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Boun looked at T / N in bewilderment, frowned and turned his head sideways with a sign of expression, he didn't know what she meant, at the end he raised an eyebrow and nodded.

-Boun: "What do you want to talk about?"
Something happens?
Everything is alright?

-T / N: "calm" he said with a half smile ... "I just want to ..... approaching his steps closer to him .... he looked up and fixed his eyes on Boun's .... . tell you something very important "

A long time ago Boun sensed the feelings that the girl had for him and despite never having given rise to misunderstandings, he was afraid to hear that confession.

Boun, sensing what the girl was trying to say, took her by the shoulders and with a smile answered.

-Boun: "what does my little sister want to tell me ... is it about a lover? I smile while pinching her cheeks ...

-T / N: "don't be a fool BOUN .... what in love are you talking about? ...... I .... I just want you to know that" ..... She was interrupted by Nana Patty as she entered the room with a tea service and some butter cookies that BOUN liked so much ... the girl all eyes and smiled kindly and nodded ... for the boy it had been a relief.

At home Prem was getting ready to go to work while his proud mother watched him .... "Will you be late today darling?" .... his mother said while caressing his soft cheek.

Prem: "no mom .... I must come back early to go to school .... I warn you that Perth will come tonight with you to keep you company .... I don't want to leave you alone ... you know" .... he replied Prem as he took her hands.

"But it's not necessary ... I can take care of myself son ... don't bother Perth ...

"It's not a bother" ... Perth replied as he entered the house with a big smile and a backpack hanging over his shoulder .... "Taking care of her while PREM is gone is my greatest satisfaction"

-Prem: "your greatest satisfaction is raiding mom's kitchen when I'm not here" said Prem smiling and shaking his head from side to side.

"Ooii ... Prem .... what your mother cooks is delicious, I must take advantage of the fact that I can enjoy all those delicacies" .... said the boy as he licked his lips and narrowed his eyes.

Prem said goodbye by giving his mother a kiss and pointing at his friend with his index finger .... "take care of her .... don't linger on the TV or fall asleep" .... "no sir". .... said Perth with a military salute.

The next morning Prem was walking home a bit hurried ... the boy used to pass every day in front of that huge telecommunications building ... but that day was different ...

Boun's luxurious car stopped in front of the same building ..... the car was driven by a chauffeur who rushed out to open the door .... the radiance of Boun's beauty left those who looked at him in great astonishment. ....

Just as Prem passed Boun did it in the opposite direction ... sometimes fate tends to play a joke on you ...... the blond boy wore a custom-made suit ... dark glasses and wore his hair loose ... really a delight to see

For his part, Prem wore casual clothes, washed-out jeans, a loose shirt, a red backpack over his shoulder, and matching tennis shoes, his hair a bit disheveled as he walked.

Boun with his haughty gaze walked observing the huge building ... Prem with headphones in his ears had his gaze set on his way ... his steps were getting closer and although their gazes never met ... ... his shoulders did. they made.

When crossing their steps their shoulders brushed almost accidentally, when they felt that electric current that ran through their body, their eyes widened ..... they did not look at each other, they only felt ...... chills !!

That's today's update ..... it's a little late and it's time to sleep. I hope you liked it as much as I did ..... continue to take care of yourselves .... and that the BOUNPREM accompanies you 🖤 🥦

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