Chapter 70

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1 week later

"So... I've noticed that I hit 3 thousand subscribers, which is absolutely insane. The thought of that many people watching is... terrifying." I say to my camera.

"So I thought I would tell you a little about myself since... well since your going to see me every week anyways. So I made 25 facts about myself."

"1, my middle name is Terri."

"2, my foster parents are Zoella and pointlessblog."

"3, my best friend is Jeana Chapman."

"4, I like to sing."

"5, I was in a foster home since I was seven, until Zalfie adopted me."


"23, I'm in year eight."

"now this one is sad and hard, but I'll say it. My parents died when I was seven from an accident."

"And the last fact.." I take a deep breath. "Fact 25, I've never been more happier in all of my life right now."

I smile down at my feet and look back up at the camera. "So that was 25 facts about me, I hope you enjoyed watching. I love you all so very much, and I will see you all very soon. Byeeeeee!" I wave to the camera and I stand to turn it off.

Madi's pov

"Stop fighting!" I yell over Caspar and Alexus, Joe holding Caspar.

"I'll stop fighting when that thing moves out!" Alexus yells.

"I'll not moving out, Alexus. I was here first so you should move out." Caspar yells back.

"Both of you are staying, no ifs ands or buts." Joe adds. "Besides, you guys were so happy not too long ago."

Alexus crosses her arms. "That was long ago like you said."

"Why did you guys even start fighting anyways?" I yell. "You never even explained how you broke up!"

They don't say anything. Then Caspar speaks after a moment of silence. "Well, I guess now that I think about it, it's pretty stupid."

I raise my eyebrow telling him to go on.

"We were watching the television and this ad came on talking about Canada or something." He starts. "Then I made a joke about it... and she made a joke about me being South African. Then it got heated by us making jokes about each other, which were jokes of course, but we definetly meant them."

I stare at him in shock. "Seriously? Just because she's Canadian and your south African? That's how you freaking broke up?"

They both nod in shame. I scoff and look at Joe who is shaking his head. "That's stupid you guys. You need to work things out." Joe says before turning and walking away.

Mayas pov

"I'm so happy we worked everything out." I say to Jeana.

She nods and smiles. "yes me too."

I look over at Sam who is hanging out with all his friends. His other cute friend looks over at us and smiles at Jeana.

"But are you sure your okay with Sam and I?" I ask.

She doesn't pay attention to me, she just smiles at Sam's friend who can't take his eyes off of her. "Yeah.. yeah I'm okay with it."

I chuckle and look over to Sam who comes over with his friend. "I'm Jack." His friend says, staring only at Jeana.

"I'm Jeana." She blushes.

They continue to stare at each other saying nothing. Sam and I laugh at them and walk away, letting them talk. "Everything worked out after all." I say, holding his hand.

He nods and smiles. "Yeah, it's awesome."

Authors note

Warning, this story is ending very soon.... very... soon...

Thanks for reading :) love you allll


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