Dont Ever Leave Me

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TW: Suicide attempt

Why am I here?

I sit on the edge of my bed and stare down at the knife in my hand. The blade is so sharp and it glimmers from the evening sunset from the window.

I snuck it out when Miss P was busy helping Fiona and Hugh in the gardens. Tonight I was going to end it all. I'm just a bother. People wouldn't even notice that I'm gone. My other parents didn't even care.

I start moving the blade around getting a good look at it and thinking more about my actions.

If I do it tonight no one could stop me.

I look out the window and see Miss Peregrine and Fiona planting in the garden. Hugh is going over to bother Millard.

I take my glance away from the window and walk over to the bathroom and look into the mirror.

"Okay, y/n. You need to act okay so she can't stop you. " I take a deep breath in. As much as I love Miss Peregrine, she will probably be better off without me.

I go downstairs to get ready for dinner.

Miss Peregrine took her seat at the dinner table as the children ate. Millard got scolded at like always for eating in the nude so he had to go change.

I wasn't very hungry so I sat playing with my food when I felt someone staring at me.

I look up and see Emma's and Miss P's glare towards me.

"What? " I ask.

"Why aren't you eating? " Emma says along with Miss Peregrine looking intently at me for an answer.

"Guess I'm not very hungry. " I lie with a smile and excuse myself as I head upstairs.

I go up to where I hid the blade and slowly rose my wrist up to it.

I can't stand just lying in bed with my head spinning on why I am even here and feeling like I need to put on a act so I'm not a burden.

I quickly swipe the blade with no second thoughts and let out a loud gasp from how bad it hurt. The pain was traveling up my whole arm and it felt like it was burning it inside out. It feels horrible.

I accidently let out a painful cry from it. I cut way to deep this time and I regret doing so. But then why do I keep doing it? Maybe since I didn't know it hurts this bad.

It must have been loud because I heard loud footsteps coming up the steps near my door.

I can't stay awake. I want to. But I can't.

The room goes black before I even notice who came in.

I wake up in a new room. I could tell since the window was a little lower than the one at Miss Peregrines. The room at first was giving me a calm feeling, until I realized that I was somewhere else.

I quickly prop myself up and start looking around trying to take in my surroundings, but when I did my arm was hurting and burning as if a snake bit it.

I let out a small shaky wince as I lay back down and stare at the ceiling.

I squeeze my eyes shut hoping the pain will stop, but it doesn't.

"I'm sorry. " I whisper through my silent cries.

I suddenly heard footsteps from the side and the sound of someone stepping out of a chair.

"Y/n? "

I look over after quickly wiping my tears and see Miss Avocet.

"Miss Avocet? " I say in which she nods. "I' your loop? " I received another nod.

"I will be right back. " She says before she leaves.

Wow. She was in a rush.

I continue staring at the ceiling focusing more on what happened the night before, when the door suddenly opened. Too feirce though to be Miss Avocet.

"Y/n! " I was suddenly bear hugged by the arms that I soon seen belonged to Miss Peregrine. "I was so worried about you. Please never ever do that again. "

She let's go of the hug to plant a kiss on my forehead as she looks into my eyes. I noticed hers were red and her nose and around her eyes were blotched red a little. She had been crying.

I felt horrible. I never wanted to ever make Miss Peregrine upset and now look what I did.

"I-I'm sorry. " I say and she hugs me again, this time stroking my cheek as she does.

"I never want anything to happen to you. I couldn't live with it knowing I lost you. " She says, her voice shaking. Miss Peregrine was known best for keeping calm and stable in situations but here she was breaking down in front of me. I felt awful.

She caresses my face again and looks deeply into my eyes. She was clearly worried and concerned.

"I love you so much and I never don't want you to ever get hurt, do you understand me? " She was trying to make herself seem assertive but her state wasn't working well with it.

I nod and end up breaking down into her arms.

"I'm sorry. " I sob as she hugs me tight.

"No, I'm sorry I wasn't there. " She says with a small sob at the end. "I love you so much, y/n. Please don't ever leave me. "

"I promise. "
*context that you maybe don't need but Miss P rushed her to Miss Avocets who healed her up*

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