Chapter 19

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Mr. Bates showed Zoe and I around the school, teling us which each room is, giving me a schedual for my classes, and showing me what desk is mine. I finally understood everything, and when i did, the bell rang for the students to come in, and i instantly got worried. That means Zoe had to leave.

"Oh, thats the bell. I have to go." Zoe fronwed.

"um....Okay." i said, nervously. Zoe tilted my chin up so i was facing her. "Youll be fine. Remember what i told you." She smiled, kissed my cheek, gave me a quick hug, and left.

I sat down in the seat i was supposed to go in and I watched as all the kids came into the classroom, surrounding me. They all didnt seem to notice me, just chatted with each other.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. Her name is Maya Deyes. Can we give her a warm welcome?" Mr. Bates announced, motining for me to stand up. I didnt. Just waved. Every single person looked at me.

Now I'm not very good around people, so this caused me to get nervous. What if they don't like me? I'm really scared that I'll have no friends. I just got to remember to be nice to everyone and hopefully they'll be nice back.

No one talked to me the whole class, and I was really disappointed, but at the same time I was relieved. I wouldn't know what to say anyways. I've only really had one friend in my life, but we were kind of forced to be friends since we lived in the same room and were the same age.

Everyone left once the bell rang, I'm assuming for recess. I sat in my desk until everyone left so I could leave quietly. Mr. Bates waved goodbye and I walked out of the classroom and outside.


A large crash sound appeared outside and I peeked around the corner to see what happened. A group of kids were surrounding a girl against the wall. The group had 5 kids, 2 girls and 3 boys. The girls both looked mean. They were both blonde and had clearly already developed in a mature way for their age. The guys were skinny and had quite large arms. One was blonde and the other two were brunette.

The girl getting pushed around had glasses, long blonde hair that went almost to her bottom, and it was clearly perfect. She wasn't developed like the other girls bullying her. She had a black beanie on and large blue eyes. Why were they picking on her? She was gorgeous.

They were pushing her against the wall and around at each other. She looked very sad but at the same time she looked bored. Was this a normal thing for her? I couldn't believe my eyes. One of the blonde girls pushed her to the ground and her glasses fell off.

"Hey guys, come here!" A males voice called them. They all high fived and walked to the voice, arms around each other. The girl watched them leave and pressed herself against the wall, eyes closed. I immediately regretted not doing something.

She just sat there all alone. Okay Maya, time to make an impression around here. I walked over to her and picked up her glasses. "Hi."

Her eyes shot open and she was startled by my voice. "Oh, hi."

"Are you okay?" I asked, handing over her glasses.

She took them and nodded. "Yeah thanks."

I sat down beside her. "Are you the new girl?"

I looked over at her. "Yeah that's me."

She nodded. "Your very nice."

It went silent for a bit, so I decided to speak up. "Why were they picking on you."

"Oh they just do that because I'm not like them. They think being different is not okay. But, I like being different. I don't let it get to me too much." She smiled.

"Have you told anyone?" I asked, surprised.

She shook her head and looked at me. "Who is there to tell?" She made kind of a laugh sound.


It went silent again. "I'm Jeana by the way." She said.


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