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In a luxurious hospital in Bangkok, a docy breaks the bad news to relatives ...

Doctor: I am very sorry your father just passed away, we did everything possible .. I am very sorry

Devastated Boun fell on his back on the hospital room, he could not believe that his father had died ... he was completely alone, his mother had died when he was still a child and was an only child.

Siwaj arrives with accelerated steps to the hospital, followed by his daughter ... T / N who at the moment of seeing Boun throws herself into his arms with tears in her eyes

Y / N ... Boun I'm really sorry, you're not alone ... My part and I will always be by your side

Siwaj .. Boun, you know the appreciation I had for your father not only as a partner but also as a friend ... You count on me at all times

There were no words that could comfort the boy

Meanwhile in the same hospital in the infirmary corridor a young black-haired man with big brown eyes and white skin looked at the scene from a distance

Prem: they are the relatives of mr. Guntachai?
X: yes ... the tall blond boy ... is his only son
Prem looked at Boun but only from behind ... I never managed to see his face as T / N hugged him tightly and caressed his back.

Prem: poor boy ... it must be hard to stay alone and watch his father die ... if my mother left ... he couldn't live
X: poor ?? That boy has become a billionaire with the death of his father .... he will inherit a large amount of money and family businesses ..... I could tell you that he is the richest young man in all of Bangkok.

Prem: but money won't give you the happiness you just lost .... I really don't want to be in your place.

Putting away his documents he looked once more at the blonde and sighed.

Prem: it's time to go I have to go to class and I don't want to be late ... I'll see you tomorrow
X: see you tomorrow Prem take care of yourself and greetings to your mother
Prem: thank you ... see you tomorrow

He said goodbye waving his hand

Boun felt a chill run down his spine ... at that moment he felt the desire to turn and look back ..... he only managed to see the back of a young black-haired man walking away leaving a trail of light in his path..Boun felt a emptiness in his stomach that he couldn't even understand.

The next morning Boun returned home after having buried his father, he felt a great emptiness when he looked around ... with his eyes clouded by tears, he managed to sketch a few words ... "how much I will miss you"

Nana Patty, seeing his presence, ran into his arms ... her steps were heavy and trembling ... "Boun ... my boy" she said, hugging the boy tightly ...
"You should have waited for me ... I should be by your side at all times"

Boun: Nana .... calm down ... I didn't want to interrupt your family visit ... I'm fine ..... said the boy hiding a smile ..... "my only wish is to always be by your side .. .to support you when you need it most "

I know Nana .. said Boun kissing her forehead ... "do you want to eat something? '....." no nana ... Y / N took me to eat before coming home .... the only thing I wish is to take a shower and sleep "

Nana Patty saw Boun go up the stairs with great heaviness .... his bent body showed fatigue and sadness ...... he only managed to cover his mouth with his hand so that the boy would not hear his crying.

Meanwhile, at Prem's school, news of the death of the great businessman Mr. Guntachai .... he always stood out for being an upright and charitable man with society ... without a doubt his death was news for the population of Bangkok.

Perth: Prem friend ..... is it true what the news say ??

Prem: emmmmhhh ... yes ... unfortunately yes ... I was in the hospital that day when it happened .. Prem said with great sadness

Perth: and did you meet his family .... that is ... his only son ??? How is he??? Is it true that he is as handsome as he appears in the magazines?

Prem: well ... I really didn't see him in the face ..... he was with a man and a girl who apparently ..... is his girlfriend or something like that .... Prem said somewhat unconcerned.

Perth: but tell me how is he .... I want to know details .... curiosity invaded his friend

Prem: Perth .... I already told you I didn't see him .., .. I only saw him from behind .... he is ..... tall ... and he has blonde hair and I could see earrings on his ears ..... that's all .... Prem said avoiding his curious friend.

Today I will work in the hospital at night .... a colleague asked me to cover his guard and I accepted .... Perth ... I need you to take care of my mother in my absence ..... Prem said as he walked towards the cafeteria .

Perth: sure friend .... I'll take care of everything ..... you can always count on me .... said Perth while looking at the menu of the day.

In one of the largest buildings in the city Siwaj the partner and vice president of the largest telecommunications company in Bangkok was meeting with the personal notary of mr. Guntachai ..... "we can open the will this weekend, it is only a matter of transferring all the assets of Mr. Guntachai to his only heir, his son BOUN" ..... it was not a secret that Boun was the universal heir to all his assets

Siwaj: everything will be done according to the laws and Boun will take possession of his inheritance at the indicated time.

Meanwhile at the Guntachai mansion ... Boun was awakening from a long nap ... he opened his eyes heavily and rubbed his face ... he slid down the wide bed and his steps went to the bathroom ... after cleaning herself she left her room and went downstairs ....

Upon reaching the room, a visitor was patiently waiting with a cup of tea in hand.

Boun: Y / N ??? ... what are you doing here ???
"I came to see how you were and to make sure you ate well" he said with a tender smile.

Boun shook his head before walking towards her .... "Always taking care of me .... thank you" Boun said as he hugged T / N tenderly and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Y / N: Boun ..... we need to talk !!! ...

So far my first chapter .... I hope you enjoy it as much as I do ..... keep taking care of yourselves and that the BOUNPREM be with you !!!
🖤 🥦🖤 🥦

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