just feel like you're not taking time for yourself just to deal with me. I keep ruining everything just like how I am right now. You should go back to bed, I'm fine." I say and can't look her in the eyes.

"Y/n..." She says and seems to be in deep thought.
Before she says anything I step in.

"This is what happened with my other mom." Miss Peregrine looks at me surprised and concerned since I never want to talk about my parents.

"I highly doubt that's true." She says. "Besides, everything your saying is not true."

"Forget I said anything." I say and I get up to go to the bathroom so I could rinse the dried tears and sweat off my face before I went back to bed. When I got up though, Miss Peregrine got up and hugged me tight. "Go back to bed." I say and I look down. "You need it."

"No." She says and I look up at her. "Not until I know you're okay. "

"I'm not worth losing yourself over! " I shout and I look up at her, my eyes brimmed with tears. "My mother did the same thing and now she's dead! She wasn't taking care of herself and I wish you would start to." I stood my stance, trying not to break down, trying to stand my ground but the look Miss Peregrine had was enough to break me. I fall to me knees, arms crossed, and sobbed soon eventually into Miss Peregrine arms as she hugged me. "I don't want to lose another mom." I sob into her arms and I feel the hug tighten. "I love you so much and don't want anything to happen to you." My breathing hitches and fastens and Miss Peregrine quickly calms me down. When she does she takes my hand leading me out of my room.

Where are we going?

We eventually end up in her room where she leads me over to the bed and gives me another hug. Almost like a bear hug.

"Nothing is ever going to happen to me and I want you to stop fretting over that." She says gently and looks at me, one hand on the side of my cheek wiping away my tears. "I love you so much y/n, and do not want to hear you scaring your self on things that will never happen. Do you understand?" She says gently.

I nod even though I know I probably would not follow through.

"Now, let's get you some sleep." I was about to say something but she stops me. "I will be fine."

She helps me in and lays down on the opposite side and looks me gently in the eyes before fatigue takes over me.

"I love you." She says and my eyes close.


Not me sobbing while making this-

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