Chapter 18

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i felt soft hands touch my face and i opened my eyes to see a smiling Zoe. "Wake up, Mayaaaa! Its your first day of school today."

I groaned and rolled over. She pulled me back and poked my cheek. I still didnt get up, so she continued to poke me. I laughed and finally got up.

"Morning, sleeping beauty!" she smiled.

"Morning Zoe." I yawned.

"Come on down and get some breakfast. Ill help you pick out an outfit and maybe do your makeup." Zoe's idea made me excited, and i hopped out of bed. "Lets go! i said."

Zoe's makeup was already perfected and she was wearing a grey shirt with a black skirt. It looked really good together. I dont understand how she can be so perfect especially in the morning.

She made me two pieces of toast with nutella, my favorite. I ate it happily while Zoe packed my lunch. She put in a bag of grapes, a granola bar, yogurt, and a nutella sandwhich. I finished my breakfast and Zoe followed me up to my room. Inside my closet, she picked out a dark blue and white striped blous with a white undershirt, dark blue skirt, and some long, white leg warmers that went up a little bit past my knees. I got dressed in the outfit, and while i admired my look in the mirror, Zoe got her makeup.

She sat me down in a chair and put some rosy blush on my cheeks, some mascara, making my long eyelashes even longer, and she put some shimmery white eyeshadow in the corner of my eyes. Then, she straightened my hair so it was like silk. She finished the look off by putting a blue beanie on and some blue and white shoes. I was dressed in all blue and white, and i loved it.

"Hello littl- OH MY!" Alfie exclaimed as i walked down the stairs. I giggled and did a small twirl to show him my skirt.

"Your so cute!" he said as he hugged me. "Thanks!" i smiled. Zoe jumped off the last step of the stairs, holding her makeup bag. "Ready to go?"

I waved by to Alfie as i hopped in the car. We started off. :Excited?" Zoe asked. I shrugged.

"Kind of. I hope they like me." I blushed. Zoe scoffed.

"Of course they'll like you. Your impossible not to like. Anyone who says they dont like you are just jealous of you." i could see her look at me in the mirror and look back at the road.

"Yeah. I hope." i whispered to myself. It was a nice day out. The sun shined and gleamed on the puddles from the rain we got last night. Hopefully they will dry today.

"Were here!" Zoe chriped, pulling me out of my thoughts. I jumped and instantly felt nevous.

She walked me inside and i stayed behind her the whole way. Kids looked at me and didnt smile. That could be a bad sign. Zoe walked up to the office and talked to the lady behind the desk. She was quite large, and had short blonde hair and large brown eyes. She talked to Zoe and brought her attenton to me. She smiled and waved, and i did the same back.

"Okay, over here." Zoe said as she pointed to a classroom. We walked in and there was a man with brown hair and blue eyes. He smiled at me and i smiled back. "Helo, ladies."

Zoe smiled at him. "Hi, my daughter is new here and we were told that this is her homeroom."

He nodded. "Hi. You can put your stuff in that cubby right there." he pointed to a small cupboard in the corner of the room. "I'm Mr. Bates. And you are?"

"Maya. Maya Deyes." i said proudly.

"And i'm Zoe." Zoe added.

He nodded. "Alright. You can go play outside or i can show you around."

I looked up at Zoe, who looked down at me. "um.. Maybe you can show me around?" i said almost like i was asking a question. "Okay!" he said.

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