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As the young blonde walked through the corridors of the hospital, his gaze desperately searched from side to side for his beautiful black-haired boy, he wanted so much to see him once more, but his search was unsuccessful.

Meanwhile Prem stuck in one of the rooms of the medical department was sobbing while clutching his chest ... his feeling was indescribable for the young man.

His back against the wall slid smoothly through her to the floor .... sitting there Prem remained motionless with his heart racing and his mind spinning ..... what was that feeling? .... Why did you feel like this after seeing Boun?

With his hands he hugged his knees and buried his face in them ... he needed a logical explanation for his feelings, he needed to know what was happening with him, he could not get the perfect and beautiful face of the young blond man out of his memory.

Prem mentally ran over Boun's face ... from his blonde hair tied in a tagline to his brown eyes that stared at him unblinking and sliding down to his seductively alluring and desirable lips, Prem licked his lips and then bit. the bottom of them an irrepressible desire invaded him when he remembered the blond boy.

_Prem: "By God ... I must be crazy ... I can't wish someone I met just a few minutes ago" .., he said shaking his head ...

Prem opened his eyes slowly ... but the image of Boun was still intact in his memory ... he could still feel the warm and soft skin of the young man's hand between hers ..... he covered his face with his hands shyly and he perceived a smell in them that made him sniff once more ...... without a doubt it was the smell of Boun ...... he breathed once more his hands filling his lungs with that exquisite fragrance that Boun had left in your hands.

After a couple of days Boun returned to the hospital with the excuse of checking his injuries ... during that type the boy only thought about his black-haired man, he had even forgotten what had happened with T / N and she had not even appeared or called to Boun .... the boy's mind was busy finding the person who was stealing his thought.

_Dr. Mew: "let's see Boun .... mmmhhh .... you're really quite fine .... I think you didn't need to come to the hospital for a checkup ..... I think Prem did a great job" ... .

And there was the name .... PREM ... beating his heart just by hearing it from the mouth of whoever it was.

_Boun: "by the way Dr. .... where is he .... that day I could not thank you for your attention and I would like to do it personally" ... said Boun trying to keep calm.

_Dr. Mew: "I'm sorry Boun .... I'm afraid that won't be possible ... just today is his day off .... but I'll gladly give him your message.

Boun clenched his jaw in courage ..... if only he had waited one more day ... he would certainly have seen it.

_Boun: "I thank you very much dr. Then I have nothing to do here" .... he said goodbye with his now traditional "wai".

_Dr. Mew: "good luck Boun and take care of yourself" ... he said goodbye too.

Boun stormed out of the office with a frown and a broken heart ... He reached the parking lot and got into his car ... with clenched fists he hit the steering wheel in frustration ...

_Boun: "damn it .... I should have waited one more day" he said holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands .... "when will I see you again .... when ???" ..... he said in a low voice burying his face in the cold steering wheel.

A couple of weeks had passed ... during that time Boun would go every day to the outskirts of the hospital and stop his car in front of the place at a considerable distance, while his eyes desperately searched for the image of the young black-haired boy.

During all that time T / N was desperately looking for Boun every day every moment ... but the young man had refused to take his calls and even his visit to the office was politely restricted by his secretary faking a meeting or a business trip .

T / N's anger and courage was undoubtedly on the rise at Boun's attitude, until the day came.

That morning T / N was quickly going down the stairs to meet her father in the dining room who was waiting for her to have breakfast ...... when she almost reached the end of the stairs and holding tightly to the railing so as not to fall, the girl felt herself stagger and his gaze clouded about to fall to the floor Siwaj ran towards her to hold her.

_Siwaj: "honey, what do you have ... Do you feel good?" .... the man shouted when he saw his daughter collapse in his arms.

"Help ..... come on please .... quickly"

The man screamed in despair

The house's service personnel immediately responded to his call.

"Prepare the car, we must urgently take my daughter to the hospital"

Siwaj yelled at the driver who ran quickly ...... the rest of the staff helped the man to take the girl to the car that was already outside.

On the way to the hospital .... Siwaj called Dr. Mew to greet the girl immediately upon arrival and so it was ..... T / N was immediately taken into the hospital to be evaluated .... the staff knew that the girl suffered from a heart problem and has visited the hospital countless times since she was born.

Terror invaded Siwaj and he immediately called Boun explaining the situation.

_Boun: "what ????
I 'm coming!!!"

Boun rushed to the hospital

Dr. Mew came out to speak to the distressed men and informed them of the situation .....

_Dr. "We have evaluated T / N and everything indicates that his heart is within normal limits ... so far it has not improved but it has not worsened ... on that side I feel calm"

_Siwaj: "then why did you faint?" Said the anguished father

_Dr. "We have done several analyzes and as soon as the results are there I will let you know" .... he spoke and withdrew.

_Boun: "what happened?"

_Siwaj: "I don't know ... I was going down the stairs and suddenly I saw how she started to fall and I just ... ran to hold her ... I don't know Boun ..... what does my daughter have?"

Boun hugged the man to comfort him.

"Easy ... everything will be fine ... it's in the best hands"

_Dr .: "Siwaj, Boun ..... come please ... I have the results of T / N"

They all entered a room where T / N was fully awake., The girl looked at Boun entering and her smile appeared, the father ran to her side hugging her ... but she did not look away from the boy at any time, extending her hand for him to hold her .... Boun hesitated a bit ... but came closer ...

_Dr. "I have the results of T / N ... his situation is not easy ..... he requires extreme care and a lot of vigilance in his condition ... he should keep as much rest as possible and of course not receive any bad news or impression that can alter it "

The men and T / N looked at the doctor in bewilderment.

_Dr .: "Siwaj, Boun ...... congratulations" .... he paused briefly ...... "Y / N ....... she is pregnant" ......

Sorry ....... 🙏 I can't handle this ...... I'm also suffering ..... you know .... I'm trying to update as soon as possible .......

I appreciate the support of my girls .... BROCCOLI FOREVER 🖤 🥦 for all the support they have given me ...

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